c ++程序有未定义的引用'使用g ++但我已经在编译

时间:2017-12-07 21:50:41

标签: c++ templates linker g++


在尝试运行在非模板化类中具有模板化函数的程序时,我收到了undefiend reference错误消息。在这个帖子的评论中提出了多个解决方案,我选择的那个解决方案在本文末尾进行了说明。



  • 更改了我的代码示例,只需对自己的ide进行简单的复制/面食即可轻松复制问题。
  • 此帖子的KevinDevSolar评论中提供了此问题的解决方案 - 非常感谢大家!事实证明,我需要做以下其中一项:
    • 将我的模板函数的定义从.cpp文件移动到.h文件。
    • 明确提供可能通过模板类类型传递的可能数据类型的定义......这听起来像是很多工作。 我现在忙着为决赛做准备,但是当我得到片刻时,我会回来并发布更改的代码来演示修复。


  • 看到这篇文章标题中的问题源于在我的非模板课程中不恰当地定义我的模板化函数,我决定在帖子前面添加TL; DR以方便读者使用。
  • 在发布的底部添加了我选择的解决方案策略。
    • 这应该清楚地展示了在非模板类中使用模板化函数的一种方法。


使用g++编译和链接我的类文件,这给了我{driver}调用undefined reference的{​​{1}}投诉。显然它无法在mergesortImproved.cpp中找到我的函数的定义。

mergesortImproved::beginSorting(std::vector<int> &data)





我还尝试在Windows 10计算机和Linux计算机上进行编译。


编辑:几乎忘了包含我试图使用的Windows和Linux机器的g ++版本。

对于Windows 10计算机:

$ g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 *.cpp
/tmp/ccZ0tzev.o: In function `generateTimeData(quicksort&, mergesort&, mergesortImproved&, int const&, long double&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)': 
driver.cpp:(.text+0xaac): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


>gcc -v
"crazy alphabet-soup pops up, followed by:"
Thread model: posix
gcc version 7.2.0 (x86_64-posix-seh-rev1, Built by MinGW-W64 project)

以下是我尝试的不同g ++调用:



即,不必搜索$gcc -v "like windows, it starts with crazy alphabet-soup, followed by:" Thread model: posix gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 的位置,以及重复格式的其他视觉提示。


  • Linux_attempt-1:

    undefined reference


  • Linux_attempt-2:

    $ g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 *.cpp
    In function `generateTimeData(quicksort&, mergesort&, mergesortImproved&, int const&, long double&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)':
    driver.cpp:(.text+0xaac): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


  • Linux_attempt-3:

    $ g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 driver.cpp quicksort.cpp  mergesortImproved.cpp mergesort.cpp WorkDir.cpp
    /tmp/ccQzfFiq.o: In function `generateTimeData(quicksort&, mergesort&, mergesortImproved&, int const&, long double&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)':
    driver.cpp:(.text+0xaac): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Windows 10尝试

  • Windows_attempt-1:

    $ g++ -c -std=c++17 driver.cpp quicksort.cpp  mergesortImproved.cpp mergesort.cpp WorkDir.cpp
    $ g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 driver.o quicksort.o mergesortImproved.o mergesort.o WorkDir.o
    driver.o: In function `generateTimeData(quicksort&, mergesort&, mergesortImproved&, int const&, long double&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)':
    driver.cpp:(.text+0xaac): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  • Windows_attempt-2:

    >g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 *.cpp
    \cc1alJ9m.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x94f): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
  • Windows_attempt-3:

    >g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 driver.cpp mergesort.cpp quicksort.cpp mergesortImproved.cpp WorkDir.cpp
    \ccGBGXAX.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x94f): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status


  1. driver.cpp
  2. mergesortImproved.h
  3. mergesortImproved.cpp
  4. driver.cpp

    >g++ -c -std=c++17 driver.cpp quicksort.cpp  mergesortImproved.cpp mergesort.cpp WorkDir.cpp
    >g++ -o msI_out -std=c++17 driver.o quicksort.o mergesortImproved.o mergesort.o WorkDir.o
    driver.o:driver.cpp:(.text+0x94f): undefined reference to `void mergesortImproved::beginSorting<int>(std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >&)'
    collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status


        // driver.cpp 
    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include "mergesortImproved.h"     
    using namespace std;
    /** int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     * main(arc, argv) will perform the task of initializing sorting classes, output files, and control variables.
     * @param argc      The number of arguments passed on the command line.
     *                  If argc == 1, then no additional arguments were passed, as the first argument is always the
     *                  name of the executable file.
     * @param argv      An array of c_strings containing any command-line arguments beyond the initial executable's name.
     * @return          the error code should any be thrown, otherwise 0 when all goes well.
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
     vector<int> sampleVector = {41,  8467,  6334,  6500,  9169,  5724,  1478,  9358,  6962, 4464,  5705,  8145,  3281,  6827};      
      mergesortImproved msI;
      return 0;


    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stack>
    #include <queue>
    using namespace std;
    class mergesortImproved
    /** template<class Comparable> void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &data)
        * Handles preparations for iterative-in-place Mergesort. Namely, the math needed for locating and saving index pointers into
        * queues and stacks that will later be used to emulate recursively subdeviding the unsorted collection before the much
        * simpler task of recombining the imaginary subdivisions.
        * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
        *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
        *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
        *                      requirement.
        * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
        template<class Comparable>
        void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &vector);
    /** template <class Comparable> mergesortImproved(vector<Comparable> &data)
        * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
        *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
        *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
        *                      requirement.
        * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
        template <class Comparable>
        mergesortImproved(vector<Comparable> &data)
        // omitted


    1. driver.cpp
    2. mergesortImproved.h
    3. mergesortImproved.cpp
    4. driver.cpp


      #include "mergesortImproved.h"
      using namespace std;
      /** template<class Comparable> void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &data)
      * Handles preparations for iterative-in-place Mergesort. Namely, the math needed for locating and saving index pointers into
      * queues and stacks that will later be used to emulate recursively subdeviding the unsorted collection before the much
      * simpler task of recombining the imaginary subdivisions.
      * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
      *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
      *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
      *                      requirement.
      * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
      template<class Comparable>
      void mergesortImproved::beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &data)
        // dummy functionality here, just demonstrating the conditions causing the linker error
        cout << "Hey, it's running!!" << endl;


          // driver.cpp 
      #include <iostream>
      #include <vector>
      #include "mergesortImproved.h"     
      using namespace std;
      /** int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
       * main(arc, argv) will perform the task of initializing sorting classes, output files, and control variables.
       * @param argc      The number of arguments passed on the command line.
       *                  If argc == 1, then no additional arguments were passed, as the first argument is always the
       *                  name of the executable file.
       * @param argv      An array of c_strings containing any command-line arguments beyond the initial executable's name.
       * @return          the error code should any be thrown, otherwise 0 when all goes well.
      int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
       vector<int> sampleVector = {41,  8467,  6334,  6500,  9169,  5724,  1478,  9358,  6962, 4464,  5705,  8145,  3281,  6827};      
        mergesortImproved msI;
        return 0;


      #include <iostream>
      #include <vector>
      #include <stack>
      #include <queue>
      class mergesortImproved
      /** template<class Comparable> void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &data)
      * Handles preparations for iterative-in-place Mergesort. Namely, the math needed for locating and saving index pointers into
      * queues and stacks that will later be used to emulate recursively subdeviding the unsorted collection before the much
      * simpler task of recombining the imaginary subdivisions.
      * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
      *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
      *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
      *                      requirement.
      * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
      template<class Comparable>
      void mergesortImproved::beginSorting(std::vector<Comparable> &data)
        // dummy functionality here, just demonstrating the conditions causing the linker error
        cout << "Hey, it's running!!" << endl;
      /** template<class Comparable> void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &data)
      * Handles preparations for iterative-in-place Mergesort. Namely, the math needed for locating and saving index pointers into
      * queues and stacks that will later be used to emulate recursively subdeviding the unsorted collection before the much
      * simpler task of recombining the imaginary subdivisions.
      * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
      *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
      *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
      *                      requirement.
      * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
      template<class Comparable>
      void beginSorting(vector<Comparable> &vector);
      /** template <class Comparable> mergesortImproved(vector<Comparable> &data)
          * @tparam Comparable   This template reference is meant for use with data types that possess natural ordering.
          *                      Although there are no assert restrictions in place to ensure you only use data types with natural
          *                      ordering, the problem should become quickly apparant if the programmer fails to respect this
          *                      requirement.
          * @param data          The vector<Comparable> that is to be sorted
          template <class Comparable>
          mergesortImproved(vector<Comparable> &data)
          // omitted

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