将标注类型注释添加到iOS PDFTron库

时间:2017-11-27 12:27:41

标签: ios ipad pdftron


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


  private View.OnClickListener btnClick(final Button button) {
    return new View.OnClickListener(){
        public void onClick(View v){
            Intent intent = new Intent(v.getContext(),GalleryHistoryCheckIn.class);
            intent.putExtra("result", v.getId());

(Obj-C版本可在杂项样本项目中找到,或在PDFTron's website上找到。)

如果您希望以交互方式创建标注注释,则需要创建一个新的"工具"这样做。所有PDFNet for iOS的UI小部件和注释创建/编辑方法都是 let txtannot: PTFreeText = PTFreeText.create(doc.getSDFDoc(), pos: PTPDFRect(x1: 100, y1: 100, x2: 350, y2: 500)) txtannot.setContentRect(PTPDFRect(x1: 200, y1: 200, x2: 350, y2: 500)) txtannot.setContents("\n\nSome swift brown fox snatched a gray hare out of the air by freezing it with an angry glare." + "\n\nAha!\n\nAnd there was much rejoicing!") txtannot.setCalloutLinePoints(withKneePoint: PTPDFPoint(px: 200, py: 300), p2: PTPDFPoint(px: 150, py: 290), p3: PTPDFPoint(px: 110, py: 110)) txtannot.setBorderStyle(PTBorderStyle(s: e_ptsolid, b_width: 1, b_hr: 10, b_vr: 20), oldStyleOnly: true) txtannot.setEndingStyle(e_ptClosedArrow) txtannot.setColor(PTColorPt(x: 0, y: 1, z: 0, w: 0), numcomp: 3) txtannot.setQuaddingFormat(1) first_page.annotPushBack(txtannot) txtannot.refreshAppearance() 中的开源框架Tools.framework的一部分。通过使用现有工具作为指南(创建自由文本注释,文本标记注释,填写表单,签署文档等),您可以创建一个新工具,以交互方式创建标注注释。

SO discolsure:我为PDFTron工作。