我试图找出如何扫描已安装的卷(它们连接到服务器并通过afp://挂载到我的工作站上)并选择某些文件类型,并输出路径,文件名和资产id到csv文件。资产ID是文件名后面加“_”的最后10位数(例如: afilename_1234567890.mov )有些文件没有资产ID(我忽略),有些文件有多个“。”(例如, afilename_videofile_23.98_prores_1234567890.mov )。我可以获得我需要的卷(更少的时间机器备份驱动器),但尝试扫描文件是很麻烦的。我查看了各种示例并研究了Apple FileManager文档,但没有具体的内容。
我有以下例程来执行我需要的操作但是使用 let enumerator = fileManager.enumerator(atPath:url.path)!,枚举器始终为空。
func FindFilesWithAssetIDs() {
// Find all the mounted volumes
let keys: [URLResourceKey] = []
let volumes = FileManager.default.mountedVolumeURLs(includingResourceValuesForKeys: keys, options: [])!
var count = 0
var volumeCount = volumes.count
var volumeItem = 0
let filterExtensions = ["mxf", "mov", "mp4", "scc", "cap", "srt", "txt", "rtf", "wav", "mp3", "m2v", "aif"]
// Scan all the mounted volumes, one at a time
for url in volumes {
let components = url.pathComponents
if components.count > 1 && components[1] == "Volumes" {
if components[2] == "Time Machine Backup" { continue } // Check if the volume is the staff backup disk. If it is, move on to the next volume
guard let volumeTypeKey = try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.volumeIsLocalKey]) else { return } // Make sure we are scanning the volumes and not any local folders like /private
let volumeType: Bool = volumeTypeKey.volumeIsLocal!
if volumeType == false {
let fileManager = FileManager.default
let enumerator = fileManager.enumerator(atPath: url.path)!
while let element = enumerator.nextObject() as? String {
if element.hasSuffix("mxf") || element.hasSuffix("mov") { // a test. I would much rather use a filterExtension method or a switch statement
// do something
count += 1
NSLog(url.path, " ", String(count))
// NSLog(url.path)
volumeItem += 1
答案 0 :(得分:0)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
在一天结束时,我在Swift和Applescript之后更进一步。我对代码做了一些更改(而let element = enumerator.nextObject()为?String 现在是而let element = enumerator.nextObject()为?URL 缩短String< - >的其他例程URL调用等。