$dati = mysqli_query($mysqli_connect, "
FROM $tb_products
LEFT JOIN $tb_categories ON $tb_products.product_category = $tb_categories.category_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_subcategories ON $tb_products.product_subcategory = $tb_subcategories.subcategory_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_logos ON $tb_products.product_logo = $tb_logos.logo_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_prices ON (
$tb_products.product_brand = $tb_prices.price_brand
AND $tb_products.product_code = $tb_prices.price_code
AND $tb_prices.price_validity = (
SELECT MAX($tb_prices.price_validity)
FROM $tb_prices
WHERE $tb_prices.price_validity<=DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL +0 DAY)
AND $tb_products.product_code = $tb_prices.price_code
WHERE $tb_products.product_language='$activeLanguage' AND $tb_products.product_category!=0
GROUP BY $tb_products.product_code
ORDER BY $tb_products.product_brand, $tb_categories.category_rank, $tb_subcategories.subcategory_rank, $tb_products.product_subcategory, $tb_products.product_rank
正如阿尔瓦罗先生所建议的那样,我改变了SELECT *,使用更高效的SELECT [值列表],执行时间从20秒减少到14秒。还是太慢了......
每种产品可以有不同的价格,因此我使用(选择最大...)来获取最近(但不是未来)的价格。 也许这个功能减慢了一切?您认为有更好的解决方案吗?
考虑没有连接的相同查询只需0.2秒的价格。 所以我确信问题就在于代码的那一部分。
$dati = mysqli_query($mysqli_connect, "
FROM $tb_products
LEFT JOIN $tb_categories ON $tb_products.product_category = $tb_categories.category_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_subcategories ON $tb_products.product_subcategory = $tb_subcategories.subcategory_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_logos ON $tb_products.product_logo = $tb_logos.logo_id_master
WHERE $tb_products.product_language='$activeLanguage' AND $tb_products.product_category!=0
GROUP BY $tb_products.product_code
ORDER BY $tb_products.product_brand, $tb_categories.category_rank, $tb_subcategories.subcategory_rank, $tb_products.product_subcategory, $tb_products.product_rank
| price_id | int(3) |
| price_brand | varchar(5) |
| price_code | varchar(50) |
| price_value | float(10,2) |
| price_validity | date |
| price_language | varchar(2) |
答案 0 :(得分:2)
也许是因为你使用SELECT *,这被称为不良做法。在堆栈溢出中检查此问题。
Is there a difference between Select * and Select [list each col]
在那里,Mitch Wheat写道:
您应指定显式列列表。 SELECT *将带回更多列,而不是创建更多IO和网络流量,但更重要的是,即使存在非群集覆盖索引(在SQL Server上),也可能需要额外的查找。 块引用
答案 1 :(得分:2)
问题出在上一次与价格表的JOIN中。 根据建议,我设法分别执行SELECT MAX(...),执行时间为0.1秒。
所以我决定在没有价格的情况下运行主查询,然后在WHILE cicle中获取数组,我运行第二个查询来获取每个产品的价格! 这完美地工作,我的页面从20秒下降到十分之几秒。
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import csv
# Read data files and turn them into numpy array for further processing
def read_datafile(file_name):
data = np.loadtxt(file_name, delimiter=";")
return data
data1 = read_datafile("testcsv1.csv")
data2 = read_datafile("testcsv2.csv")
# Add empty column at the appropriate position
emptycol1 = np.empty((len(data1), 3))
emptycol1[:] = np.nan
emptycol2 = np.empty((len(data2), 3))
emptycol2[:] = np.nan
emptycol1[:,:-1] = data1
emptycol2[:,[0, 2]] = data2
# Merge and sort the data sets. Create empty array to add final results
merged_temp = np.concatenate((emptycol1, emptycol2))
merged_temp = np.array(sorted(merged_temp, key = lambda x: float(x[0])))
merged = np.empty((1, 3))
# Check for entries where the x values already match. Merge those into one row
i = 0
while i < len(merged_temp)-1:
if merged_temp[i, 0] == merged_temp[i+1, 0]:
newrow = np.array([merged_temp[i, 0], merged_temp[i, 1], merged_temp[i+1, 2]])
merged = np.vstack((merged, newrow))
i += 2
newrow = np.array([merged_temp[i, 0], merged_temp[i, 1], merged_temp[i, 2]])
merged = np.vstack((merged, newrow))
i += 1
# Check for so far undefined values (gaps in the data). Interpolate between them (linearly)
for i in range(len(merged)-1):
# First y column
if np.isnan(merged[i, 1]) == True:
# If only one value is missing (maybe not necessary to separate this case)
if (np.isnan(merged[i-1, 1]) == False) and (np.isnan(merged[i+1, 1]) == False):
merged[i, 1] = (merged[i-1, 1] + merged[i+1, 1])/2
# If two or more values are missing
elif np.isnan(merged[i, 1]) == True:
l = 0
while (np.isnan(merged[i+l, 1]) == True) and (i+l != len(merged)-1):
l += 1
x1 = np.array([i-1, i+l]) # endpoints
x = np.linspace(i, i+l-1, l, endpoint=True) # missing points
y = np.array([merged[i-1, 1], merged[i+l, 1]]) # values at endpoints
f = interp1d(x1, y) # linear interpolation
for k in x:
merged[k, 1] = f(k)
# Second y column
if np.isnan(merged[i, 2]) == True:
# If only one value is missing
if (np.isnan(merged[i-1, 2]) == False) and (np.isnan(merged[i+1, 2]) == False):
merged[i, 2] = (merged[i-1, 2] + merged[i+1, 2])/2
# If two or more values are missing
elif np.isnan(merged[i, 2]) == True:
l = 0
while (np.isnan(merged[i+l, 2]) == True) and (i+l != len(merged)-1):
l += 1
x1 = np.array([i-1, i+l]) # endpoints
x = np.linspace(i, i+l-1, l, endpoint=True) # missing points
y = np.array([merged[i-1, 2], merged[i+l, 2]]) # values at endpoints
f = interp1d(x1, y) # linear interpolation
for k in x:
merged[k, 2] = f(k)
# Remove lines which still have "nan" values (beginning and end). This could be prevented by an extrapolation
merged = merged[~np.isnan(merged).any(axis=1)]
merged = np.delete(merged, (0), axis=0)
# Write table to new csv file in the same directory
with open("testcsv_merged.csv", "w") as mergedfile:
writer = csv.writer(mergedfile)
[writer.writerow(r) for r in merged]
$dati = mysqli_query($mysqli_connect, "
FROM $tb_products
LEFT JOIN $tb_categories ON $tb_products.product_category = $tb_categories.category_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_subcategories ON $tb_products.product_subcategory = $tb_subcategories.subcategory_id_master
LEFT JOIN $tb_logos ON $tb_products.product_logo = $tb_logos.logo_id_master
WHERE $tb_products.product_language='$activeLanguage' AND $tb_products.product_category!=0
GROUP BY $tb_products.product_code
ORDER BY $tb_products.product_brand, $tb_categories.category_rank, $tb_subcategories.subcategory_rank, $tb_products.product_subcategory, $tb_products.product_rank