WITH ['Tom Hanks', 'Meg Ryan'] as names
MATCH (p:Person)
WHERE p.name in names
WITH collect(p) as persons
WITH head(persons) as head, tail(persons) as persons
MATCH (head)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE ALL(p in persons WHERE (p)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m))
RETURN m.title
答案 0 :(得分:2)
// match the first movie and all its actors
match (m1:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a1:Person)
// order actors by name
with m1, a1 order by a1.name
// store ordered actors into actors1 variable
with m1, collect(a1) as actors1
// match the second movie and all its actors
match (m2:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a2:Person)
// avoid match the same movie with where id(m1) > id(m2)
where id(m1) > id(m2)
// order actors of m2 by name
with m1, m2, actors1, a2 order by a2.name
// store ordered actors of m2 into actors2 variable
// pass to the next context only when the ordered arrays (actors1 and actors2) are equals
with m1, m2, actors1, collect(a2) actors2 where actors1 = actors2
// return movies that have the same actors
return m1, m2
使用电影数据库(:play movie graph
│"m1" │"m2" │
│{"title":"The Matrix Revolutions","tagline":"Everything that has a beg│{"title":"The Matrix Reloaded","tagline":"Free your mind","released":2│
│inning has an end","released":2003} │003} │
答案 1 :(得分:2)
// match the first movie and all its actors
match (m1:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a1:Person)
// order actors by name
with m1, a1 order by a1.name
// store ordered actors into actors1 variable
with m1, collect(a1) as actors1
// collect this data into a single collection
with collect({m:m1, actors:actors1}) as data
// generate cross product of the data
unwind data as d1
unwind data as d2
with d1, d2
// prevent comparison against the same movie, or the same pairs in different orders
where id(d1.m) < id(d2.m) and d1.actors = d2.actors
// return movies that have the same actors
return d1.m, d2.m
// match the first movie and all its actors
match (m1:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(a1:Person)
// order actors by name
with m1, a1 order by a1.name
// store ordered actors into actors1 variable
with m1, collect(a1) as actors1
// group movies with their sets of actors
with collect(m1) as movies, actors1
// only interested in where multiple movies have the same actor sets
where size(movies) > 1
// return the collection of movies with the same actors
return movies