{% for dr in results %}
<button id="myBtn{{dr.id}}">More Info</button>
<div id="myModal{{dr.id}}" class="modal">
<!-- Modal content -->
<div class="modal-content">
<span class="close">×</span>
<p class="modal-info"> Name: {{dr.driver__first_name}} </p>
<p class="modal-info"> Phone number: {{dr.driver__phone_number}}</p>
<p class="modal-info">Bus Type: </p>
<p class="modal-info">License Plate:</p>
// Get the modal
var modal = document.getElementById("myModal{{dr.id}}");
// Get the button that opens the modal
var btn = document.getElementById("myBtn{{dr.id}}");
// Get the <span> element that closes the modal
var span = document.getElementsByClassName("close")[0];
// When the user clicks the button, open the modal
btn.onclick = function() {
modal.style.display = "block";
// When the user clicks on <span> (x), close the modal
span.onclick = function() {
modal.style.display = "none";
// When the user clicks anywhere outside of the modal, close it
window.onclick = function(event) {
if (event.target == modal) {
modal.style.display = "none";
{% endfor %}