
时间:2017-12-12 00:28:47

标签: perl pdb-files



ATOM   4851  O   PRO A 715      89.164  76.083  75.292  1.00 99.41           O  
ATOM   4852  CB  PRO A 715      88.324  78.267  73.865  1.00 95.88           C  
ATOM   4853  CG  PRO A 715      88.836  78.838  72.540  1.00 95.93           C  

例如,如果用户键入PRO A 715,则foreach将遍历所有行,if语句将满足这些条件,然后将取出坐标。





Can't modify logical and (&&) in scalar assignment at ./pdbtool.pl line 75, near ") ) "


open (FILE, $ARGV[0])
    or die "Could not open file\n";

my @newlines;
while ( my $line = <FILE> ) {
    if ($line =~ m/^ATOM.*/) {
    push @newlines, $line;

sub reslength {
#User will type in the information
print "Type Residue Name:\n";
my $residue = <STDIN>;
print "Type Chain ID:\n";
my $chainid = <STDIN>;
chomp ($chainid);
print "Type Residue Sequence Number\n";
my $resseq = <STDIN>;
chomp ($resseq);

#The function will go through each line and match the info along with pushing it to a new vairable
my @arrayx;
my @arrayy;
my @arrayz;

    foreach my $record3(@newlines) {
      if ( $residue = substr($record3, 17, 3) && $chainid = substr($record3, 21, 1) && $resseq = substr($record3, 22, 4) ) {
            @arrayx = substr($record3, 30, 8);
            @arrayy = substr($record3, 38, 8);
            @arrayz = substr($record3, 46, 8);
#Now I will find the distance between these x,y,z coordinates
my $distance = sqrt[(@arrayx(1)-@arrayx(0))^2 + (@arrayy(1)-@arrayy(0))^2 + (@arrayz(1)-@arrayz(0))^2)]
print "$resname with sequence number $resseq in $chainid has length $distance angstroms.\n"


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

对perl进行问题排查的第1步启用了use strict;use warnings;,因为这会告诉您代码的问题。



  • 您定义了一个子reslength,将大部分代码放入其中,然后再实际调用它。
  • 您在比较中使用=,而不是===是一个作业,其中==是一个比较。
  • 匹配空格分隔的
  • substr是脆弱的。试试正则表达式或split
  • 调用(时应使用sqrt
  • 在查看数组指示时,您应该使用[
  • 您正在打开$ARGV[0]上指定的文件 - 您应该考虑使用<>执行相同的操作(但也会执行多个文件)。
  • 您正在将文件读入数组,然后迭代该数组。为什么不迭代文件?
  • 你应该使用3个参数打开lexical文件句柄。

所以作为10的首发 - 这会将你的坐标读入数组。

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

use Data::Dumper;

#replace this bit with your 'user input' once you're done testing. 

my $residue = 'PRO';
my $chainid = 'A';
my $resseq = '715'; 

my @coords; 

open ( my $input, '<', $ARGV[0] ) or die $!; 
while ( <$input> ) {

   next unless m/^ATOM/; 
   my @fields = split;
   my ( $res, $chain, $seq, $x_coord, $y_coord, $z_coord ) = @fields[3..8];

   next unless $residue eq $res;
   next unless $chainid eq $chain;
   next unless $resseq eq $seq; 

   #insert into array of coordinates. Could flip order, and 
   push ( @{$coords[0]}, $x_coord );
   push ( @{$coords[1]}, $y_coord );
   push ( @{$coords[2]}, $z_coord );

close ( $input );

#print for debugging - what have we read in.     
print Dumper \@coords;

my $distance = sqrt ( ( $coords[0][1] - $coords[0][0]  ) ^ 2
                    + ( $coords[1][1] - $coords[1][0] ) ^ 2
                    + ( $coords[2][1] - $coords[2][0] ) ^ 2 );

print "$residue with sequence number $resseq in $chainid has length $distance angstroms.\n"



PRO with sequence number 715 in A has length 2.44948974278318 angstroms.

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

你不能像这样修改if语句中的变量。 我想你可能想做一个比较检查。

if ( $residue == substr($record3, 17, 3) && $chainid == substr($record3, 21, 1) && $resseq == substr($record3, 22, 4) ) 

然而,这带来了$ distance的另一个错误 要访问数组中的变量,您应该使用$ array [$ num]

my $distance = sqrt[($arrayx[1]-$arrayx[0])^2 + ($arrayy[1]-$arrayy[0])^2 + ($arrayz[1]-$arrayz[0])^2];

答案 2 :(得分:-2)

我可以看到你正在使用&#34; if&#34;而不是逻辑&#34; == &#34;或&#34; eq &#34;运营商。尝试更改此行:



if ( $residue = substr($record3, 17, 3) && $chainid = substr($record3, 21, 1) && $resseq = substr($record3, 22, 4) )

注意:如果&#34; == &#34;不起作用,尝试使用&#34; eq &#34;代替。我不太熟悉Pearl的逻辑运算符,但我认为它们与Java中的大致相同。