
时间:2011-01-20 22:12:56

标签: java number-formatting


1000 to 1k
5821 to 5.8k
10500 to 10k
101800 to 101k
2000000 to 2m
7800000 to 7.8m
92150000 to 92m
123200000 to 123m

右边的数字是长整数,左边的数字是字符串。 我应该如何处理这个问题。我已经为此做了很少的算法,但我认为可能已经发明了一些可以做得更好的事情,并且如果我开始处理数十亿和数万亿,则不需要额外的测试:)


  • 格式最多应包含4个字符
  • 上述方法1.1k可以11.2k不是。相同的7.8m是可以的19.1m不是。小数点前只允许一位数具有小数点。小数点前的两位数表示小数点后的数字。
  • 不需要舍入。 (附加k和m显示的数字更多是模拟量表,表示近似而不是精确的逻辑文章。因此,舍入与主要由于变量的性质无关,即使在查看缓存结果时也可以增加或减少几位数。)

25 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:127)

这是 一个适用于任何长值的解决方案 ,我发现它非常易读(核心逻辑在{{1}的底部三行中完成方法)。




private static final NavigableMap<Long, String> suffixes = new TreeMap<> ();
static {
  suffixes.put(1_000L, "k");
  suffixes.put(1_000_000L, "M");
  suffixes.put(1_000_000_000L, "G");
  suffixes.put(1_000_000_000_000L, "T");
  suffixes.put(1_000_000_000_000_000L, "P");
  suffixes.put(1_000_000_000_000_000_000L, "E");

public static String format(long value) {
  //Long.MIN_VALUE == -Long.MIN_VALUE so we need an adjustment here
  if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE) return format(Long.MIN_VALUE + 1);
  if (value < 0) return "-" + format(-value);
  if (value < 1000) return Long.toString(value); //deal with easy case

  Entry<Long, String> e = suffixes.floorEntry(value);
  Long divideBy = e.getKey();
  String suffix = e.getValue();

  long truncated = value / (divideBy / 10); //the number part of the output times 10
  boolean hasDecimal = truncated < 100 && (truncated / 10d) != (truncated / 10);
  return hasDecimal ? (truncated / 10d) + suffix : (truncated / 10) + suffix;

答案 1 :(得分:92)


public static void main(String args[]) {
    long[] numbers = new long[]{1000, 5821, 10500, 101800, 2000000, 7800000, 92150000, 123200000, 9999999};
    for(long n : numbers) {
        System.out.println(n + " => " + coolFormat(n, 0));

private static char[] c = new char[]{'k', 'm', 'b', 't'};

 * Recursive implementation, invokes itself for each factor of a thousand, increasing the class on each invokation.
 * @param n the number to format
 * @param iteration in fact this is the class from the array c
 * @return a String representing the number n formatted in a cool looking way.
private static String coolFormat(double n, int iteration) {
    double d = ((long) n / 100) / 10.0;
    boolean isRound = (d * 10) %10 == 0;//true if the decimal part is equal to 0 (then it's trimmed anyway)
    return (d < 1000? //this determines the class, i.e. 'k', 'm' etc
        ((d > 99.9 || isRound || (!isRound && d > 9.99)? //this decides whether to trim the decimals
         (int) d * 10 / 10 : d + "" // (int) d * 10 / 10 drops the decimal
         ) + "" + c[iteration]) 
        : coolFormat(d, iteration+1));



1000 => 1k
5821 => 5.8k
10500 => 10k
101800 => 101k
2000000 => 2m
7800000 => 7.8m
92150000 => 92m
123200000 => 123m
9999999 => 9.9m

答案 2 :(得分:42)


public static void main(String args[]) {
    long[] numbers = new long[]{7, 12, 856, 1000, 5821, 10500, 101800, 2000000, 7800000, 92150000, 123200000, 9999999};
    for(long number : numbers) {
        System.out.println(number + " = " + format(number));

private static String[] suffix = new String[]{"","k", "m", "b", "t"};
private static int MAX_LENGTH = 4;

private static String format(double number) {
    String r = new DecimalFormat("##0E0").format(number);
    r = r.replaceAll("E[0-9]", suffix[Character.getNumericValue(r.charAt(r.length() - 1)) / 3]);
    while(r.length() > MAX_LENGTH || r.matches("[0-9]+\\.[a-z]")){
        r = r.substring(0, r.length()-2) + r.substring(r.length() - 1);
    return r;


7 = 7
12 = 12
856 = 856
1000 = 1k
5821 = 5.8k
10500 = 10k
101800 = 102k
2000000 = 2m
7800000 = 7.8m
92150000 = 92m
123200000 = 123m
9999999 = 10m

答案 3 :(得分:19)

你可以将后缀放在一个字符串或数组中,并根据功率或类似的东西来设置fetch'em 该部门也可以围绕权力进行管理,我认为几乎所有事情都与权力价值有关。 希望它有所帮助!

public static String formatValue(double value) {
int power; 
    String suffix = " kmbt";
    String formattedNumber = "";

    NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###.#");
    power = (int)StrictMath.log10(value);
    value = value/(Math.pow(10,(power/3)*3));
    formattedNumber = formattedNumber + suffix.charAt(power/3);
    return formattedNumber.length()>4 ?  formattedNumber.replaceAll("\\.[0-9]+", "") : formattedNumber;  




答案 4 :(得分:15)


  • 许多当前解决方案使用这些前缀k = 10 3 ,m = 10 6 ,b = 10 9 ,t = 10 12 。但是,根据various sources,正确的前缀是k = 10 3 ,M = 10 6 ,G = 10 9 ,T = 10 12
  • 缺乏对负数的支持(或者至少缺乏证明支持负数的测试)
  • 缺乏对逆操作的支持,例如将1.1k转换为1100(尽管这超出了原始问题的范围)


此解决方案(this answer的扩展名)解决了上述问题。

import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.FieldPosition;
import java.text.Format;
import java.text.ParsePosition;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * Converts a number to a string in <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix">metric prefix</a> format.
 * For example, 7800000 will be formatted as '7.8M'. Numbers under 1000 will be unchanged. Refer to the tests for further examples.
class RoundedMetricPrefixFormat extends Format {

    private static final String[] METRIC_PREFIXES = new String[]{"", "k", "M", "G", "T"};

     * The maximum number of characters in the output, excluding the negative sign
    private static final Integer MAX_LENGTH = 4;

    private static final Pattern TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT = Pattern.compile("[0-9]+\\.[kMGT]");

    private static final Pattern METRIC_PREFIXED_NUMBER = Pattern.compile("\\-?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9])?[kMGT]");

    public StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer output, FieldPosition pos) {

        Double number = Double.valueOf(obj.toString());

        // if the number is negative, convert it to a positive number and add the minus sign to the output at the end
        boolean isNegative = number < 0;
        number = Math.abs(number);

        String result = new DecimalFormat("##0E0").format(number);

        Integer index = Character.getNumericValue(result.charAt(result.length() - 1)) / 3;
        result = result.replaceAll("E[0-9]", METRIC_PREFIXES[index]);

        while (result.length() > MAX_LENGTH || TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT.matcher(result).matches()) {
            int length = result.length();
            result = result.substring(0, length - 2) + result.substring(length - 1);

        return output.append(isNegative ? "-" + result : result);

     * Convert a String produced by <tt>format()</tt> back to a number. This will generally not restore
     * the original number because <tt>format()</tt> is a lossy operation, e.g.
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * def formatter = new RoundedMetricPrefixFormat()
     * Long number = 5821L
     * String formattedNumber = formatter.format(number)
     * assert formattedNumber == '5.8k'
     * Long parsedNumber = formatter.parseObject(formattedNumber)
     * assert parsedNumber == 5800
     * assert parsedNumber != number
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @param source a number that may have a metric prefix
     * @param pos if parsing succeeds, this should be updated to the index after the last parsed character
     * @return a Number if the the string is a number without a metric prefix, or a Long if it has a metric prefix
    public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) {

        if (NumberUtils.isNumber(source)) {

            // if the value is a number (without a prefix) don't return it as a Long or we'll lose any decimals
            return toNumber(source);

        } else if (METRIC_PREFIXED_NUMBER.matcher(source).matches()) {

            boolean isNegative = source.charAt(0) == '-';
            int length = source.length();

            String number = isNegative ? source.substring(1, length - 1) : source.substring(0, length - 1);
            String metricPrefix = Character.toString(source.charAt(length - 1));

            Number absoluteNumber = toNumber(number);

            int index = 0;

            for (; index < METRIC_PREFIXES.length; index++) {
                if (METRIC_PREFIXES[index].equals(metricPrefix)) {

            Integer exponent = 3 * index;
            Double factor = Math.pow(10, exponent);
            factor *= isNegative ? -1 : 1;

            Float result = absoluteNumber.floatValue() * factor.longValue();
            return result.longValue();

        return null;

    private static Number toNumber(String number) {
        return NumberUtils.createNumber(number);



import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils

import java.text.DecimalFormat
import java.text.FieldPosition
import java.text.Format
import java.text.ParsePosition
import java.util.regex.Pattern

 * Converts a number to a string in <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix">metric prefix</a> format.
 * For example, 7800000 will be formatted as '7.8M'. Numbers under 1000 will be unchanged. Refer to the tests for further examples.
class RoundedMetricPrefixFormat extends Format {

    private static final METRIC_PREFIXES = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T"]

     * The maximum number of characters in the output, excluding the negative sign
    private static final Integer MAX_LENGTH = 4

    private static final Pattern TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT = ~/[0-9]+\.[kMGT]/

    private static final Pattern METRIC_PREFIXED_NUMBER = ~/\-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9])?[kMGT]/

    StringBuffer format(Object obj, StringBuffer output, FieldPosition pos) {

        Double number = obj as Double

        // if the number is negative, convert it to a positive number and add the minus sign to the output at the end
        boolean isNegative = number < 0
        number = Math.abs(number)

        String result = new DecimalFormat("##0E0").format(number)

        Integer index = Character.getNumericValue(result.charAt(result.size() - 1)) / 3
        result = result.replaceAll("E[0-9]", METRIC_PREFIXES[index])

        while (result.size() > MAX_LENGTH || TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT.matcher(result).matches()) {
            int length = result.size()
            result = result.substring(0, length - 2) + result.substring(length - 1)

        output << (isNegative ? "-$result" : result)

     * Convert a String produced by <tt>format()</tt> back to a number. This will generally not restore
     * the original number because <tt>format()</tt> is a lossy operation, e.g.
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * def formatter = new RoundedMetricPrefixFormat()
     * Long number = 5821L
     * String formattedNumber = formatter.format(number)
     * assert formattedNumber == '5.8k'
     * Long parsedNumber = formatter.parseObject(formattedNumber)
     * assert parsedNumber == 5800
     * assert parsedNumber != number
     * }
     * </pre>
     * @param source a number that may have a metric prefix
     * @param pos if parsing succeeds, this should be updated to the index after the last parsed character
     * @return a Number if the the string is a number without a metric prefix, or a Long if it has a metric prefix
    Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos) {

        if (source.isNumber()) {

            // if the value is a number (without a prefix) don't return it as a Long or we'll lose any decimals
            pos.index = source.size()

        } else if (METRIC_PREFIXED_NUMBER.matcher(source).matches()) {

            boolean isNegative = source[0] == '-'

            String number = isNegative ? source[1..-2] : source[0..-2]
            String metricPrefix = source[-1]

            Number absoluteNumber = toNumber(number)

            Integer exponent = 3 * METRIC_PREFIXES.indexOf(metricPrefix)
            Long factor = 10 ** exponent
            factor *= isNegative ? -1 : 1

            pos.index = source.size()
            (absoluteNumber * factor) as Long

    private static Number toNumber(String number) {



import java.text.Format
import java.text.ParseException

class RoundedMetricPrefixFormatTests extends GroovyTestCase {

    private Format roundedMetricPrefixFormat = new RoundedMetricPrefixFormat()

    void testNumberFormatting() {

                7L         : '7',
                12L        : '12',
                856L       : '856',
                1000L      : '1k',
                (-1000L)   : '-1k',
                5821L      : '5.8k',
                10500L     : '10k',
                101800L    : '102k',
                2000000L   : '2M',
                7800000L   : '7.8M',
                (-7800000L): '-7.8M',
                92150000L  : '92M',
                123200000L : '123M',
                9999999L   : '10M',
                (-9999999L): '-10M'
        ].each { Long rawValue, String expectedRoundValue ->

            assertEquals expectedRoundValue, roundedMetricPrefixFormat.format(rawValue)

    void testStringParsingSuccess() {
                '7'    : 7,
                '8.2'  : 8.2F,
                '856'  : 856,
                '-856' : -856,
                '1k'   : 1000,
                '5.8k' : 5800,
                '-5.8k': -5800,
                '10k'  : 10000,
                '102k' : 102000,
                '2M'   : 2000000,
                '7.8M' : 7800000L,
                '92M'  : 92000000L,
                '-92M' : -92000000L,
                '123M' : 123000000L,
                '10M'  : 10000000L

        ].each { String metricPrefixNumber, Number expectedValue ->

            def parsedNumber = roundedMetricPrefixFormat.parseObject(metricPrefixNumber)
            assertEquals expectedValue, parsedNumber

    void testStringParsingFail() {

        shouldFail(ParseException) {

答案 5 :(得分:9)

ICU lib有一个基于规则的数字格式化程序,可用于数字拼写等。我认为使用ICU会为您提供可读且可维护的解决方案。

<强> [使用方法]



double num = 2718.28;
NumberFormat formatter = 
    new RuleBasedNumberFormat(RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
String result = formatter.format(num);


答案 6 :(得分:7)


 public static String formatNumberExample(Number number) {
        char[] suffix = {' ', 'k', 'M', 'B', 'T', 'P', 'E'};
        long numValue = number.longValue();
        int value = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(numValue));
        int base = value / 3;
        if (value >= 3 && base < suffix.length) {
            return new DecimalFormat("~#0.0").format(numValue / Math.pow(10, base * 3)) + suffix[base];
        } else {
            return new DecimalFormat("#,##0").format(numValue);

答案 7 :(得分:7)

重要提示:对double之类的数字投降99999999999999999L的答案将失败并返回100P而不是99P,因为double使用IEEE standard


如果最多15位有效数字的十进制字符串转换为IEEE 754双精度表示形式,然后转换回具有相同有效位数的字符串,则最终字符串应与原版的。 [long 最多19个有效数字。]

System.out.println((long)(double)99999999999999992L); // 100000000000000000
System.out.println((long)(double)99999999999999991L); //  99999999999999984
// it is even worse for the logarithm:
System.out.println(Math.log10(99999999999999600L)); // 17.0
System.out.println(Math.log10(99999999999999500L)); // 16.999999999999996

此解决方案可以切断不需要的数字,适用于所有long。简单但高性能的实现(下面的比较)。 -120k不能用4个字符表示,即使-0.1M太长,这就是为什么负数5个字符必须是好的:

private static final char[] magnitudes = {'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'}; // enough for long

public static final String convert(long number) {
    String ret;
    if (number >= 0) {
        ret = "";
    } else if (number <= -9200000000000000000L) {
        return "-9.2E";
    } else {
        ret = "-";
        number = -number;
    if (number < 1000)
        return ret + number;
    for (int i = 0; ; i++) {
        if (number < 10000 && number % 1000 >= 100)
            return ret + (number / 1000) + '.' + ((number % 1000) / 100) + magnitudes[i];
        number /= 1000;
        if (number < 1000)
            return ret + number + magnitudes[i];

开头else if中的测试是必要的,因为最小值为-(2^63),最大值为(2^63)-1,因此如果{{1},则分配number = -number将失败}}。如果我们必须进行检查,那么我们也可以包含尽可能多的数字,而不仅仅是检查number == Long.MIN_VALUE

将此实施方案与获得最多投票权的人(当前表示最快)进行比较,结果表明 <5>快(取决于测试设置,但是更多的数字,增益变得更大,这个实现必须做更多的检查,因为它处理所有情况,所以如果另一个将被修复,差异将变得更大)。它是快速的,因为没有浮点运算,没有对数,没有幂,没有递归,没有正则表达式,没有复杂的格式化程序和最小化创建的对象数量。


number == Long.MIN_VALUE

可能的输出:public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { long[] numbers = new long[20000000]; for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) numbers[i] = Math.random() < 0.5 ? (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE) : (long) (Math.random() * Long.MIN_VALUE); System.out.println(convert1(numbers) + " vs. " + convert2(numbers)); } private static long convert1(long[] numbers) { long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) Converter1.convert(numbers[i]); return System.currentTimeMillis() - l; } private static long convert2(long[] numbers) { long l = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) Converter2.coolFormat(numbers[i], 0); return System.currentTimeMillis() - l; } } (当只使用正数时大致相同,而在颠倒执行顺序时更为极端,可能与垃圾收集有关)

答案 8 :(得分:7)


private static final char[] SUFFIXES = {'k', 'm', 'g', 't', 'p', 'e' };

public static String format(long number) {
    if(number < 1000) {
        // No need to format this
        return String.valueOf(number);
    // Convert to a string
    final String string = String.valueOf(number);
    // The suffix we're using, 1-based
    final int magnitude = (string.length() - 1) / 3;
    // The number of digits we must show before the prefix
    final int digits = (string.length() - 1) % 3 + 1;

    // Build the string
    char[] value = new char[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
        value[i] = string.charAt(i);
    int valueLength = digits;
    // Can and should we add a decimal point and an additional number?
    if(digits == 1 && string.charAt(1) != '0') {
        value[valueLength++] = '.';
        value[valueLength++] = string.charAt(1);
    value[valueLength++] = SUFFIXES[magnitude - 1];
    return new String(value, 0, valueLength);






我的:1137.028毫秒   以利亚的:2664.396 ms
  assylias':1373.473 ms

答案 9 :(得分:6)




public String Format(Integer number){
    String[] suffix = new String[]{"k","m","b","t"};
    int size = (number.intValue() != 0) ? (int) Math.log10(number) : 0;
    if (size >= 3){
        while (size % 3 != 0) {
            size = size - 1;
    double notation = Math.pow(10, size);
    String result = (size >= 3) ? + (Math.round((number / notation) * 100) / 100.0d)+suffix[(size/3) - 1] : + number + "";
    return result

答案 10 :(得分:6)





  • 如果十分之零为零,则只输出整个部分和后缀。
  • 如果整个部分大于9,则只输出整个部分和后缀。
  • 否则,输出整个部分,十分之一部分和后缀。


static private String makeDecimal(long val, long div, String sfx) {
    val = val / (div / 10);
    long whole = val / 10;
    long tenths = val % 10;
    if ((tenths == 0) || (whole >= 10))
        return String.format("%d%s", whole, sfx);
    return String.format("%d.%d%s", whole, tenths, sfx);


static final long THOU =                1000L;
static final long MILL =             1000000L;
static final long BILL =          1000000000L;
static final long TRIL =       1000000000000L;
static final long QUAD =    1000000000000000L;
static final long QUIN = 1000000000000000000L;

static private String Xlat(long val) {
    if (val < THOU) return Long.toString(val);
    if (val < MILL) return makeDecimal(val, THOU, "k");
    if (val < BILL) return makeDecimal(val, MILL, "m");
    if (val < TRIL) return makeDecimal(val, BILL, "b");
    if (val < QUAD) return makeDecimal(val, TRIL, "t");
    if (val < QUIN) return makeDecimal(val, QUAD, "q");
    return makeDecimal(val, QUIN, "u");


return中的最终Xlat不需要条件,因为在64位有符号长整数中,您可以保留的最大值仅为9.2 quintillion。

但是,如果根据某些奇怪的要求,Oracle决定添加128位longer类型或1024位damn_long类型,那么您将为此做好准备: - )


public static void main(String[] args) {
    long vals[] = {
        999L, 1000L, 5821L, 10500L, 101800L, 2000000L,
        7800000L, 92150000L, 123200000L, 999999999L,
        1000000000L, 1100000000L, 999999999999L,
        1000000000000L, 999999999999999L,
        1000000000000000L, 9223372036854775807L
    for (long val: vals)
        System.out.println ("" + val + " -> " + Xlat(val));


999 -> 999
1000 -> 1k
5821 -> 5.8k
10500 -> 10k
101800 -> 101k
2000000 -> 2m
7800000 -> 7.8m
92150000 -> 92m
123200000 -> 123m
999999999 -> 999m
1000000000 -> 1b
1100000000 -> 1.1b
999999999999 -> 999b
1000000000000 -> 1t
999999999999999 -> 999t
1000000000000000 -> 1q
9223372036854775807 -> 9.2u

另外,请注意,将负数传递给此函数会导致字符串太长而无法满足您的要求,因为它遵循< THOU路径)。我认为这很好,因为你只在问题中提到了非负值。

答案 11 :(得分:5)



1000 => 1.0k | 1000
5821 => 5.8k | 5821
10500 => 10k | 10k5
101800 => 101k | 101k
2000000 => 2.0m | 2m
7800000 => 7.8m | 7m8
92150000 => 92m | 92m1
123200000 => 123m | 123m
9999999 => 9.9m | 9m99


public class HTTest {
private static String[] unit = {"u", "k", "m", "g", "t"};
 * @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
    int[] numbers = new int[]{1000, 5821, 10500, 101800, 2000000, 7800000, 92150000, 123200000, 9999999};
    for(int n : numbers) {
        System.out.println(n + " => " + myFormat(n) + " | " + myFormat2(n));

private static String myFormat(int pN) {
    String str = Integer.toString(pN);
    int len = str.length ()-1;
    if (len <= 3) return str;
    int level = len / 3;
    int mode = len % 3;
    switch (mode) {
    case 0: return str.substring(0, 1) + "." + str.substring(1, 2) + unit[level];
    case 1: return str.substring(0, 2) + unit[level];
    case 2: return str.substring(0, 3) + unit[level];
    return "how that?";
private static String trim1 (String pVal) {
    if (pVal.equals("0")) return "";
    return pVal;
private static String trim2 (String pVal) {
    if (pVal.equals("00")) return "";
    return pVal.substring(0, 1) + trim1(pVal.substring(1,2));
private static String myFormat2(int pN) {
    String str = Integer.toString(pN);
    int len = str.length () - 1;
    if (len <= 3) return str;
    int level = len / 3;
    int mode = len % 3;
    switch (mode) {
    case 0: return str.substring(0, 1) + unit[level] + trim2(str.substring(1, 3));
    case 2: return str.substring(0, 3) + unit[level];
    case 1: return str.substring(0, 2) + unit[level] + trim1(str.substring(2, 3));
    return "how that?";

答案 12 :(得分:5)

使用 JDK / 12 build:26 ,您现在可以使用https://myWSdomain.mydomain.com设置数字格式。您可以先创建一个restTemplate.setInterceptors(Collections.singletonList(new RestInterceptor ())); 作为


,然后将其用于NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCompactNumberInstance(Locale.US, NumberFormat.Style.SHORT);


答案 13 :(得分:5)


private string  FormatNumber(double value)
    string[]  suffixes = new string[] {" k", " m", " b", " t", " q"};
    for (int j = suffixes.Length;  j > 0;  j--)
        double  unit = Math.Pow(1000, j);
        if (value >= unit)
            return (value / unit).ToString("#,##0.0") + suffixes[--j];
    return value.ToString("#,##0");

很容易将其调整为使用CS公斤(1,024)而不是公制公斤,或者添加更多单位。它将1,000格式化为“1.0 k”而不是“1 k”,但我相信这是无关紧要的。


if (value >= unit)
  value /= unit;
  return (value).ToString(value >= unit * 9.95 ? "#,##0" : "#,##0.0") + suffixes[--j];

答案 14 :(得分:4)

坚持我的评论,我认为可读性高于性能,这是一个应该清楚发生了什么的版本(假设你之前已经使用过BigDecimal)没有过多的评论(我相信自我 - 记录代码),而不用担心性能(因为我无法想象你想要做到这么多次的情况,性能甚至成为一个考虑因素)。


  • 使用BigDecimal来提高精确度并避免舍入问题
  • 适用于按照OP
  • 的要求进行四舍五入
  • 适用于其他舍入模式,例如: {/ 1}}与测试一样
  • 允许您调整精度(更改HALF_UP
  • 使用REQUIRED_PRECISION来定义阈值,即可以轻松调整为使用KB / MB / GB / TB而不是k / m / b / t等,当然可以扩展到{ {1}}如果需要
  • 带有彻底的单元测试,因为问题中的测试用例没有测试边界
  • 应该适用于零和负数

<强> Threshold.java


<强> NumberShortener.java


(取消注释import java.math.BigDecimal; public enum Threshold { TRILLION("1000000000000", 12, 't', null), BILLION("1000000000", 9, 'b', TRILLION), MILLION("1000000", 6, 'm', BILLION), THOUSAND("1000", 3, 'k', MILLION), ZERO("0", 0, null, THOUSAND); private BigDecimal value; private int zeroes; protected Character suffix; private Threshold higherThreshold; private Threshold(String aValueString, int aNumberOfZeroes, Character aSuffix, Threshold aThreshold) { value = new BigDecimal(aValueString); zeroes = aNumberOfZeroes; suffix = aSuffix; higherThreshold = aThreshold; } public static Threshold thresholdFor(long aValue) { return thresholdFor(new BigDecimal(aValue)); } public static Threshold thresholdFor(BigDecimal aValue) { for (Threshold eachThreshold : Threshold.values()) { if (eachThreshold.value.compareTo(aValue) <= 0) { return eachThreshold; } } return TRILLION; // shouldn't be needed, but you might have to extend the enum } public int getNumberOfZeroes() { return zeroes; } public String getSuffix() { return suffix == null ? "" : "" + suffix; } public Threshold getHigherThreshold() { return higherThreshold; } } 语句或更改为使用您最喜爱的记录器来查看它正在做什么。)

最后, NumberShortenerTest (普通JUnit 4)中的测试:

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;

public class NumberShortener {

  public static final int REQUIRED_PRECISION = 2;

  public static BigDecimal toPrecisionWithoutLoss(BigDecimal aBigDecimal,
      int aPrecision, RoundingMode aMode) {
    int previousScale = aBigDecimal.scale();
    int previousPrecision = aBigDecimal.precision();
    int newPrecision = Math.max(previousPrecision - previousScale, aPrecision);
    return aBigDecimal.setScale(previousScale + newPrecision - previousPrecision,

  private static BigDecimal scaledNumber(BigDecimal aNumber, RoundingMode aMode) {
    Threshold threshold = Threshold.thresholdFor(aNumber);
    BigDecimal adjustedNumber = aNumber.movePointLeft(threshold.getNumberOfZeroes());
    BigDecimal scaledNumber = toPrecisionWithoutLoss(adjustedNumber, REQUIRED_PRECISION,
    // System.out.println("Number: <" + aNumber + ">, adjusted: <" + adjustedNumber
    // + ">, rounded: <" + scaledNumber + ">");
    return scaledNumber;

  public static String shortenedNumber(long aNumber, RoundingMode aMode) {
    boolean isNegative = aNumber < 0;
    BigDecimal numberAsBigDecimal = new BigDecimal(isNegative ? -aNumber : aNumber);
    Threshold threshold = Threshold.thresholdFor(numberAsBigDecimal);
    BigDecimal scaledNumber = aNumber == 0 ? numberAsBigDecimal : scaledNumber(
        numberAsBigDecimal, aMode);
    if (scaledNumber.compareTo(new BigDecimal("1000")) >= 0) {
      scaledNumber = scaledNumber(scaledNumber, aMode);
      threshold = threshold.getHigherThreshold();
    String sign = isNegative ? "-" : "";
    String printNumber = sign + scaledNumber.stripTrailingZeros().toPlainString()
        + threshold.getSuffix();
    // System.out.println("Number: <" + sign + numberAsBigDecimal + ">, rounded: <"
    // + sign + scaledNumber + ">, print: <" + printNumber + ">");
    return printNumber;


答案 15 :(得分:2)


import java.math.BigDecimal;

 * Method to convert number to formatted number.
 * @author Gautham PJ
public class ShortFormatNumbers

     * Main method. Execution starts here.
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // The numbers that are being converted.
        int[] numbers = {999, 1400, 2500, 45673463, 983456, 234234567};

        // Call the "formatNumber" method on individual numbers to format 
        // the number.
        for(int number : numbers)
            System.out.println(number + ": " + formatNumber(number));


     * Format the number to display it in short format.
     * The number is divided by 1000 to find which denomination to be added 
     * to the number. Dividing the number will give the smallest possible 
     * value with the denomination.
     * @param the number that needs to be converted to short hand notation.
     * @return the converted short hand notation for the number.
    private static String formatNumber(double number)
        String[] denominations = {"", "k", "m", "b", "t"};
        int denominationIndex = 0;

        // If number is greater than 1000, divide the number by 1000 and 
        // increment the index for the denomination.
        while(number > 1000.0)
            number = number / 1000.0;

        // To round it to 2 digits.
        BigDecimal bigDecimal = new BigDecimal(number);
        bigDecimal = bigDecimal.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);

        // Add the number with the denomination to get the final value.
        String formattedNumber = bigDecimal + denominations[denominationIndex];
        return formattedNumber;


答案 16 :(得分:2)


public String formatValue(float value) {
    String arr[] = {"", "K", "M", "B", "T", "P", "E"};
    int index = 0;
    while ((value / 1000) >= 1) {
        value = value / 1000;
    DecimalFormat decimalFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    return String.format("%s %s", decimalFormat.format(value), arr[index]);


System.out.println(formatValue(100));     //  100
System.out.println(formatValue(1000));    // 1 K
System.out.println(formatValue(10345));   // 10.35 K
System.out.println(formatValue(10012));   // 10.01 K
System.out.println(formatValue(123456));  // 123.46 K
System.out.println(formatValue(4384324)); // 4.38 M
System.out.println(formatValue(10000000)); // 10 M
System.out.println(formatValue(Long.MAX_VALUE)); // 9.22 E


答案 17 :(得分:1)


private static char[] c = new char[]{'K', 'M', 'B', 'T'};
private String formatK(double n, int iteration) {
    if (n < 1000) {
        // print 999 or 999K
        if (iteration <= 0) {
            return String.valueOf((long) n);
        } else {
            return String.format("%d%s", Math.round(n), c[iteration-1]);
    } else if (n < 10000) {
        // Print 9.9K
        return String.format("%.1f%s", n/1000, c[iteration]);
    } else {
        // Increase 1 iteration
        return formatK(Math.round(n/1000), iteration+1);

答案 18 :(得分:1)


public String Format(Integer number){
    String[] suffix = new String[]{"k","m","b","t"};
    int size = (number.intValue() != 0) ? (int) Math.log10(number) : 0;
    if (size >= 3){
        while (size % 3 != 0) {
            size = size - 1;
    double notation = Math.pow(10, size);
    String result = (size >= 3) ? + (Math.round((number / notation) * 100) / 100.0d)+suffix[(size/3) - 1] : + number + "";
    return result

答案 19 :(得分:1)


public static String getRoughNumber(long value) {
    if (value <= 999) {
        return String.valueOf(value);

    final String[] units = new String[]{"", "K", "M", "B", "P"};
    int digitGroups = (int) (Math.log10(value) / Math.log10(1000));
    return new DecimalFormat("#,##0.#").format(value / Math.pow(1000, digitGroups)) + "" + units[digitGroups];


答案 20 :(得分:1)

Maven Central 上有解决方案



文档 https://github.com/bogdanovmn/java-human-readable-values


    "2h 46m 40s",
    new SecondsValue(10000).fullString()

    new SecondsValue(10000).shortString()


    "9K 784b",
    new BytesValue(10000).fullString()

    new BytesValue(10000).shortString()

答案 21 :(得分:0)

//code longer but work sure...

public static String formatK(int number) {
    if (number < 999) {
        return String.valueOf(number);

    if (number < 9999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 1);
        String str2 = strNumber.substring(1, 2);
        if (str2.equals("0")) {
            return str1 + "k";
        } else {
            return str1 + "." + str2 + "k";

    if (number < 99999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 2);
        return str1 + "k";

    if (number < 999999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 3);
        return str1 + "k";

    if (number < 9999999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 1);
        String str2 = strNumber.substring(1, 2);
        if (str2.equals("0")) {
            return str1 + "m";
        } else {
            return str1 + "." + str2 + "m";

    if (number < 99999999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 2);
        return str1 + "m";

    if (number < 999999999) {
        String strNumber = String.valueOf(number);
        String str1 = strNumber.substring(0, 3);
        return str1 + "m";

    NumberFormat formatterHasDigi = new DecimalFormat("###,###,###");
    return formatterHasDigi.format(number);

答案 22 :(得分:0)

public class NumberToReadableWordFormat {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Integer[] numbers = new Integer[]{1000, 5821, 10500, 101800, 2000000, 7800000, 92150000, 123200000, 9999999,999};
        for(int n : numbers) {
            System.out.println(n + " => " + coolFormat(n));

    private static String[] c = new String[]{"K", "L", "Cr"};
    private static String coolFormat(int n) {
        int size = String.valueOf(n).length();
        if (size>=4 && size<6) {
                int value = (int) Math.pow(10, 1);
                double d = (double) Math.round(n/1000.0 * value) / value;
                return (double) Math.round(n/1000.0 * value) / value+" "+c[0];
        } else if(size>5 && size<8) {
                int value = (int) Math.pow(10, 1);
                return (double) Math.round(n/100000.0 * value) / value+" "+c[1];
        } else if(size>=8) {
                int value = (int) Math.pow(10, 1);
                return (double) Math.round(n/10000000.0 * value) / value+" "+c[2];
        } else {
            return n+"";


1000 => 1.0 K

5821 => 5.8 K

10500 => 10.5 K

101800 => 1.0 L

2000000 => 20.0 L

7800000 => 78.0 L

92150000 => 9.2 Cr

123200000 => 12.3 Cr

9999999 => 100.0 L

999 => 999

答案 23 :(得分:0)

这是您问题的另一种简单解决方案。 说

String abbr="M,K,T,B";

double yvalue =一些随机数; String string =“#。##” //任意位置的小数位

public  String format(Double yvalue, String string,String abbr) {
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(getnumberformatpattern(string));
      if (yvalue < 0) return "-" + format(-yvalue,string,abbr);
          double finalvalue= yvalue;
          String newnumber="";
                if (abbr.indexOf("K")>0){   
                    finalvalue= (yvalue / 1e3);
                    newnumber=df.format(finalvalue) +'K';
                if (abbr.indexOf("M")>0 ){
                    finalvalue= (yvalue / 1e6);
                    newnumber=df.format(finalvalue) +'M';
                if (abbr.indexOf("B")>0 )
                if((newnumber.indexOf("M")<0) || yvalue>=1e9){
                    finalvalue= (yvalue / 1e9);
                    newnumber=df.format(finalvalue) +'B';                   }
                if (abbr.indexOf("T")>0 ){ 
                if((newnumber.indexOf("B")<0) || yvalue>=1e12){
                    finalvalue= (yvalue / 1e12);
                    newnumber=df.format(finalvalue) +'T';                   }
                return newnumber;

答案 24 :(得分:0)


检查数字的整个部分(没有小数的第一部分),如果其大小为 1,然后将输入转换为 long + String。 如果大小 >= 2,则除以输入并使用 DecimalFormat 根据需要显示小数部分。

可以使用 // .setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.DOWN) 来处理舍入

public static String format(long num) {

        String suffix = "", result;
        double divisor = 0;

        DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("##");
        DecimalFormat ds = new DecimalFormat("##.#");
        // ds.setRoundingMode(RoundingMode.DOWN);

        if ( num >= 1000  && num < 1000000 ) {
            divisor = 1000;
            suffix = "K";
        } else if ( num >= 1000000 && num < 1000000000 ) {
            divisor = 1000000;
            suffix = "M";
        } else if (num >= 1000000000) {
            divisor = 1000000000;
            suffix = "B";
        } else {
            System.out.print("The number is Too big > T or TOO small < K");

        int numlengt = df.format(num / divisor).length();

        if (numlengt >= 2) {
            result = (long) (num / divisor) + suffix;
        } else {
            result = ds.format(num / divisor) + suffix;
        return result;