import java.util.Scanner; 公共课EstimatePi {
//Public static variables used because they are used throughout the different methods
public static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
//2 * Math.random - 1 is used to guarentee that the max value is gonna be 1 and min is gonna be -1
public static double x = (2 * Math.random() - 1);
public static double y = (2 * Math.random() - 1);
public static double radius = 1.0;
public static double numOnBoard;
public static double totalPi;
public static int numThrows;
public static int trials;
public static int hits(double x, double y, int trials) {
numOnBoard = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < trials; i++) {
//Same Algorithm as above
x = (2 * Math.random() - 1);
y = (2 * Math.random() - 1);
//If x2 + y2 <= r2 then its a hit on the board.
if ((Math.pow(x, 2) + Math.pow(y, 2)) <= (Math.pow(radius, 2))) {
//returns the num of hits on the board
return (int)numOnBoard;
//Method to calculate pi, and store that data in an array
public static double[] piColumn( double numOnBoard, double numThrows)
{ double []piColumn = new double[trials];
for(int i = 0; i < piColumn.length;i++)
//Formula to calculate the pi
piColumn[i] = (4 * (numOnBoard) / numThrows);
return piColumn;
public static void main (String [ ] args)
//The number of darts thrown per trial is asked
System.out.println("How many times should the dart be thrown per trial?");
numThrows = in.nextInt();
//The number of trials is asked
System.out.println("How many trials do you want to simulate?");
trials = in.nextInt();
//forloop to iterate the internal code while counter < trials
for (int counter = 0; counter < trials; counter++) {
//number of hits methods is declared as a integer
int hits = hits(x,y,numThrows);
//the calculation of pi is declared as a double
double []estimatedPi = piColumn(hits,numThrows);
//total = total + the estimatation of pi
for(int i = 0; i < trials; i++){
totalPi += estimatedPi[i];
//Formatting the output
System.out.printf("%s %d %s %s", "Trial [",(counter + 1),"]", ": pi = ");
//The average pi is the total pi's divided by the number of trials the user enters
double averagePi = (totalPi / trials / trials);
System.out.printf("%s %1.5f\n", "Estimation of pi = ",averagePi);
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