import React from 'react';
import DetailTask from './DetailTask';
import {Meteor} from "meteor/meteor";
import moment from 'moment';
export default class Task extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
showComponent: false,
startMessage: "",
finishMessage: ""
componentDidMount() {
Tracker.autorun(() => {
let myCursor = tasks.findOne({_id: this.props.task._id});
let started = myCursor.started;
if (started === true) {
let finishTime = myCursor.finishTime;
let myVar = setInterval(myCountdown, 1000);
function myCountdown() {
let now = moment().format('LTS');
let start = moment.utc(now, "HH:mm:ss");
let end = moment.utc(finishTime, "HH:mm:ss");
let duration = moment.duration(end.diff(start));
console.log(duration.hours(), duration.minutes(), duration.seconds());
// here I should access the DOM
} else {
console.log("This task hasn't started");
detailTask(e) {
console.log('Now the detailed component will be displayed ');
showComponent: true,
removeTask(e) {
const taskId = this.props.task._id;
Meteor.call('tasks.remove', taskId);
startTask(e) {
// first it updates the started field in the db
// then it should make a call to a meteor function
// passes the id of the task as argument
// converts the duration to hours
// and starts the countdown which will be provided
// as an external file
let myCursor = tasks.findOne({_id: this.props.task._id});
let duration = myCursor.duration;
console.log('Now the task should start');
Meteor.call('tasks.started', this.props.task._id, duration);
startMessage: " Keep yourself productive. Don't forget, we are what we repeat ! "
finishTask() {
console.log('Here you will finish the task manually');
Meteor.call('tasks.finished', this.props.task._id);
finishMessage: " Nailed it ! "
Meteor.call('stats.insert', Meteor.userId(), this.props.task._id);
// first it should update the finished field in the db
render() {
return (
<div key={this.props.task._id}>
<p>Here the photo of the task will be.</p>
<p>This is the task name: {this.props.task.taskName}</p>
<p>This task has duration: {this.props.task.duration}</p>
<button onClick={this.detailTask.bind(this)}>View Details</button>
<button onClick={this.startTask.bind(this)}>Start Task</button>
<button onClick={this.removeTask.bind(this)}>Remove Task</button>
<button onClick={this.finishTask.bind(this)}>Finish Task</button>
<p>Here the countdown will be displayed.</p>
<div id="countdown">
<span className="hours" ref={"hours"}>0</span>
<span className="minutes" ref={"minutes"}>0</span>
<span className="seconds" ref={"seconds"}>0</span>
{this.state.showComponent ?
<DetailTask id={this.props.task._id} taskName={this.props.task.taskName}/> :
{this.state.startMessage ? <p>{this.state.startMessage}</p> :
{this.state.finishMessage ? <p>{this.state.finishMessage}</p> :
我主要关心的是 componentDidMount()功能。在那里我搜索数据库中的特定任务,然后检查任务是否已经开始。 如果是这样,我检索预期的完成时间并计算现在和每秒预期完成时间之间的差异。我有控制台记录倒计时,它适用于两个不同的任务。我的问题是如何使用DOM,以便我可以为每个任务渲染倒计时。我创建了一个倒计时结构,但我不知道如何访问它。我尝试过使用this.refs,但它没有用。有什么想法吗?