
时间:2017-12-07 03:01:15

标签: putty ncurses curses xterm gnome-terminal


我使用了256色启用的Putty和TERM = xterm-256color(也是putty-256color),使用--enable-widec和--enable-ext-colors编译的ncurses 6.0。这表明所有颜色都已定义,即使成功,init_color()也不会改变任何颜色:

if (has_colors() && COLORS == 256 && can_change_color()) {
  for (f = 1; f < 256; f++) {
    if (init_pair(f, f, COLOR_BLACK) == ERR) break;
    printw("(%d)", f);
  for (f = 1; f < 256; f++) {
    if (init_color(f, 0, 0, f*3) == ERR) break;
    if (init_pair(f, f, COLOR_BLACK) == ERR) break;
    printw("(%d)", f);



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



在ncurses中,init_color函数检查其参数(在给出的示例中,如果$TERM是&#34; xterm-256color&#34;),那么这些参数看起来没问题,以及检查是否终端说明具有 initc initialize_color )功能。如果缺少或取消,ncurses会返回错误。

但是,这只是终端说明。 ncurses无法判断您是否选择了不正确或不适当的终端描述。

在快速检查中,PuTTY不会对 initc 中使用的控制序列做出响应。这是一个已知的限制,如ncurses提供的(更合适的)终端描述putty-256color所示:

putty-256color|PuTTY 0.58 with xterm 256-colors,
        use=xterm+256setaf, use=putty,

xterm+256setaf用于调色板硬编码的终端。 PuTTY并不是唯一同时设置TERM = xterm`并且无法更改其调色板的终端。如果您正在使用旧版本的终端数据库,则可能会被误导,因为该错误已在2014中修复:

# 2014-03-30
#       * cancel ccc in putty-256color and konsole-256color for consistency
#         with the cancelled initc capability (patch by Sven Zuhlsdorf).
#       * add xterm+256setaf building block for various terminals which only
#         get the 256-color feature half-implemented -TD
#       * updated "st" entry (leaving the 0.1.1 version as "simpleterm") to
#         0.4.1 -TD



答案 1 :(得分:2)

我发现了一些事情。首先,是的,我显然引用了一个旧的putty-256color terminfo,它有“ccc”,允许can_change_color()成功,但是init_color()会失败。但是使用“xterm-256color”的相同Putty窗口会使用init_color(),而color_content()甚至会显示新值,但屏幕上没有任何变化。令人困惑的是,有时我设置的颜色会出现,而其他时候看似随机的颜色会出现。


         putty-256color    xterm-256color  gnome-256color    xterm-256color
           (putty)         (putty)         (gnome-terminal)   (MobaXterm)
         --------------    --------------  ----------------   --------------
change_color  OK/ERR            OK              OK                 OK
init_color      ERR             ERR             OK                 OK
color_content   ERR           OK/NOCH           OK                 OK
color changed?  NO              NO              YES                YES

因此,基本上无法确定是否可以更改颜色。但我确实发现每个终端都已经定义了标准的256 xterm颜色,无论它们是否可以更改。所以,现在,我只是使用与xterm调色板中相同的颜色数来定义我想要使用的颜色。这样,无论我是否需要定义它们,我都会看到颜色。因此,要使用“PaleGreen3”,我只需使用:

init_color(77, 372, 843, 372)

如果它有效,它可以工作,如果没有,它可能已经定义了。作为参考,我将所有Xwindow / xterm颜色从GUI十六进制表示法转换为ncurses(0-1000)值:

#   Name               Tk       Ncurses
--- ----------------   -------  -------------
16  Grey0              #000000  0,0,0
17  NavyBlue           #00005f  0,0,372
18  DarkBlue           #000087  0,0,529
19  Blue3              #0000af  0,0,686
20  Blue3              #0000d7  0,0,843
21  Blue1              #0000ff  0,0,1000
22  DarkGreen          #005f00  0,372,0
23  DeepSkyBlue4       #005f5f  0,372,372
24  DeepSkyBlue4       #005f87  0,372,529
25  DeepSkyBlue4       #005faf  0,372,686
26  DodgerBlue3        #005fd7  0,372,843
27  DodgerBlue2        #005fff  0,372,1000
28  Green4             #008700  0,529,0
29  SpringGreen4       #00875f  0,529,372
30  Turquoise4         #008787  0,529,529
31  DeepSkyBlue3       #0087af  0,529,686
32  DeepSkyBlue3       #0087d7  0,529,843
33  DodgerBlue1        #0087ff  0,529,1000
34  Green3             #00af00  0,686,0
35  SpringGreen3       #00af5f  0,686,372
36  DarkCyan           #00af87  0,686,529
37  LightSeaGreen      #00afaf  0,686,686
38  DeepSkyBlue2       #00afd7  0,686,843
39  DeepSkyBlue1       #00afff  0,686,1000
40  Green3             #00d700  0,843,0
41  SpringGreen3       #00d75f  0,843,372
42  SpringGreen2       #00d787  0,843,529
43  Cyan3              #00d7af  0,843,686
44  DarkTurquoise      #00d7d7  0,843,843
45  Turquoise2         #00d7ff  0,843,1000
46  Green1             #00ff00  0,1000,0
47  SpringGreen2       #00ff5f  0,1000,372
48  SpringGreen1       #00ff87  0,1000,529
49  MediumSpringGreen  #00ffaf  0,1000,686
50  Cyan2              #00ffd7  0,1000,843
51  Cyan1              #00ffff  0,1000,1000
52  DarkRed            #5f0000  372,0,0
53  DeepPink4          #5f005f  372,0,372
54  Purple4            #5f0087  372,0,529
55  Purple4            #5f00af  372,0,686
56  Purple3            #5f00d7  372,0,843
57  BlueViolet         #5f00ff  372,0,1000
58  Orange4            #5f5f00  372,372,0
59  Grey37             #5f5f5f  372,372,372
60  MediumPurple4      #5f5f87  372,372,529
61  SlateBlue3         #5f5faf  372,372,686
62  SlateBlue3         #5f5fd7  372,372,843
63  RoyalBlue1         #5f5fff  372,372,1000
64  Chartreuse4        #5f8700  372,529,0
65  DarkSeaGreen4      #5f875f  372,529,372
66  PaleTurquoise4     #5f8787  372,529,529
67  SteelBlue          #5f87af  372,529,686
68  SteelBlue3         #5f87d7  372,529,843
69  CornflowerBlue     #5f87ff  372,529,1000
70  Chartreuse3        #5faf00  372,686,0
71  DarkSeaGreen4      #5faf5f  372,686,372
72  CadetBlue          #5faf87  372,686,529
73  CadetBlue          #5fafaf  372,686,686
74  SkyBlue3           #5fafd7  372,686,843
75  SteelBlue1         #5fafff  372,686,1000
76  Chartreuse3        #5fd700  372,843,0
77  PaleGreen3         #5fd75f  372,843,372
78  SeaGreen3          #5fd787  372,843,529
79  Aquamarine3        #5fd7af  372,843,686
80  MediumTurquoise    #5fd7d7  372,843,843
81  SteelBlue1         #5fd7ff  372,843,1000
82  Chartreuse2        #5fff00  372,1000,0
83  SeaGreen2          #5fff5f  372,1000,372
84  SeaGreen1          #5fff87  372,1000,529
85  SeaGreen1          #5fffaf  372,1000,686
86  Aquamarine1        #5fffd7  372,1000,843
87  DarkSlateGray2     #5fffff  372,1000,1000
88  DarkRed            #870000  529,0,0
89  DeepPink4          #87005f  529,0,372
90  DarkMagenta        #870087  529,0,529
91  DarkMagenta        #8700af  529,0,686
92  DarkViolet         #8700d7  529,0,843
93  Purple             #8700ff  529,0,1000
94  Orange4            #875f00  529,372,0
95  LightPink4         #875f5f  529,372,372
96  Plum4              #875f87  529,372,529
97  MediumPurple3      #875faf  529,372,686
98  MediumPurple3      #875fd7  529,372,843
99  SlateBlue1         #875fff  529,372,1000
100 Yellow4            #878700  529,529,0
101 Wheat4             #87875f  529,529,372
102 Grey53             #878787  529,529,529
103 LightSlateGrey     #8787af  529,529,686
104 MediumPurple       #8787d7  529,529,843
105 LightSlateBlue     #8787ff  529,529,1000
106 Yellow4            #87af00  529,686,0
107 DarkOliveGreen3    #87af5f  529,686,372
108 DarkSeaGreen       #87af87  529,686,529
109 LightSkyBlue3      #87afaf  529,686,686
110 LightSkyBlue3      #87afd7  529,686,843
111 SkyBlue2           #87afff  529,686,1000
112 Chartreuse2        #87d700  529,843,0
113 DarkOliveGreen3    #87d75f  529,843,372
114 PaleGreen3         #87d787  529,843,529
115 DarkSeaGreen3      #87d7af  529,843,686
116 DarkSlateGray3     #87d7d7  529,843,843
117 SkyBlue1           #87d7ff  529,843,1000
118 Chartreuse1        #87ff00  529,1000,0
119 LightGreen         #87ff5f  529,1000,372
120 LightGreen         #87ff87  529,1000,529
121 PaleGreen1         #87ffaf  529,1000,686
122 Aquamarine1        #87ffd7  529,1000,843
123 DarkSlateGray1     #87ffff  529,1000,1000
124 Red3               #af0000  686,0,0
125 DeepPink4          #af005f  686,0,372
126 MediumVioletRed    #af0087  686,0,529
127 Magenta3           #af00af  686,0,686
128 DarkViolet         #af00d7  686,0,843
129 Purple             #af00ff  686,0,1000
130 DarkOrange3        #af5f00  686,372,0
131 IndianRed          #af5f5f  686,372,372
132 HotPink3           #af5f87  686,372,529
133 MediumOrchid3      #af5faf  686,372,686
134 MediumOrchid       #af5fd7  686,372,843
135 MediumPurple2      #af5fff  686,372,1000
136 DarkGoldenrod      #af8700  686,529,0
137 LightSalmon3       #af875f  686,529,372
138 RosyBrown          #af8787  686,529,529
139 Grey63             #af87af  686,529,686
140 MediumPurple2      #af87d7  686,529,843
141 MediumPurple1      #af87ff  686,529,1000
142 Gold3              #afaf00  686,686,0
143 DarkKhaki          #afaf5f  686,686,372
144 NavajoWhite3       #afaf87  686,686,529
145 Grey69             #afafaf  686,686,686
146 LightSteelBlue3    #afafd7  686,686,843
147 LightSteelBlue     #afafff  686,686,1000
148 Yellow3            #afd700  686,843,0
149 DarkOliveGreen3    #afd75f  686,843,372
150 DarkSeaGreen3      #afd787  686,843,529
151 DarkSeaGreen2      #afd7af  686,843,686
152 LightCyan3         #afd7d7  686,843,843
153 LightSkyBlue1      #afd7ff  686,843,1000
154 GreenYellow        #afff00  686,1000,0
155 DarkOliveGreen2    #afff5f  686,1000,372
156 PaleGreen1         #afff87  686,1000,529
157 DarkSeaGreen2      #afffaf  686,1000,686
158 DarkSeaGreen1      #afffd7  686,1000,843
159 PaleTurquoise1     #afffff  686,1000,1000
160 Red3               #d70000  843,0,0
161 DeepPink3          #d7005f  843,0,372
162 DeepPink3          #d70087  843,0,529
163 Magenta3           #d700af  843,0,686
164 Magenta3           #d700d7  843,0,843
165 Magenta2           #d700ff  843,0,1000
166 DarkOrange3        #d75f00  843,372,0
167 IndianRed          #d75f5f  843,372,372
168 HotPink3           #d75f87  843,372,529
169 HotPink2           #d75faf  843,372,686
170 Orchid             #d75fd7  843,372,843
171 MediumOrchid1      #d75fff  843,372,1000
172 Orange3            #d78700  843,529,0
173 LightSalmon3       #d7875f  843,529,372
174 LightPink3         #d78787  843,529,529
175 Pink3              #d787af  843,529,686
176 Plum3              #d787d7  843,529,843
177 Violet             #d787ff  843,529,1000
178 Gold3              #d7af00  843,686,0
179 LightGoldenrod3    #d7af5f  843,686,372
180 Tan                #d7af87  843,686,529
181 MistyRose3         #d7afaf  843,686,686
182 Thistle3           #d7afd7  843,686,843
183 Plum2              #d7afff  843,686,1000
184 Yellow3            #d7d700  843,843,0
185 Khaki3             #d7d75f  843,843,372
186 LightGoldenrod2    #d7d787  843,843,529
187 LightYellow3       #d7d7af  843,843,686
188 Grey84             #d7d7d7  843,843,843
189 LightSteelBlue1    #d7d7ff  843,843,1000
190 Yellow2            #d7ff00  843,1000,0
191 DarkOliveGreen1    #d7ff5f  843,1000,372
192 DarkOliveGreen1    #d7ff87  843,1000,529
193 DarkSeaGreen1      #d7ffaf  843,1000,686
194 Honeydew2          #d7ffd7  843,1000,843
195 LightCyan1         #d7ffff  843,1000,1000
196 Red1               #ff0000  1000,0,0
197 DeepPink2          #ff005f  1000,0,372
198 DeepPink1          #ff0087  1000,0,529
199 DeepPink1          #ff00af  1000,0,686
200 Magenta2           #ff00d7  1000,0,843
201 Magenta1           #ff00ff  1000,0,1000
202 OrangeRed1         #ff5f00  1000,372,0
203 IndianRed1         #ff5f5f  1000,372,372
204 IndianRed1         #ff5f87  1000,372,529
205 HotPink            #ff5faf  1000,372,686
206 HotPink            #ff5fd7  1000,372,843
207 MediumOrchid1      #ff5fff  1000,372,1000
208 DarkOrange         #ff8700  1000,529,0
209 Salmon1            #ff875f  1000,529,372
210 LightCoral         #ff8787  1000,529,529
211 PaleVioletRed1     #ff87af  1000,529,686
212 Orchid2            #ff87d7  1000,529,843
213 Orchid1            #ff87ff  1000,529,1000
214 Orange1            #ffaf00  1000,686,0
215 SandyBrown         #ffaf5f  1000,686,372
216 LightSalmon1       #ffaf87  1000,686,529
217 LightPink1         #ffafaf  1000,686,686
218 Pink1              #ffafd7  1000,686,843
219 Plum1              #ffafff  1000,686,1000
220 Gold1              #ffd700  1000,843,0
221 LightGoldenrod2    #ffd75f  1000,843,372
222 LightGoldenrod2    #ffd787  1000,843,529
223 NavajoWhite1       #ffd7af  1000,843,686
224 MistyRose1         #ffd7d7  1000,843,843
225 Thistle1           #ffd7ff  1000,843,1000
226 Yellow1            #ffff00  1000,1000,0
227 LightGoldenrod1    #ffff5f  1000,1000,372
228 Khaki1             #ffff87  1000,1000,529
229 Wheat1             #ffffaf  1000,1000,686
230 Cornsilk1          #ffffd7  1000,1000,843
231 Grey100            #ffffff  1000,1000,1000
232 Grey3              #080808  31,31,31
233 Grey7              #121212  70,70,70
234 Grey11             #1c1c1c  109,109,109
235 Grey15             #262626  149,149,149
236 Grey19             #303030  188,188,188
237 Grey23             #3a3a3a  227,227,227
238 Grey27             #444444  266,266,266
239 Grey30             #4e4e4e  305,305,305
240 Grey35             #585858  345,345,345
241 Grey39             #626262  384,384,384
242 Grey42             #6c6c6c  423,423,423
243 Grey46             #767676  462,462,462
244 Grey50             #808080  501,501,501
245 Grey54             #8a8a8a  541,541,541
246 Grey58             #949494  580,580,580
247 Grey62             #9e9e9e  619,619,619
248 Grey66             #a8a8a8  658,658,658
249 Grey70             #b2b2b2  698,698,698
250 Grey74             #bcbcbc  737,737,737
251 Grey78             #c6c6c6  776,776,776
252 Grey82             #d0d0d0  815,815,815
253 Grey85             #dadada  854,854,854
254 Grey89             #e4e4e4  894,894,894
255 Grey93             #eeeeee  933,933,933