我开始研究pocketphinx。 我有一个配置解码器的可能参数列表。但是没有解释哪个参数负责哪个配置。在tutorial CMUSphinx中,只有一小部分。这对我来说还不够。有人有材料,它解释了哪个参数负责配置。我将非常感谢你的帮助!
-agc none none
-agcthresh 2.0 2.000000e+00
-alpha 0.97 9.700000e-01
-ascale 20.0 2.000000e+01
-aw 1 1
-backtrace no no
-beam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
-bestpath yes yes
-bestpathlw 9.5 9.500000e+00
-bghist no no
-ceplen 13 13
-cmn current current
-cmninit 8.0 8.0
-compallsen no no
-debug 0
-dictcase no no
-dither no no
-doublebw no no
-ds 1 1
-feat 1s_c_d_dd 1s_c_d_dd
-fillprob 1e-8 1.000000e-08
-frate 100 100
-fsgusealtpron yes yes
-fsgusefiller yes yes
-fwdflat yes yes
-fwdflatbeam 1e-64 1.000000e-64
-fwdflatefwid 4 4
-fwdflatlw 8.5 8.500000e+00
-fwdflatsfwin 25 25
-fwdflatwbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-fwdtree yes yes
-input_endian little little
-kdmaxbbi -1 -1
-kdmaxdepth 0 0
-latsize 5000 5000
-ldadim 0 0
-lextreedump 0 0
-lifter 0 0
-lmname default default
-logbase 1.0001 1.000100e+00
-logspec no no
-lowerf 133.33334 1.333333e+02
-lpbeam 1e-40 1.000000e-40
-lponlybeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-lw 6.5 6.500000e+00
-maxhmmpf -1 -1
-maxnewoov 20 20
-maxwpf -1 -1
-min_endfr 0 0
-mixwfloor 0.0000001 1.000000e-07
-mmap yes yes
-ncep 13 13
-nfft 512 512
-nfilt 40 40
-nwpen 1.0 1.000000e+00
-pbeam 1e-48 1.000000e-48
-pip 1.0 1.000000e+00
-pl_beam 1e-10 1.000000e-10
-pl_pbeam 1e-5 1.000000e-05
-pl_window 0 0
-remove_dc no no
-round_filters yes yes
-samprate 16000 1.600000e+04
-seed -1 -1
-silprob 0.005 5.000000e-03
-smoothspec no no
-tmatfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
-topn 4 4
-topn_beam 0 0
-transform legacy legacy
-unit_area yes yes
-upperf 6855.4976 6.855498e+03
-usewdphones no no
-uw 1.0 1.000000e+00
-varfloor 0.0001 1.000000e-04
-varnorm no no
-verbose no no
-warp_type inverse_linear inverse_linear
-wbeam 7e-29 7.000000e-29
-wip 0.65 6.500000e-01
-wlen 0.025625 2.562500e-02
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Arguments list definition:
-adcdev Name of audio device to use for input.
-agc none Automatic gain control for c0 ('max', 'emax', 'noise', or 'none')
-agcthresh 2.0 Initial threshold for automatic gain control
-allphone Perform phoneme decoding with phonetic lm
-allphone_ci yes Perform phoneme decoding with phonetic lm and context-independent units only
-alpha 0.97 Preemphasis parameter
-argfile Argument file giving extra arguments.
-ascale 20.0 Inverse of acoustic model scale for confidence score calculation
答案 1 :(得分:1)
此外,我还要补充一点,参数的简短描述并不容易,因为大多数参数都是语音识别中使用的复杂算法的参数,如高斯选择或网格搜索。如果您对细节感兴趣,可以更好地阅读有关算法的更多信息。一个很好的资料来源是Mosur K. Ravishankar博士的论文:
答案 2 :(得分:1)
整个列表位于源代码库中: here