
时间:2017-12-08 21:26:37

标签: php domain-driven-design value-objects

我是一个类Proposal,其类型为ProposalStatus。现在,在大多数情况下,ProposalStatus的身份不会改变......但确实如此(有点)。它的$ id是固定的,但$ display_name和$ definition(只是字符串)可以在主数据更新时长时间改变,但它不会在HTTP的生命周期内发生变化请求 - 响应

问题#1 - 实体或价值对象?



问题#2 - 如何正确设置域驱动设计的状态?


  • 我可以从ProposalRepository中获取它......但是所有内容都是通过Proposal的聚合根来访问的,所以没有意义。
  • 我可以使用与ProposalStatus的$ id匹配的常量,但这似乎不对。
  • 我可以创建一个ProposalStatusRepository ......但是我应该从Proposal中访问另一个存储库吗?
  • 我可以使用$ id作为关键字创建所有可能状态的数组并添加到提案中,但这与存储库没有太大区别......


class ProposalStatus {
    protected $id; // E.g., pending_customer_approval
    protected $display_name; // E.g., Pending Customer Approval
    protected $definition; // E.g., The proposal needs to be approved by the customer

class Proposal {
     * The current status of the proposal
     * @var ProposalStatus
    protected $proposal_status;

    public function withdraw() {
        // verify status is not closed or canceled
        // change status to draft

    public function submit() {
        // verify status is draft
        // change status to pending customer approval

    public function approve() {
        // verify status is pending customer approval
        // change status to approved

    public function reject() {
        // verify status is pending customer approval
        // change status to rejected

    public function close() {
        // verify status is not canceled
        // change status to closed

    public function cancel() {
        // verify status is not closed
        // change status to canceled

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

根据我的域名理解,ProposalStatus应该是Value object。因此,它应该是不可变的并包含特定的行为。在您的情况下,行为是测试特定值并仅初始化为允许的值范围。您可以使用PHP类,使用私有构造函数和静态工厂方法。

 * ProposalStatus is a Value Object
class ProposalStatus
    private const DRAFT                     = 1;
    private const PENDING_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL = 2;
    private const CANCELLED                 = 3;
    private const CLOSED                    = 4;

    /** @var int */
    private $primitiveStatus;

    private function __construct(int $primitiveStatus)
        $this->primitiveStatus = $primitiveStatus;

    private function equals(self $another): bool
        return $this->primitiveStatus === $another->primitiveStatus;

    public static function draft(): self
        return new static(self::DRAFT);

    public function isDraft(): bool
        return $this->equals(static::draft());

    public static function pendingCustomerApproval(): self
        return new static(self::PENDING_CUSTOMER_APPROVAL);

    public function isPendingCustomerApproval(): bool
        return $this->equals(static::pendingCustomerApproval());

    public static function cancelled(): self
        return new static(static::CANCELLED);

    public function isCancelled(): bool
        return $this->equals(static::cancelled());

    public static function closed(): self
        return new static(static::CLOSED);

    public function isClosed(): bool
        return $this->equals(static::closed());

class Proposal
    /** @var ProposalStatus */
    private $status;

    public function __construct()
        $this->status = ProposalStatus::draft();

    public function withdraw()
        if (!$this->status->isClosed() && !$this->status->isCancelled()) {
            $this->status = ProposalStatus::draft();

    // and so on...


答案 1 :(得分:0)

所有可能的提案状态列表是否为静态?我觉得是这样的。所以ProposalStatus看起来像一个简单的枚举。 DisplayName和Definition等属性与业务代码无关。

只需将ProposalStatus定义为枚举(具有只读字段的静态类或您的语言支持的任何其他结构)。它应该在业务层中定义。商业代码应该能够区分枚举值(例如if(proposal.Status == ProposalStatus.Pending){poposal.Status = ProposalStatus.Approved;})。


答案 2 :(得分:0)



class ProposalStatusExistsSpecification
    public function isSatisfiedBy(string $proposalSatusId): bool
        //database query to see if the given ID exists

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