POST '/api/dog'
id: 1,
age: 8,
breed: 11
// Passing the breed name here doesn't make sense,
// since we don't want to assign the breedName to the breed id
GET '/api/dog/1'
// Retrieving the id here doesn't make sense,
// since we asked for it in our request
age: 8,
breed: 11,
breedName: 'Golden Retriever'
GET '/api/dog'
dogs: [
id: 1, // not needed for ordered collections
age: 8,
breed: 11
id: 2,
age: 3,
breed: 4
id: 3,
age: 3,
breed: 11
breeds: [
id: 4,
name: 'Chiwawa'
id: 11,
name: 'Golden Retriever'
当然,这个问题也不仅限于名称 - 似乎总是会决定是否内联大型对象或仅仅是其ID。使用循环结构(即通过URL链接的网络图),不可能始终内联。同样,从不内联也是代价高昂的。