VBA - 按属性

时间:2017-12-11 21:32:59

标签: excel vba excel-vba dictionary collections


以下是一些用于说明问题的基本代码。由于我的工作场所政策,我甚至无法上传示例Excel文件,但数据并不真实。我的测试文件只是一堆rand之间的函数,例如' =选择(randbetween(1,3)," red"," green"," blue&# 34;)

'Simple Class definition
Option Explicit
'very simple test class
'One field is unique, the other three are simple strings that 
'fall into    groups (I don't always know what the groups will bee)

Private m_uniqueID As String
Private m_strTest1 As String
Private m_strTest2 As String
Private m_strTest3 As String

Public Property Get uniqueID() As String: uniqueID = m_uniqueID: End Property
Public Property Let uniqueID(ByVal NewValue As String): m_uniqueID = NewValue: End Property
Public Property Get strTest1() As String: strTest1 = m_strTest1: End Property
Public Property Let strTest1(ByVal NewValue As String): m_strTest1 = NewValue: End Property
Public Property Get strTest2() As String: strTest2 = m_strTest2: End Property
Public Property Let strTest2(ByVal NewValue As String): m_strTest2 = NewValue: End Property
Public Property Get strTest3() As String: strTest3 = m_strTest3: End Property
Public Property Let strTest3(ByVal NewValue As String): m_strTest3 =   NewValue: End Property


Public Sub inefficientFilter()
    Dim oTest As cl_Test
    Dim colTest As Collection
    'assume it's populated

    Dim colMatches As Collection
    Set colMatches = New Collection

    For Each oTest In colTest
        If oTest.strTest1 = "Green" Then
            colMatches.Add Item:=oTest, Key:=oTest.uniqueID
        End If
    Next oTest
End Sub




-added 12/15

Mat Mug的第一条评论提到迭代字典的键数组,并建议使用for ... next循环。所以我去修改了我的代码来测试不同迭代方法的时间。我想我应该分享结果。我测试了7种方法,以及Tim William的答案如下。我认为在没有完全详细说明代码的情况下总结一下是可以的,因为它非常简单。如果我错了,我可以轻松添加它。我在10,000件物品上运行了这个(因为如果我去了300k,两种方法导致我的电脑自杀)。所以这里是结果,完成循环的持续时间以秒为单位(每个循环遍历集合或字典,然后针对给定条件测试每个项目,如果匹配则将该项添加到结果集合):

  1. 0.00578对于每个循环,循环遍历集合(对于col中的每个o)
  2. 0.20099对于Next Loop,使用计数器作为集合的索引,和 然后通过SET obj = col(i)
  3. 检索项目
  4. 0.27605对于Next Loop,与2相同,但跳过SET 所以测试条件是col(i).strtest1 =" Green"然后......)
  5. 0.01275字典现在。对于dict.keys中的每个键,SET obj = dict(key)
  6. 0.02605对于dict中的每个键 不包括SET,所以3, 测试条件是dict(键).strtest1 ="绿色"然后......)
  7. 3.68905对于带有索引的Next,对于i = 1到dict.count,设置o = dict(i)
  8. 4.16361与6相同但没有SET dict.items(i).strTest1 =" Green"然后...
  9. 0.02192以及Tim William的回答
  10. 所以从这里我学到了永远不会迭代带有索引的字典。 此外,直接处理对象(使用SET)比通过对集合或字典的引用访问更快。 最快的方法是简单的FOR EACH obj IN Collection,NEXT obj循环。简单地遍历字典(FOR EACH键IN dict.keys,SET obj = dict(key),NEXT键)需要两倍多的时间(这是有道理的,因为每个循环都有额外的操作, SET功能)。虽然每个循环的税率是固定的,但如果你在循环期间进行多次操作(测试多个条件),这将变得不那么重要。威廉先生的方法可与每种关键方法相媲美。


    Method__1x(一个或多个)的因子(1×)__ 50X(S)_____因子(50X) 1 _______ 0.006 ____ 1 _________ 0.159 _______ 1__收集每个收集 2 _______ 0.201 ___ 35 _________ 0.336 _______ 2__为下一个索引 3 _______ 0.276 ___ 48 ________ 19.165 _____ 120 #2跳过SET 4 _______ 0.013 ____ 2 _________ 0.159 _______ 1__对于dict中的每个键 5 _______ 0.026 ____ 5 _________ 5.560 ______ 35 __#4跳过SET 6 _______ 3.689__369 _________ 3.851 ______ 24__下一个关于dict的指数 7 _______ 4.164__721 _______ 211.929 ____ 1333 __#6跳过SET 8 _______ 0.022 ____ 4 _________ 0.144 _______ 1__Mr。威廉的回答

    所以这加强了上面的答案形式。方程中的for-each循环,或dict.keys中的每个键,设置obj = dict(key),而William先生的答案在复杂性增长时同样有效。使用索引的影响会随着访问属性的次数而减少,但效率低于使用每种方法的效果。最后,当您直接访问类对象时,VBA更有效,而不是通过父集合/字典的引用访问它。也许除了我之外,这对每个人来说都是显而易见的,因为我没有编程背景并且正在学习,但是对我的直觉和经验法则进行量化是很好的。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)



Dim data As Object

Sub Tester()

    Dim colF As Collection
    Dim arr, o As Class1, n As Long, t, k, o2 As Variant

    arr = Array("Red", "Green", "Blue")
    Set data = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

    'load up some test data
    t = Timer
    For n = 1 To 300000#
        Set o = New Class1
        o.uniqueID = "ID" & Format(n, "000000000")
        o.strTest1 = arr(Int((2 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0))
        o.strTest2 = arr(Int((2 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0))
        o.strTest3 = arr(Int((2 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0))
        data.Add o.uniqueID, o
    Next n
    Debug.Print "Loaded", Timer - t

    'do some filtering
    t = Timer
    Debug.Print "filtered", Filtered("strTest1", "Red").Count, Timer - t
    t = Timer
    Debug.Print "filtered", Filtered("strTest2", "Green").Count, Timer - t
    t = Timer
    Debug.Print "filtered", Filtered("strTest3", "Blue").Count, Timer - t

End Sub

'generic filtering on named property+value
Function Filtered(propName As String, propValue As String) As Collection
    Dim rv As New Collection, o As Variant
    For Each o In data.items
        If CallByName(o, propName, VbGet) = propValue Then rv.Add o.uniqueID
    Next o
    Set Filtered = rv
End Function


Loaded                       6.601563 
filtered       100006        0.7109375 
filtered       99936         0.828125 
filtered       100144        0.9609375 



答案 1 :(得分:1)




Public dictAll As Object
Public dicStr1 As Object
Public dicStr2 As Object
Public dicStr3 As Object

Public Sub Add(uniqueID As String, str1 As String, str2 As String, str3 As String)
    Dim obj As cl_Test
    Set obj = New cl_Test
    With obj
        .uniqueID = uniqueID
        .strTest1 = str1
        .strTest2 = str1
        .strTest3 = str1
    End With

    dictAll.Add obj.uniqueID, obj
    AddToDictionary dicStr1, obj, str1
    AddToDictionary dicStr2, obj, str2
    AddToDictionary dicStr3, obj, str3

End Sub

Private Sub AddToDictionary(ByRef dict As Object, ByRef obj As cl_Test, ByRef value As String)
    If Not dict.Exists(value) Then dict.Add value, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    dict(value).Add obj.uniqueID, obj
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set dictAll = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dicStr1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dicStr2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Set dicStr3 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub


Sub Test()
    Dim t As Single, x As Long
    Dim ObjCollection As clTest_Collection
    Set ObjCollection = New clTest_Collection

    t = Timer
    For x = 1 To 300000
        ObjCollection.Add "Item" & x, getRndColor, getRndColor, getRndColor
     Debug.Print "Total Time in Seconds: "; Timer - t
End Sub

Function getRndColor() As String
    getRndColor = Choose(Int(Rnd * 3) + 1, "Red", "Green", "Blue")
End Function