##Normality of the variables
with(Melanoma, qqPlot(age, dist="norm", id.method="y", id.n=2,
labels=rownames(Melanoma), main="qq-plot Age"))
with(Melanoma, qqPlot(thickness, dist="norm", id.method="y", id.n=2,
labels=rownames(Melanoma), main="qq-plot Thickness"))
with(Melanoma, qqPlot(time, dist="norm", id.method="y", id.n=2,
labels=rownames(Melanoma), main="qq-plot Time"))
The variable "age" seems to follow a normal distribution, we can't say the same thing for the ariables "thickness" and "time".
#Saphiro-Wilk test
In order to be more precise I performed a Saphiro-Wilk test
normalityTest(~age, test="shapiro.test", data=Melanoma)
normalityTest(~thickness, test="shapiro.test", data=Melanoma)
normalityTest(~time, test="shapiro.test", data=Melanoma)
We can see that, only the variables "time" and "age" seems to follow a normal distribution.