pricepaidpp = []
namepeoplecoming = []
amountlefttopaypp = []
extrapeoplecount = 0
moneycollected = 0
peoplecount = 0
numofextrapeople = 0
totalpeoplecoming = numofpeople + Numofcarersneeded
moneypaidcalc = 00
while True:
entry = input('Enter Name of people coming ')
moneyentry = input ('How much has he paid ')
if peoplecount >= numofpeople : #breaks loop when number of people
namepeoplecoming.append(entry) #adds the name the user to the array
pricepaidpp.append(moneyentry) #adds how much the user has paid to the array
pricepaidpp = list(map(int, pricepaidpp)) #turn strings in array to integers
moneyentry = list(map(int, pricepaidpp))
peoplecount = (peoplecount + 1 ) #adds one to the count
moneycollected = sum(pricepaidpp) #adds values of the array to get the total money paid
amountlefttopaypp = [x-costpp for x in amountlefttopaypp]
#need code to minus price per person from amountlefttopaypp
每当我尝试somthing时我得到typeError:不支持的操作数类型 - :'float'和'list