
时间:2017-12-06 17:39:51

标签: excel-vba vba excel

希望这个问题找到你。我正在尝试使用VBA在Excel中进行一些测试但是我遇到了一个问题。 下面是我写的代码,但它没有按照我的期望工作。


Me.txt_EN.Value is Employee Name

Me.cmb_S.Value is Shift

Me.cmb_M.Value is Month

Worksheet Name = Test

Userform Name is Userform1


以下是代码应该做的事情:一旦我点击了我的userform1中的提交按钮,它应该首先将Shift(Me.cmb_S.Value)中指定的值粘贴到一个范围内(它在这里做得很好)然后如果我输入“WO”作为条目(查看第一个屏幕截图1),代码应该用“WO”更改单元格值。 示例:如果我选择星期二(星期二)和星期三(星期三)的“WO”和我的班次作为晚上(E),它应首先用E填充所有单元格(范围E32:AI32),然后用“WO”替换“E” “适用于所有星期二和星期三。Screenshot1 Screenshot2

下面的代码有点慢,它给我的结果如屏幕截图2所示,它总是排除上周二和周三(看看1/30/18和1/3/18,它们应该改为“WO “)


Private Sub cmd_Submit_Click()
'select worksheet
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet 
Set ws = Worksheets("RawData") 
Dim i As Integer 
Dim m As Integer 
Dim n As Integer

'find first empty row in database 
iRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, 
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1

'copy the data to the database

For i = 5 To 36 
ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txt_EN.Value 
ws.Cells(iRow, i).Value = Me.cmb_S.Value 
ws.Cells(iRow, 37).Value = Me.cmb_M.Value 
Next i

For m = 5 To 29
If Me.cmb_mon.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_Tue.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 1).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_Wed.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 2).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_thu.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 3).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_Fri.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 4).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_Sat.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 5).Value = "WO"
If Me.cmb_Sun.Value = "WO" Then ws.Cells(iRow, m + 6).Value = "WO"

m = m + 6
If m > 35 Then Exit For Else

MsgBox "Data added", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Data Added"
Unload Me

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


For m = 5 To 29
   m = m + 6 'here you increase counter by 6 
Next 'here you increase counter by 1 

所以在你最后一个预期的循环之前,计数器(m)已经是= 32所以它的>然后29所以循环结束。这就是为什么排除前几天的原因。

Private Sub cmd_Submit_Click()
   'select worksheet
   Dim iRow As Long
   Dim ws As Worksheet 
   Set ws = Worksheets("RawData") 
   Dim i As Integer 
   Dim m As Integer 
   Dim n As Integer

   Dim Mon As Boolean, Tue As Boolean, Wed As Boolean, Thu As Boolean
   DIM Fri As Boolean, Sat As Boolean, Sun As Boolean
   DIM aCell as Range

   'find first empty row in database 
   iRow = ws.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, 
   SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row + 1

   Application.ScreenUpdating = False
   Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

   'copy the data to the database

   For i = 5 To 36 
      ws.Cells(iRow, 1).Value = Me.txt_EN.Value 
      ws.Cells(iRow, i).Value = Me.cmb_S.Value 
      ws.Cells(iRow, 37).Value = Me.cmb_M.Value 
   Next i

   If Me.cmb_mon.Value = "WO" Then Mon = True
   If Me.cmb_Tue.Value = "WO" Then Tue = True
   If Me.cmb_Wed.Value = "WO" Then Wed = True
   If Me.cmb_thu.Value = "WO" Then Thu = True
   If Me.cmb_Fri.Value = "WO" Then Fri = True
   If Me.cmb_Sat.Value = "WO" Then Sat = True
   If Me.cmb_Sun.Value = "WO" Then Sun = True

   For Each aCell In ws.Range("E30:AI30")
      If aCell = "Mon" And Mon Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Tue" And Tue Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Wed" And Wed Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Thu" And Thu Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Fri" And Fri Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Sat" And Sat Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"
      If aCell = "Sun" And Sun Then ws.Cells(iRow, aCell.Column).Value = "WO"

   MsgBox "Data added", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Data Added"
   Unload Me

   application.screenupdating = true 
   application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End Sub
