我正在尝试对我的项目进行一些更改,但是当我想根据我用球击中哪一行来更改得分值时,我遇到了问题。如果你点击第一行得分增加5,如果你点击第二行得分增加10,如果你击中第三行得分增加15。我使用二维数组为我的砖矩形public int map [] [];
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
// Starting the timer.
// The brain of the game.
if(play) {
// Detecting intersection between the ball and the paddle.
if(new Rectangle(ballposX, ballposY, 20, 20).intersects(new Rectangle(playerOne, 550, 100, 8))) {
ballYdir = -ballYdir;
A: for(int i = 0; i < map.map.length; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < map.map[0].length; j++) {
if(map.map[i][j] > 0) {
int brickX = j * map.brickWidth + 80;
int brickY = i * map.brickHeight + 50;
int brickWidth = map.brickWidth;
int brickHeight = map.brickHeight;
// Creating a rectangle that will host the bricks.
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(brickX, brickY, brickWidth, brickHeight);
Rectangle ballRect = new Rectangle(ballposX, ballposY, 20, 20);
Rectangle brickRect = rect;
// Check if the ball intersects with the bricks. If you hit a brick add 5 points to the score, delete the brick from the frame and change the ball's direction.
if(ballRect.intersects(brickRect)) {
map.setBrickValue(0, i, j);
totalBricks --;
score += 5;
if(ballposX + 19 <= brickRect.x || ballposX + 1 >= brickRect.x + brickRect.width) {
ballXdir = - ballXdir;
else {
ballYdir = - ballYdir;
break A;
ballposX += ballXdir;
ballposY += ballYdir;
// Conditions that make the ball to interact with the borders and to change the ball's direction.
// Left border.
if(ballposX < 0) {
ballXdir = -ballXdir;
// Top border.
if(ballposY < 0) {
ballYdir = -ballYdir;
// Right border.
if(ballposX > 670) {
ballXdir = -ballXdir;
// Redraw all of the graphic objects.