
时间:2011-01-24 14:10:44

标签: ruby-on-rails cucumber devise


Scenario: Log in to the system
  Given a user called "test" with a password of "secret"
  And I am not logged in # Just visits /users/sign_out
  When I go to the log in page
  And I fill in "user_username" with "test" 
  And I fill in "user_password" with "secret"
  And I press "Sign in"
  Then I should see "Signed in successfully."



Scenario: Fail to log in with invalid credentials
  Given a user called "test" with a password of "secret"
  And I am not logged in
  When I go to the log in page
  And I fill in "user_username" with "test" 
  And I fill in "user_password" with "invalid password"
  And I press "Sign in"
  Then I should see "Invalid email or password."


谢谢, 灰


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



答案 1 :(得分:1)


我正在使用带有config.ldap_create_user = true的ldap_authenticatable。在第一次登录时,如果用户帐户不存在(在新擦除的测试数据库中不存在),则会创建该用户帐户,但是这会重定向回登录页面而不是遵循根路由。后续登录执行预期的行为。因此,以下测试通过:

Scenario: Log in to the system
  Given a user called "test" with a password of "secret"
  And I am not logged in
  When I go to the log in page
  And I fill in "user_username" with "test" 
  And I fill in "user_password" with "secret"
  And I press "Sign in"
  And I fill in "user_username" with "test" 
  And I fill in "user_password" with "secret"
  And I press "Sign in"
  Then I should see "Signed in successfully."
