我开发了一款与Google Firebase Cloud Firestore互动的Android应用。要从Firestore获取数据,我将addOnCompleteListener与DocumentSnapshot.toObject()方法一起使用。但是,方法toObject()似乎无法正常工作,因为它不会将数据从快照传输到对象。
public class Goal {
// private variables
@PrimaryKey (autoGenerate = true)
private int id;
private String remoteId;
private int goalPos;
private String goalName;
private int goalCategory;
private String goalDescription;
private int goalColor;
private int goalFrequency;
private long goalFrequencyCode;
private boolean goalRewardType;
private double goalReward;
private int activated;
private boolean isSynced;
// constructor
public Goal() {
remoteId = "";
goalPos = 0;
goalName = "";
goalCategory = 15;
goalDescription = "";
goalColor = R.color.cat_Black;
goalFrequency = 0; // 0=Daily, 1=Weekly, 2=Monthly
goalFrequencyCode = 1111111111; // 1111111.111 - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; first of month, middle of month, last of month
goalRewardType = false; // false = standard, true = individual
activated = 1; // 0=No, 1=Yes
isSynced = false;
// getter and setter
public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) {
this.id = id;
public String getRemoteId() {
return remoteId;
public void setRemoteId(String remoteId) {
this.remoteId = remoteId;
public int getGoalPos() {
return goalPos;
public void setGoalPos(int goalPos) {
this.goalPos = goalPos;
public String getGoalName() {
return goalName;
public void setGoalName(String goalName) {
this.goalName = goalName;
public int getGoalCategory() {
return goalCategory;
public void setGoalCategory(int goalCategory) {
this.goalCategory = goalCategory;
public String getGoalDescription() {
return goalDescription;
public void setGoalDescription(String goalDescription) {
this.goalDescription = goalDescription;
public int getGoalColor() {
return goalColor;
public void setGoalColor(int goalColor) {
this.goalColor = goalColor;
public int getGoalFrequency() {
return goalFrequency;
public void setGoalFrequency(int goalFrequency) {
this.goalFrequency = goalFrequency;
public long getGoalFrequencyCode() {
return goalFrequencyCode;
public void setGoalFrequencyCode(long goalFrequencyCode) {
this.goalFrequencyCode = goalFrequencyCode;
public LinkedList<Integer> getGoalFrequencyCodeAsList() {
LinkedList<Integer> stack = new LinkedList<>();
long number = goalFrequencyCode;
while (number > 0) {
long longTempMod = number % 10;
int intTempMod = (int) longTempMod;
number = number / 10;
return stack;
public void setGoalFrequencyCodeFromList(LinkedList<Integer> stack) {
double number = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < stack.size(); j++) {
Log.d(String.valueOf(j), String.valueOf(stack.get(j)));
if (stack.size() <= 1) {
goalFrequencyCode = 1111111111;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < stack.size(); i++) {
Log.d(String.valueOf(stack.get(i)), String.valueOf(number));
number = number + (stack.get(i) * Math.pow(10, (stack.size() - 1 - i)));
Log.d("Sent from Goal - number", String.valueOf(number));
goalFrequencyCode = (long) number;
Log.d("Sent from Goal - long", String.valueOf(goalFrequencyCode));
public boolean getGoalRewardType() {
return goalRewardType;
public void setGoalRewardType(boolean goalRewardType) {
this.goalRewardType = goalRewardType;
public double getGoalReward() {
return goalReward;
public void setGoalReward(double goalReward) {
this.goalReward = goalReward;
public int getActivated() {
return activated;
public void setActivated(int activated) {
this.activated = activated;
public boolean getIsSynced() {
return isSynced;
public void setIsSynced(boolean isSynced) {
this.isSynced = isSynced;
public String toString() {
return "Goal{" +
"id=" + id +
", remoteId='" + remoteId + '\'' +
", goalPos=" + goalPos +
", goalName='" + goalName + '\'' +
", goalCategory=" + goalCategory +
", goalDescription='" + goalDescription + '\'' +
", goalColor=" + goalColor +
", goalFrequency=" + goalFrequency +
", goalFrequencyCode=" + goalFrequencyCode +
", goalRewardType=" + goalRewardType +
", goalReward=" + goalReward +
", activated=" + activated +
", isSynced=" + isSynced +
public LiveData<ApiResponse<List<Goal>>> getGoals() {
final MutableLiveData<ApiResponse<List<Goal>>> list = new MutableLiveData<>();
if (mAuth.getCurrentUser() != null) {
userId = mAuth.getCurrentUser().getUid();
colRefGoals = firestore.collection(userId).document("data").collection("goals");
.addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<QuerySnapshot> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
List<Goal> goalsList = new ArrayList<Goal>();
for (DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot : task.getResult()) {
Log.d("firebaseService", "DocumentSnapshop.getData: " + documentSnapshot.getData());
Goal goal = documentSnapshot.toObject(Goal.class);
Log.d("firebaseService", "DocumentSnapshot.toObject(Goal.class): " + goal.toString());
ApiResponse<List<Goal>> apiResponse = new ApiResponse<List<Goal>>(goalsList);
} else {
Throwable error = new Throwable("No user logged in");
ApiResponse<List<Goal>> apiResponse = new ApiResponse<List<Goal>>(error);
return list;
return list;
12-05 19:53:42.663 11470-11470/com.benjaminsommer.dailygoals D/firebaseService: DocumentSnapshop.getData: {goals={goalRewardType=true, remoteId=10L44s0EcvTTzGajzhidgoals, id=2, goalFrequencyCode=1001111111, activated=1, goalColor=-4365347, goalCategory=8, goalDescription=Description Test, goalReward=1, goalPos=1, goalFrequency=2, goalName=Test}}
12-05 19:53:42.663 11470-11470/com.benjaminsommer.dailygoals D/firebaseService: DocumentSnapshot.toObject(Goal.class): Goal{id=0, remoteId='', goalPos=0, goalName='', goalCategory=15, goalDescription='', goalColor=2131558437, goalFrequency=0, goalFrequencyCode=1111111111, goalRewardType=false, goalReward=0.0, activated=1, isSynced=false}
重要提示:每个自定义类都必须具有公共构造函数 没有争论。此外,该课程必须包含一个公共的getter 每个属性。