maat=permutations(3, 4, repeats.allowed = T)#Finding all the possible combinations of the chores for 4 weeks and 3 chores.
#The following loop applies two criteria: #
#1) in a 4-week period (1 month) chore #1 must be done two times
#2) in a 4-week period all of the chores must be done at least one
for (i in 1:nrow(maat)) {
if ((sum(maat[i,] %in% 1) == 2) && all(1:3 %in% maat[i,])) {
k = k + 1}
newmaat<-maat[o,] #the filtered matrix
cleaningRot<-matrix(ncol=4, nrow=5
, data=newmaat[sample(nrow(newmaat), size=5, replace=F),]
, dimnames = list(c("John", "Mike", "Jack", "Collin", "Anna")
, c(paste0("Week",1:4)))) # This is the schedule for each individual
##The following loop applies 2 more criteria:
#1) all three chores must be done per week
#2) each week chores #1 and #2 must be done twice
while(!all(1:3 %in% cleaningRot[,1])| #All three chores must be in the 1st week
!all(1:3 %in% cleaningRot[,2])| #All three chores must be in the 2st week
!all(1:3 %in% cleaningRot[,3])| #All three chores must be in the 3st week
!all(1:3 %in% cleaningRot[,4]) #All three chores must be in the 4st week
!(sum(cleaningRot[,1] %in% 1) == 2) && !(sum(cleaningRot[,1] %in% 2) == 2)| #Chores #1 and #2 must be done 2 times in week 1
!(sum(cleaningRot[,2] %in% 1) == 2) && !(sum(cleaningRot[,2] %in% 2) == 2)|#Chores #1 and #2 must be done 2 times in week 2
!(sum(cleaningRot[,3] %in% 1) == 2) && !(sum(cleaningRot[,3] %in% 2) == 2)|#Chores #1 and #2 must be done 2 times in week 3
!(sum(cleaningRot[,4] %in% 1) == 2) && !(sum(cleaningRot[,4] %in% 2) == 2)#Chores #1 and #2 must be done 2 times in week 4
cleaningRot<-matrix(ncol=4, nrow=5, data=newmaat[sample(nrow(newmaat), size=5, replace=F),],
dimnames = list(c("John", "Mike", "Jack", "Collin", "Anna"), c(paste0("Week", 1:4))))