我使用AJAX使用Sweet Alert进行删除,并在删除后设置了页面重定向。每当我点击删除时,它会询问确认或不按钮, 如果我单击是 - 确认它将删除,并且页面被重定向。我想要 喜欢删除成功消息" OK成功删除"那个时候只有页面被刷新,
function delete_confirm(id) {
title: "Are you sure?",
text: "You will not be able to recover this Product Attribute!",
type: "warning",
showCancelButton: true,
confirmButtonColor: '#DD6B55',
confirmButtonText: 'Yes, delete it!',
cancelButtonText: "No, cancel please!",
closeOnConfirm: false,
closeOnCancel: false
function(isConfirm) {
if (isConfirm) {
url: "cart-delete.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
id: id,
success: function(data) {
swal("Done!", "It was succesfully deleted!", "success");
$('[remove_attr_' + id + ']').parents('.demo-card-wide').remove();
window.location.href = 'add-to-cart.php';
} else {
swal("Cancelled", "Your Product Attribute! is safe :)", "error");
答案 0 :(得分:1)
window.location.href = 'add-to-cart.php';
写下其他一些动作 恩。关于甜蜜警报关闭行动