[{"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain, A1 = -Kp - 2Kd. *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A1;$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain, A1 = -Kp - 2Kd. *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain A1 = -Kp - 2Kd | Kd.*\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A2; \\/**< The derived gain, A2 = Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A2;$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A2; \\/**< The derived gain, A2 = Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ABFSR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm7.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ABFSR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x2A8 (R\\/W) Auxiliary Bus Fault Status /", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee350000a08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ABR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Device\\ST\\STM32F7xx\\Include\\stm32f767xx.h", "pattern": "/^ __IO uint32_t ABR; \\/*!< QUADSPI Alternate Bytes register, Address offs/", "typeref": "__IO uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonea3271f52708", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm3.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee33efc1008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm4.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee3433d1008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm7.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee350001008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_sc300.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonccff54a21008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
{"_type": "tag", "name": "ACR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Device\\ST\\STM32F7xx\\Include\\stm32f767xx.h", "pattern": "/^ __IO uint32_t ACR; \\/*!< FLASH access control register, Address offset: 0x00 *\\/$/", "typeref": "__IO uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonea3271f51408", "scopeKind": "struct"}
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
db = TinyDB("tag.tg")
Line = Query()
result = db.search(Line.name == "ADC_CCR_DELAY_2")
代码在第二行db = TinyDB("tag.tg")
TypeError:list indices必须是整数或切片,而不是str
我做错了什么?我正好关注tinydb docs https://pypi.python.org/pypi/tinydb:
>>> from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
>>> db = TinyDB('/path/to/db.json')
我使用的是Python 3.6.1
答案 0 :(得分:2)
"1": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"2": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"3": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A0", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A0; \\/**< The derived gain, A0 = Kp + Ki + Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"4": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain, A1 = -Kp - 2Kd. *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"5": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A1;$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"6": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain, A1 = -Kp - 2Kd. *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"7": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A1", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A1; \\/**< The derived gain A1 = -Kp - 2Kd | Kd.*\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"8": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ float32_t A2; \\/**< The derived gain, A2 = Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "float32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0f08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"9": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q15_t A2;$/", "typeref": "q15_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0d08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"10": {"_type": "tag", "name": "A2", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\arm_math.h", "pattern": "/^ q31_t A2; \\/**< The derived gain, A2 = Kd . *\\/$/", "typeref": "q31_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anond9a59aba0e08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"11": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ABFSR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm7.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ABFSR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x2A8 (R\\/W) Auxiliary Bus Fault Status /", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee350000a08", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"12": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ABR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Device\\ST\\STM32F7xx\\Include\\stm32f767xx.h", "pattern": "/^ __IO uint32_t ABR; \\/*!< QUADSPI Alternate Bytes register, Address offs/", "typeref": "__IO uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonea3271f52708", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"13": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm3.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee33efc1008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"14": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm4.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee3433d1008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"15": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_cm7.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anoncee350001008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"16": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ACPR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Include\\core_sc300.h", "pattern": "/^ __IOM uint32_t ACPR; \\/*!< Offset: 0x010 (R\\/W) Asynchronous Clock Prescale/", "typeref": "__IOM uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonccff54a21008", "scopeKind": "struct"},
"17": {"_type": "tag", "name": "ACR", "path": "Drivers\\CMSIS\\Device\\ST\\STM32F7xx\\Include\\stm32f767xx.h", "pattern": "/^ __IO uint32_t ACR; \\/*!< FLASH access control register, Address offset: 0x00 *\\/$/", "typeref": "__IO uint32_t", "kind": "member", "scope": "__anonea3271f51408", "scopeKind": "struct"}
import json
import tinydb
db = tinydb.TinyDB("db_storage.json") # create a new storage for the database
with open("tag.tg", "r") as f: # open the unmodified `tag.tg`
json_data = json.load(f) # parse its JSON
for entry in json_data: # iterate over each entry in the `tag.tg`
db.insert(entry) # insert it in the DB
import sqlite3
connection = sqlite3.connect("db_store.sqlite") # 'connect' to the db_store.sqlite
cursor = connection.cursor() # get a cursor
(_type TEXT, name TEXT, path TEXT, pattern TEXT,
typeref TEXT, kind TEXT, scope TEXT, scopeKind TEXT)
""") # create `main` table if it doesn't exist
JSON - 加载它,解析它,插入它的项目:
import json
# load and parse the `tag.tg`
with open("tag.tg", "r") as f: # open the unmodified `tag.tg`
json_data = json.load(f) # parse its JSON
# fields that we're interested in, you can omit some if you don't want them in the DB
fields = ("_type", "name", "path", "pattern", "typeref", "kind", "scope", "scopeKind")
# prepare the insert query
query = "INSERT INTO main ({}) VALUES ({})".format(",".join(fields),
",".join(("?",) * len(fields)))
# now let's add the records to the SQLite table:
cursor = connection.cursor() # get a cursor
cursor.executemany(query, ([e.get(field, None) for field in fields] for e in json_data))
cursor = connection.cursor() # get a cursor
cursor.execute("SELECT path FROM main WHERE name = 'ABFSR'") # a generic SQL SELECT
path, = cursor.fetchone() # get the first result
print("Path: " + path) # Path: Drivers\CMSIS\Include\core_cm7.h
它肯定能够处理比TinyDB更多的记录,唯一有问题的可能是导入您的初始JSON数据 - 如果您的系统无法立即处理加载和解析整个JSON结构您可能希望查看out用于流JSON解析器,尽管如果你所有的数据都是按照你所显示的那样构建的(每行上有一个不同的JSON对象),你可以通过移除周围的[