DirectX-11 Instance Buffer返回E_INVALID_ARGS

时间:2017-12-02 07:21:39

标签: directx-11

人。我正处于开始为我的游戏引擎添加实例的地步。这是我做的通用函数,所以我可以传入一个实例缓冲区指针和一些矩阵,以及要绘制的实例列表。但是,在其第一个循环中,缓冲区为NULL,因此它尝试初始化它,但它失败并且HR = E_INVALID_ARGS。我不确定论证的哪一部分是无效的。


“sizeofXMFLOAT4X4”变量只是一个健全性检查,可以查看它读取的字节数(64,4bytes * 4floats / vec * 4 vec = 64)。


void StaticSceneryListClass::UpdateInstanceBuffer(ID3D11Buffer *pInstanceBuffer, XMFLOAT4X4 VPMat, XMFLOAT4X4 tileMat,  vector<StaticSceneryStruct> culledInstanceList)
//Pass this the buffer you want to update, the VPMat for the frame, and a list of instances to draw and it will fill the buffer with the stuff and things. 
//If the buffer is not initialized yet, it will be initialized too.

//first, create the data needed.
vector<XMFLOAT4X4> instanceMats;

for (int i = 0; i < culledInstanceList.size(); i++)
    XMFLOAT4X4 WorldMat = xmCon->MatTranspose(xmCon->MatMultiply(culledInstanceList[i].worldMat, tileMat));
    XMFLOAT4X4 WVP = xmCon->MatTranspose(xmCon->MatMultiply(WorldMat, VPMat));

if (pInstanceBuffer == NULL)
    //buffer not initialized yet, initialize it.
    D3D11_BUFFER_DESC instBuffDesc;
    ZeroMemory(&instBuffDesc, sizeof(instBuffDesc));
    sizeofXMFLOAT4X4 = sizeof(XMFLOAT4X4);
    instBuffDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
    instBuffDesc.ByteWidth = sizeofXMFLOAT4X4 * 2 * culledInstanceList.size();
    instBuffDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
    instBuffDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
    instBuffDesc.MiscFlags = 0;

    D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA instData;
    ZeroMemory(&instData, sizeof(instData));

    instData.pSysMem = &instanceMats[0];
    HRESULT hr = graphicsPointers.pdev->CreateBuffer(&instBuffDesc, &instData, &pInstanceBuffer);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        //Fails here with E_INVALID_ARG
        MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to create instance buffer!", "StaticSceneryList", MB_OK);
    //buffer already initialized, need to use resource may and unmap.
    D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
    ZeroMemory(&mappedResource, sizeof(D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE));

    //  Disable GPU access to the vertex buffer data.
    graphicsPointers.pdevcon->Map(pInstanceBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
    //  Update the vertex buffer here.
    memcpy(mappedResource.pData, &instanceMats[0], sizeof(XMFLOAT4X4) * 2 * culledInstanceList.size());
    //  Reenable GPU access to the vertex buffer data.
    graphicsPointers.pdevcon->Unmap(pInstanceBuffer, 0);

UPDATE1:12/2/2017 2:02 CST 我今天早上一直在运行各种调试测试,结果很有趣。我尝试隔离问题,发现传入null数据或缓冲区的新局部指针都没有做任何事情。我打开了调试层,它没有给我创建缓冲区语句的输出。我尝试使用缓冲区描述的参数来查看它会做什么,这些给了我一个错误。我添加了一个catch,如果淘汰列表的大小为0,即使它不是16的倍数。这使它偶尔通过,但它从未实际产生工作缓冲区。事实上,它通常仍然失败... S_OK ?? FAILED(hr)以HR为S_OK而下降,这没有多大意义。当我查看缓冲区指针的内存值时,它会从null变为具有地址,但它不会被“if not null,release并设置为null”块捕获。




void StaticSceneryListClass::UpdateInstanceBuffer(ID3D11Buffer *pInstanceBuffer, XMFLOAT4X4 VPMat, XMFLOAT4X4 tileMat, vector<StaticSceneryStruct> culledInstanceList)
//Pass this the buffer you want to update, the VPMat for the frame, and a list of instances to draw and it will fill the buffer with the stuff and things. 
//If the buffer is not initialized yet, it will be initialized too.

//Skip this process if there aren't any instances to draw
if (culledInstanceList.size() > 0)
    //first, create the data needed.
    vector<XMFLOAT4X4> instanceMats;
    for (int i = 0; i < culledInstanceList.size(); i++)
        XMFLOAT4X4 WorldMat = xmCon->MatTranspose(xmCon->MatMultiply(culledInstanceList[i].worldMat, tileMat));
        XMFLOAT4X4 WVP = xmCon->MatTranspose(xmCon->MatMultiply(WorldMat, VPMat));

    if (pInstanceBuffer == NULL)
        //buffer not initialized yet, initialize it.
        D3D11_BUFFER_DESC instBuffDesc;
        ZeroMemory(&instBuffDesc, sizeof(instBuffDesc));
        bytewidth = sizeof(XMFLOAT4X4) * 2 * culledInstanceList.size();
        if (bytewidth % 16 != 0)
            //hasn't fallen into here yet, which makes sense.
            MessageBox(NULL, "Instance Buffer Byte Width Not a multiple of 16", "StaticSceneryList", MB_OK);

        instBuffDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
        instBuffDesc.ByteWidth =  bytewidth;
        instBuffDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
        instBuffDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
        instBuffDesc.MiscFlags = 0;

        D3D11_SUBRESOURCE_DATA instData;
        ZeroMemory(&instData, sizeof(instData));

        instData.pSysMem = &instanceMats[0];

        HRESULT hr = graphicsPointers.pdev->CreateBuffer(&instBuffDesc, &instData, &pInstanceBuffer);
        //HRESULT hr = graphicsPointers.pdev->CreateBuffer(&instBuffDesc, &instData, &debugInstanceBuffer); //DEBUG
        if (FAILED(hr))
            //Fails here with S_OK lulwut
            MessageBox(NULL, "Failed to create instance buffer!", "StaticSceneryList", MB_OK);
            if (pInstanceBuffer != NULL)
               //This doesn't seem to trigger even though the address is not 0x0000etc
                pInstanceBuffer = NULL;
            //occasionally gets here but it doesn't seem to stick
            MessageBox(NULL, "Successfully created instance buffer.", "StaticSceneryList", MB_OK);
        //never seems to get to here.
        //buffer already initialized, need to use resource may and unmap.
        D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE mappedResource;
        ZeroMemory(&mappedResource, sizeof(D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE));

        //  Disable GPU access to the vertex buffer data.
        graphicsPointers.pdevcon->Map(pInstanceBuffer, 0, D3D11_MAP_WRITE_DISCARD, 0, &mappedResource);
        //  Update the vertex buffer here.
        memcpy(mappedResource.pData, &instanceMats[0], sizeof(XMFLOAT4X4) * 2 * culledInstanceList.size());
        //  Reenable GPU access to the vertex buffer data.
        graphicsPointers.pdevcon->Unmap(pInstanceBuffer, 0);
}//if there is anything to draw

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