我需要一个简短的宏来选择我输入的电子邮件中的整个文本,并更改拼写语言。以下适用于Word,但在Outlook中不起作用。我还添加了工具 - >参考 - > Microsoft Word 15 VBA编辑器窗口中的对象库。思考?谢谢!
Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUK
Selection.NoProofing = False
Application.CheckLanguage = False
答案 0 :(得分:1)
有很多信息,请尝试搜索“ Outlook VBA更改邮件正文语言”及其变体。
Stack Overflow:Outlook VBA Set language of selection
MSDN:Working with Item Bodies与Outlook / VBA
Stack Overflow:Display email body of selected email in Outlook as a message box in Excel
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Option Explicit
Private Sub Proofing_EnglishUK()
Dim oMailItm As Object
Dim oInsp As Object
Dim oMailEd As Object
Dim oWord As Object
Dim Rng As Object
Set oInsp = ActiveInspector
If oInsp.currentItem.Class = olMail Then
Set oMailItm = oInsp.currentItem
If oInsp.EditorType = olEditorWord Then
Set oMailEd = oMailItm.GetInspector.WordEditor
Set oWord = oMailEd.Application
Set Rng = oWord.Selection
With Rng
.LanguageID = wdEnglishUK
' This should work as intended
'.NoProofing = False
' ******* temporary *************
' Check whether .NoProofing can be set
' with a spelling error somewhere in the mail
.NoProofing = Not .NoProofing
If .NoProofing = False Then
MsgBox "Proofing on. Errors should be found."
MsgBox "Proofing off. The errors will not be found."
End If
' ******* temporary *************
End With
End If
End If
Set Rng = Nothing
Set oWord = Nothing
Set oMailEd = Nothing
Set oMailItm = Nothing
End Sub