
时间:2017-12-11 21:22:05

标签: c#

我正在尝试在C#Visual Studio 2017中创建一个表。在使用Visual Studio时,我有点绿色。


CSV file


firstName + secondName以及该人捐赠的金额。





Table Example

    static void Main(string[] args)
        string fileIn = "C:/quiz-results.csv";//reads in the file from the H drive
        if (File.Exists(fileIn))
            string[] allLines = File.ReadAllLines(fileIn);
            string[] names = new string[allLines.Length];// creates array for the data that is going to be used in this program
            int[] scores = new int[allLines.Length];

            string[] quizResults = new string[allLines.Length];//array to store the final result

            for (int i = 0; i < allLines.Length; i++)
                string[] lineSpilt = allLines[i].Split(',');
                names[i] = lineSpilt[0];
                scores[i] = Convert.ToInt32(lineSpilt[1]);
            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)//loops through the whole array scores
                //compute result
                quizResults[i] = ComputeResult(scores[i]);

            // output to console
            OutputResultsToConsole(names, quizResults);
            // find best score
            int bestScore = GetBestScore(scores);
            Console.WriteLine("the best overall score was:{0}", bestScore);
            //find worst score
            int worstScore = GetWorstSCore(scores);
            Console.WriteLine("the worst overall score was:{0}", worstScore);

            //find worst score index and name
            int worstScoreIndex = GetWorstSCoreIndex(scores);
            Console.WriteLine("the worst overall score was:{0} ({1})", scores[worstScoreIndex], names[worstScoreIndex]);

            //number of passes
            int numberOfPasses = GetNumberOfPasses(quizResults);
            Console.WriteLine("the number of passes were: {0}", numberOfPasses);
            //number of fails
            int numberOfFails = GetNumberOfFails(quizResults);
            Console.WriteLine("the number of fails were: {0}", numberOfFails);
            // get average score
            int averageScore = ComputeAverageOverallScore(scores);
            Console.WriteLine("the average quiz score was : {0}", averageScore);

            // scored less than 12
            Console.WriteLine("Scored less than 12");
            for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)
                if (scores[i] < 12)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", names[i], scores[i]);

            // output to txt file
            string fileOut = "E:/results-2016-final.txt";
            OutputResultsToTxtFile(fileOut, names, quizResults, bestScore, worstScore, numberOfPasses, numberOfFails, averageScore);

    private static void OutputResultsToTxtFile(string fileOut, string[] names, string[] quizResults, int bestScore, int worstScore, int numberOfPasses, int numberOfFails, int averageScore)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine("Results 2016 - Final");
        // individaul restults
        for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
            sb.AppendLine($"{names[i],-20}: {quizResults[i]}");
        // summary data // all display on the text file
        sb.AppendLine("Summary Data");
        sb.AppendLine($"Highest Score: {bestScore}");
        sb.AppendLine($"Lowest Score : {worstScore}");
        sb.AppendLine($"Number Of Passes : {numberOfPasses}");
        sb.AppendLine($"Number Of Fails : {numberOfFails}");
        sb.AppendLine($"Average Score : {averageScore}");
        sb.AppendLine("----------------- END OF FILE ----------------");
        // write data to file
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileOut))


    private static int ComputeAverageOverallScore(int[] scores)
        int sum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < scores.Length; i++)//lopping through the lenght of the array
            sum += scores[i];//+= means add the two values to sum // i++ is the same as i+=1 or i+1
        int average = sum / scores.Length;
        return average;

    private static int GetNumberOfFails(string[] quizResults)
        int count = 0;// declaring a variable of the type int and asigns it the value of 0

        foreach (string i in quizResults)// loops through the whole array looking for strings
            if (i == "fail")
                count++;//add one to count
        return count;// returns the count value

    private static int GetNumberOfPasses(string[] quizResults)
        int count = 0;// declaring a variable of the type int and asigns it the value of 0

        foreach (string i in quizResults)// loops through the whole array looking for strings
            if (i == "pass")
                count++;//add one to count
        return count;// returns the count value

    private static int GetWorstSCore(int[] scores)
        int worstScore = scores[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < scores.Length; i++)
            if (scores[i] < worstScore)
                worstScore = scores[i];

        return worstScore;

    private static int GetWorstSCoreIndex(int[] scores)//name
        int index = 0;
        int worstScore = scores[index];

        for (int i = 1; i < scores.Length; i++)
            if (scores[i] < worstScore)
                worstScore = scores[i];
                index = i;

        return index;

    private static int GetBestScore(int[] scores)
        int bestScore = scores[0];
        for (int i = 1; i < scores.Length; i++)
            if (scores[i] > bestScore)
                bestScore = scores[i];

        return bestScore;

    private static string ComputeResult(int score)// finds out of the student has passed
        if (score >= PASS_MARK)
            return "pass";
            return "fail";


    private static void OutputResultsToConsole(string[] names, string[] quizResults)// output the names and there reults to the console
        Console.WriteLine("results 2016");
        for (int i = 0; i < names.Length; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("{0,-12} {1} ", names[i], quizResults[i]);




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