id, cast(time_stamp as date) [date]
, format(max(case when in_rank = 1 then time_stamp end),'HH:mm') check_in_1
, format(max(case when in_rank = 1 then next_timestamp end),'HH:mm') check_out_1
, format(max(case when in_rank = 1 then
end),'HH:mm') total_hrs_1
, format(max(case when in_rank = 2 then time_stamp end),'HH:mm') check_in_2
, format(max(case when in_rank = 2 then next_timestamp end),'HH:mm') check_out_2
, format(max(case when in_rank = 2 then
end),'HH:mm') total_hrs_2
from (
id, time_stamp, AccessType, next_timestamp, next_accesstype
, dense_rank() over(partition by id, cast(time_stamp as date) order by time_stamp) in_rank
from table1 t1
outer apply (
select top(1) t2.time_stamp, t2.AccessType
from table1 t2
where t1.id = t2.id and t1.AccessType <> t2.AccessType
and cast(t1.time_stamp as date) = cast(t2.time_stamp as date)
and t1.time_stamp < t2.time_stamp
order by t2.time_stamp
) oa (next_timestamp, next_accesstype)
where AccessType = 0
) d
group by id, cast(time_stamp as date)
id date check_in_1 check_out_1 total_hrs_1 check_in_2 check_out_2 total_hrs_2 Grand Total
1001 2017-09-05 09:35 12:00 02:25 09:36 12:00 02:24 4:49
1002 2017-09-05 11:00 12:25 01:25 14:00 18:00 04:00 5:25