
时间:2017-11-29 03:05:45

标签: c++

你好我想做的就是最后一次cout陈述显示任何公寓有最高租金和公寓名称。现在它显示所有复合物输入的总租金以及输入的最后一个复杂名称。我坚持这个,可以真正使用一些帮助。我是c ++的新手,所以请以外行的方式与我交谈,我很难理解某些事情。

// ConsoleApplication1.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main()
    ofstream outputFile;
    int numComplex, numMonths;
    double rent, totalAllRent = 0; //// Accumulator for total scores
    string nameComplex;
    string highNameComplex;
    double averageRent;
    double highestRentTotal = 0;

    //set up numeric output programing
    cout << fixed << showpoint << setprecision(1);

    cout << "How many complexes will you enter?";
    cin >> numComplex;   //number of complexes enter
    cout << "How many months of rent will you enter complex?";
    cin >> numMonths; //number of months of rent enter

    for (int complex = 1; complex <= numComplex; complex++)
        cout << "Enter Complex Name ";
        cin >> nameComplex;
        outputFile << nameComplex << " ";

        for (int months = 1; months <= numMonths; months++)
            cout << "Enter Rent " << months << " for ";
            cout << " Complex " << complex << ": ";
            cin >> rent;
            outputFile << rent << endl; //write data to output file 
            totalAllRent = totalAllRent + rent;

            if (totalAllRent > highestRentTotal)
                highNameComplex = nameComplex;
                highestRentTotal = totalAllRent;

            averageRent = totalAllRent / numComplex;

    outputFile.close(); //close the file

    ifstream inputFile;
    cout << "Complex Monthly rent Collected per Complex " << endl;

    while (inputFile >> nameComplex)
        for (int i = 0; i < numMonths; i++)
            inputFile >> rent;
            cout << nameComplex << " " << rent << endl;
            if (rent == 0)
                cout << "Warning one of the complexes submitted zero rent for one of the months " << endl;

            cout << "Total rent collected for the company = " << totalAllRent << endl;
            cout << " Average Monthly rent collected for the company = " << averageRent << endl;
            cout << highNameComplex << "collect the most rent = " << highestRentTotal << endl;

    return 0;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

1.定义vector<vector<double>> vvRents按月存储所有公寓的租金 2. vvRents中的每个元素都存储每个公寓所有月份的租金 3.收集所有数据后,按公寓计算年份的总计租金,并将总租金存储在新的向量vTotalRents中。 4.使用max_element算法选择最昂贵的公寓 您必须包含<vector>才能使用vector课程,并添加<algorithm>以使用max_element