我正在尝试从文本blob(NER / IE)中提取位置,并且已经尝试了许多解决方案,这些解决方案都太过于无用了spacy,Stanford等等。
我尝试了一种超级天真的方法,将我的blob分成单数单词,然后将周围的上下文作为特征提取,也使用位置地名查找(30 / 40k位置地名)作为特征。然后我只使用了一个分类器(XGDBoost),结果在我用大约3k手动标记数据点(100k总共只有3k位置)训练分类器时效果更好。各州/国家的准确率为95%,城市为85%。
是否有某种程度上我可以更好地解决这个问题,以进一步提高我的结果?浅nlp为2/3 / 4克?我的方法的另一个问题是分类器的输出不是一些顺序实体,它实际上只是分类的单词blob,它们不知何故需要聚集成一个实体,即: - >旧金山,加利福尼亚州只是'城市','城市','0','州',没有它们是同一个实体的概念
About Us - Employment Opportunities Donate Donate Now The Power of Mushrooms Enhancing Response Where We Work Map Australia Africa Asia Pacific Our Work Agriculture Anti - Trafficking and Gender - based Violence Education Emergency Response Health and Nutrition Rural and Economic Development About Us Who We Are Annual Report Newsletters Employment Opportunities Video Library Contact Us Login My Profile Donate Join Our Email List Employment Opportunities Annual Report Newsletters Policies Video Library Contact Us Employment Opportunities Current Career Opportunity Internships Volunteer Who We Are Our History Employment Opportunities with World Hope International Working in Service to the Poor Are you a professional that wants a sense of satisfaction out of your job that goes beyond words of affirmation or a pat on the back ? You could be a part of a global community serving the poor in the name of Jesus Christ . You could use your talents and resources to make a significant difference to millions . Help World Hope International give a hand up rather than a hand out . Career opportunities . Internship opportunities . Volunteer Why We Work Here World Hope International envisions a world free of poverty . Where young girls aren ’ t sold into sexual slavery . Where every child has enough to eat . Where men and women can earn a fair and honest wage , and their children aren ’ t kept from an education . Where every community in Africa has clean water . As an employee of World Hope International , these are the people you will work for . Regardless of their religious beliefs , gender , race or ethnic background , you will help shine the light of hope into the darkness of poverty , injustice and oppression . Find out more by learning about the of World Hope International and reviewing a summary of our work in the most recent history annual report . Equal Opportunity Employer World Hope International is both an equal opportunity employer and a faith - based religious organization . We hire US employees without regard to race , color , ancestry , national origin , citizenship , age , sex , marital status , parental status , membership in any labor organization , political ideology or disability of an otherwise qualified individual . We hire national employees in our countries of operation pursuant to the law of the country where we hire the employees . The status of World Hope International as an equal opportunity employer does not prevent the organization from hiring US staff based on their religious beliefs so that all US staff share the same religious commitment . Pursuant to the United States Civil Rights Act of 1964 , Section 702 ( 42 U . S . C . 2000e 1 ( a ) ) , World Hope International has the right to , and does , hire only candidates whose beliefs align with the Apostle ’ s Creed . Apostle ’ s Creed : I believe in Jesus Christ , Gods only Son , our Lord , who was conceived by the Holy Spirit , born of the Virgin Mary , suffered under Pontius Pilate , was crucified , died , and was buried ; he descended to the dead . On the third day he rose again ; he ascended into heaven , he is seated at the right hand of the Father , and he will come again to judge the living and the dead . I believe in the Holy Spirit , the holy catholic church , the communion of saints , the forgiveness of sins , the resurrection of the body , and the life everlasting . AMEN . Christian Commitment All applicants will be screened for their Christian commitment . This process will include a discussion of : The applicant ’ s spiritual journey and relationship with Jesus Christ as indicated in their statement of faith The applicant ’ s understanding and acceptance of the Apostle ’ s Creed . Statement of Faith A statement of faith describes your faith and how you see it as relevant to your involvement with World Hope International . It must include , at a minimum , a description of your spiritual disciplines ( prayer , Bible study , etc . ) and your current fellowship or place of worship . Applicants can either incorporate their statement of faith into their cover letter content or submit it as a separate document . 519 Mt Petrie Road Mackenzie , Qld 4156 1 - 800 - 967 - 534 ( World Hope ) + 61 7 3624 9977 CHEQUE Donations World Hope International ATTN : Gift Processing 519 Mt Petrie Road Mackenzie , Qld 4156 Spread the Word Stay Informed Join Email List Focused on the Mission In fiscal year 2015 , 88 % of all expenditures went to program services . Find out more . Privacy Policy | Terms of Service World Hope Australia Overseas Aid Fund is registered with the ACNC and all donations over $ 2 are tax deductible . ABN : 64 983 196 241 © 2017 WORLD HOPE INTERNATIONAL . All rights reserved .'
('US', 'GPE')
('US', 'GPE')
('US', 'GPE')
('the', 'GPE')
('United', 'GPE')
('States', 'GPE')
('Jesus', 'GPE')
('Christ', 'GPE')
('Pontius', 'GPE')
('Pilate', 'GPE')
('Faith', 'GPE')
('A', 'GPE')
答案 0 :(得分:5)
即使是最好的基于深度学习的NER系统,这些天也只能达到92.0的F1。基于深度学习的系统(CNN-BiLSTM-CRF)应该优于Stanford CoreNLP的普通CRF序列标记器。最近,在整合语言模型方面取得了更多进步。你可能想看看AllenNLP。
您可以查看Stanford CoreNLP的TokensRegex和RegexNER功能,了解如何将Stanford CoreNLP用于此目的。
TokensRegex:https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/tokensregex.html RegexNER:https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/regexner.html
答案 1 :(得分:0)
通过训练自己的分类器,您将获得最佳效果。您可以使用spaCy或自定义的东西 - 无论哪种方式,对您自己的数据进行培训将比您使用的模型更重要。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
标题: 深度学习的命名实体识别调查
URL: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1812.09449.pdf