我需要项目帮助,因为我不熟悉spring @transactional注释。问题是为什么我的应用程序挂起使用@transactional方法,但没有它挂起。另外,我如何解决这个问题,以便交易成功。
JdbcTemplate template;
@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public final void upsertData(){
insertTable1(); // insert query to insert in table 1
addReferencingData(); // was just called to update table but returns something which is not used;
//Hangs up before getting to next statement
somePreparedStatmentSQLmergeTable1(mergesql,template); // query to merge in table 1
public final String addReferencingData(){
updateTableA(); // update query to update values in table A
updateTableB(); // update query to update values in table B
mergeTable1(); // merge query to update or insert in table 1
return someString;
public static void somePreparedStatmentSQLmergeTable1(sql,template){
template.batchUpdate(sql, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {
public void setValues(final PreparedStatement ps, final int i){
// setting parameters to be used
public int getBatchSize(){
// returns size of data's