EditText TextWatcher替换文本适用于桌面键盘(模拟器),但不适用于键盘

时间:2017-12-13 16:51:38

标签: android android-edittext keyboard android-softkeyboard textwatcher


预期 Input - > Output

hi :) - > hi

hi :( - > hi

hi:) - > hi:)

hi :) - &gt; hi - &gt;删除 - &gt; hi<space>


Unrecognized character after deleting emoji



 * Follows the following principles:
 * 1. When an emoticon is added and a space is typed following it, that emoticon can be converted to
 *      emoji if it has a space preceding it, or it is at the beginning.
 * 2. When an emoji is deleted AND it was the last converted emoticon, emoticons will not be
 *      converted until another space is typed.
public class EmojiTextWatcher implements TextWatcher {
    public static final String TAG = EmojiTextWatcher.class.getName();

    private EditText mEditText;
    private boolean allowNextEmoji = true;
    private Integer lastEmojiIndex = null;
    private int selectorIndex;

    public EmojiTextWatcher(EditText editText) {
        mEditText = editText;
    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {
        selectorIndex = mEditText.getSelectionEnd();

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {}

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        int newSelectorIndex = mEditText.getSelectionEnd();
        if (newSelectorIndex - selectorIndex == 1) { // one character added
            if (allowNextEmoji) {
                int startOfWordIndex = getPreviousSpaceInTextFromIndex(s, selectorIndex) + 1;
                int endOfWordIndex = newSelectorIndex;
                String possibleEmoji = getEmojiFromSubstring(s, startOfWordIndex, endOfWordIndex);
                if (possibleEmoji != null) { // word was an emoticon
                    // remove then re-add listener so this method isn't called again when updating text
                    Editable oldText = mEditText.getText();
                    oldText.replace(startOfWordIndex, endOfWordIndex, possibleEmoji);
                    lastEmojiIndex = startOfWordIndex;
            } else if (s.charAt(selectorIndex) == ' ') { // character was a space
                allowNextEmoji = true;
        } else if (newSelectorIndex - selectorIndex < 0) { // deletion of text
            if (lastEmojiIndex != null &&
                    lastEmojiIndex >= newSelectorIndex) { // deleted the last converted emoji
                allowNextEmoji = false;
                lastEmojiIndex = null;

    private String getEmojiFromSubstring(CharSequence sequence, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
        return getEmojiFromSubstring(sequence.toString(), startIndex, endIndex);

    private String getEmojiFromSubstring(String text, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
        String word = text.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
        return Emoji.getEmojiFromEmoticon(word);

     * Gets the previous space index in the text, or -1 if there are no previous spaces.
     * @param s the charsequence to look through
     * @param lookBeforeIndex index to look for previous space before
     * @return the index of the previous space
    private int getPreviousSpaceInTextFromIndex(CharSequence s, int lookBeforeIndex) {
        return s.subSequence(0, lookBeforeIndex).toString().lastIndexOf(' ');


public class Emoji {

    private static class ReplacementsMap extends HashMap<String,Integer> {

        private static ReplacementsMap mInstance;

        private ReplacementsMap() {
            put(":)", 0x1F60A);
            put(":(", 0x1F61E);
            put("<3", 0x2764);

        public static ReplacementsMap getInstance() {
            if (mInstance == null) {
                mInstance = new ReplacementsMap();
            return mInstance;


    public static String getEmojiFromEmoticon(String possibleEmoticon) {
        Integer possibleEmoji = ReplacementsMap.getInstance().get(possibleEmoticon);
        if (possibleEmoji != null) {
            return getUnicodeChar(possibleEmoji);
        return null;

    private static String getUnicodeChar(int codepoint) {
        return new String(Character.toChars(codepoint));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Info.plist messageText.setText(oldText.replace(startOfWordIndex, endOfWordIndex, possibleEmoji));
