
时间:2017-11-29 12:06:20

标签: .net windows vb.net winforms

我想在3 mins上每小时加上form_load执行代码。我写了一些代码,但这还不够我的目标。例如,如果我在8:10打开应用程序,我希望它在9:0310:0311:03执行,依此类推。


    Dim currentDate As DateTime = DateTime.Now
    Dim minutesLeft = 60 - currentDate.Minute 'Computes how many minutes left until an hour
    Dim toMilisecs = (minutesLeft + 3) * 60000 'Convert (mins + 3) to milisecs
    tmrDPL.Interval = toMilisecs 'Set tmrDPL.Interval to toMilisecs

    If tmrDPL.Interval = 180000 Then 'Execute every hh:03 hr
        'Execute code
    End If

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



in form_load:


和计时器If tmrDPL.Interval <> 3600000 Then '60*60*1000 tmrDPL.Interval = 3600000 'next calls must be after one hour from now End If DoMyTasks() 'execute your code... 事件:


答案 1 :(得分:2)

这是一个更准确计算开始时间的解决方案。 因为S. Serp的答案并未完全在**:03启动计时器,而是取决于**:03:59处应用的开始时间。

Private Sub InitTimer()
    Dim currDate As DateTime = Date.Now
    Dim startMinute As Integer = 3
    Dim startTime As New TimeSpan(currDate.Hour, startMinute, 0)
    Dim secondsToNextRun As Integer = (3600 + startMinute * 60) -
                                     ((currDate.Minute * 60) + currDate.Second +
                                     If(currDate.TimeOfDay.Ticks > startTime.Ticks, 0, 3600))

    'calculate ms from s (add 1ms, for the case that secondsToNextRun = 0)
    tmrDLP.Interval = secondsToNextRun * 1000 + 1
    tmrDLP.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrDLP_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrDLP.Tick
    If tmrDLP.Interval <> 3600000 Then
        tmrDLP.Interval = 3600000
    End If

    'run your code here
End Sub

答案 2 :(得分:1)


Public Class OffsetTimer
    Private cycle As Long
    Private offset As Long
    Private nextTrigger As Long

    Public Sub New(Byval initCycle As Long, Byval initOffset As Long)
        cycle = initCycle
        offset = initOffset

        'Calculate next trigger point
        nextTrigger = offset + ((Date.Now.Ticks /  cycle) * cycle)
        While(Date.Now.Ticks >= nextTrigger) 'If next trigger time still is in the past...
            'offset was to small, so add an additional cycle
            nextTrigger = nextTrigger + cycle
        End While
    End Sub

    Public Function CheckTrigger as Boolean
        Dim retVar As Boolean
        Dim ticks As Long

        retVar = False
        ticks = Date.Now.Ticks

        'If trigger point lies in presence or even past...
        If nextTrigger <= ticks Then
            'Prepare Return True
            retVar = True
            'Calculate next trigger point
            nextTrigger = nextTrigger + cycle
        End If

        Return retVar
    End Function
End Class


您也可以使用类似的计算来获取下一个触发点(例如Date.Now.Ticks - nextTrigger)的时间,并为其设置Timer的间隔。 如果您仍有疑问,请将其留在评论中。