
时间:2017-12-01 00:57:03

标签: list python-3.5 index-error

标题 我目前正在尝试让用户使用破折号( - )输入棋盘以及与棋子对应的字母。但是这份清单并没有妥善保存。这是代码搞砸了。

def make_a_chessboard():
 chessboard = []

 possible_char = ["-","K","k","Q","q","R","r","N","n","B","b","P","p"]
 rows = 8
 cols = 8
 for r in range(rows):
     user_input = input("")
     while len(user_input) != 8:
         print("That is not the correct length. Please try again.")
         user_input = input("")
 for i in range(len(user_input)):
     flag1 = False
     while flag1 == False:
         if user_input[i] not in possible_char:
             print("One of the characters used is not supported. Please try again.")
             user_input = input("")
             for c in range(cols):

             flag1 = True


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 def is_valid_row(user_in):
    possible_char = ["-","K","k","Q","q","R","r","N","n","B","b","P","p"]
    if len(user_in) != 8:
        print("Please enter a string of 8 characters")
        return False
    for each_char in user_in:
        if each_char not in possible_char:
            print("You have entered illegal char {}".format(each_char))
            return False
    # Neither of those other two have returned false
    # so we're good to assume it's valid
    return True

 def make_a_chessboard():
     chessboard = []
     rows = 8

     # Process each row (you do this line by line, right?)
     for r in range(rows):
        user_input = input("")
        while not is_valid_row(user_input):
             user_input = input("")

        # We now have valid input (or we're stuck in while-loop-hell)
        # break the input into a list (of 8 valid chars)
        each_row = [x for x in user_input]

        # Now append it to chessboard
