Django URL对于带有基数10的int()无效的文字

时间:2017-12-06 17:21:19

标签: python django

我在Django中有一个位置模型设置,我最初设置它,以便使用主键将URL设置为/ location / 3 /。但是客户想要改变它以使用位置名称的slug。我在模型中创建了一个slug字段。并更改了urls.py中的网址格式。

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^(?P<pk>[\w-]+)/$', views.LocationsSingleView.as_view(), name='detail'),




eau-claire是该地点的slu ..



class LocationsSingleView(DetailView):
    model = models.Location

1 个答案:

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您需要在网址格式中使用package project; import java.util.Scanner; public class Denim { public static void main(String []args) { Scanner scan = new Scanner(; System.out.println("What item of denim is in question?"); String str = scan.nextLine(); String str1 = str.toUpperCase(); String jeans = "JEANS"; String jeansp = "JEAN PANTS"; String tux = "CANADIAN TUXEDO"; String tux1 = "CANADIEN TUXEDO"; String tux2 = "CANADIAN TUX"; String tux3 = "CANADIEN TUX"; String jacket = "JACKET"; String jjacket = "JEAN JACKET"; String hat = "HAT"; String dhat = "DENIM BASEBALL HAT"; String bhat = "BASEBALL HAT"; String c = "C"; int jeanFactor = 9982; double jacketFactor = 10466.25178; double bottleFactor = 128/16.9; double hatFactor = 314.1415; if (str1.equals(jeans) || str1.equals(jeansp)){ System.out.println("How many pairs of jeans?"); int numj = scan.nextInt(); int gallonj = numj*jeanFactor; System.out.println("Producing " + numj + " pairs of jeans would use: "); System.out.println(gallonj + " gallons of water"); double bottlesj = gallonj*bottleFactor; System.out.println(bottlesj + " bottles of water");} else if ((str1.equals(tux)) || (str1.equals(tux1)) || (str1.equals(tux2)) ||(str.equals(tux3))){ System.out.println("How many tuxedos?"); int numt = scan.nextInt(); int gallontp = numt * jeanFactor; double gallontj = numt * jacketFactor; double gallont = gallontp + gallontj; double bottlest = gallont*bottleFactor; System.out.println("Producing " + numt +" " + c + str.substring(1,8) + " tuexedos would use: "); System.out.println(gallont +" gallons of water."); System.out.println(bottlest + " bottles of water");} else if (str1.equals(jacket) || str.equals(jjacket)){ System.out.println("How many jackets?"); int numjj = scan.nextInt(); double gallonjj = numjj*jacketFactor; double bottlesjj = numjj*bottleFactor; System.out.println("Producing " + numjj + " jackets would use: "); System.out.println(gallonjj + " gallons of water"); System.out.println(bottlesjj + " bottles of water");} else if (str1.equals(hat) || str.equals(dhat) || str.equals(bhat)){ System.out.println("How many hats?"); int numh = scan.nextInt(); double gallonh = numh*hatFactor; double bottlesh = numh*bottleFactor; System.out.println("Producing " + numh + " jackets would use: "); System.out.println(gallonh + " gallons of water"); System.out.println(bottlesh + " bottles of water"); } } } 而不是slug来告诉Django您想要通过slug查找。