
时间:2017-11-26 17:40:35

标签: python numpy animation matplotlib




另外,我从我的研究中发现,最好为动画启用blitting以优化问题但是当我添加blit = True作为FuncAnimation的参数时,控制台会发出一个巨大的回溯结束于:

文件“C:\ Users \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ matplotlib \”,第1568行,在_draw_frame中     a.set_animated(self._blit)




import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Import plotting library
from matplotlib import animation
import numpy as np #Import numpy library

dim = 2             #Defines the dimensionality of the system
n = 25               #Number of BOIDS
tmax = 80             #Length of sim
dmax = 5            #Distance boids can "see", determines what other boids interact with them
o = np.zeros(dim) #Origin as vector
r = np.random.rand(n,dim) #Places BOIDs randomly with co-ordinates (x,y,z) from 0 to 1. Has dimensions n and dim
v = 2*np.random.rand(n,dim)-1#Sets initial velocity of each BOID from -1 to 1 in each cardinal direction
rt = np.zeros((tmax,n,dim)) #This array contains the whole system's positions at each point in time
x = np.empty(n)
y = np.empty(n)
d = np.zeros(n)
vk = np.zeros((n,2))
vksum = np.zeros((n,2))
pltx = np.zeros((tmax,n))
plty = np.zeros((tmax,n))
"""rt[a][b][0] is the x co-ordinate of boid n=b at t=a
   rt[a][b][1] is the y co-ordiante of boid n=b at t=a
   np.linalg.norm gives the modulus of an array, check documentation for arguments"""

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,9))
ax.grid(True,linestyle='-',color='0.75') #Sets up a grid on subplot
ax.set_ylim(-50,50) #Set limits for x and y axes 

for t in range (0,tmax):
    for i in range (0,n):
        for k in range (0,n):
            if abs(k-n)>0:
                d[k] = ((r[i][0]-r[k][0])**2+(r[i][1]-r[k][1])**2)**(1/2) #Checks distance from ith boid to each other boid
            if (d[k]-dmax)<0:   #If they are within range of the ith boid
                vk[k] = (v[i] +v[k])/((np.linalg.norm(v[i]))*np.linalg.norm(v[k]))#Aligns the velocity of ith boid toward the velocity of the kth boid
        for l in range (0,n):
            vksum[i] = vksum[i] + vk[l] #Sums the boid's velocity contributions together
        v[i] = (3/4)*v[i] + (vksum[i]/np.linalg.norm(vksum[i])) #Sets the boid's new velocity 
        r[i] = r[i] + v[i]  #Sets the boid's new position
        rt[t][i] = r[i] #Logs the position of the boid in the time array
        pltx[t][i] = r[i][0]
        plty[t][i] = r[i][1]

def init():
    for i in range (0,n):
        x[i] = rt[0][i][0]
        y[i] = rt[0][i][1]
    return x,y,  

def update(j):
    for i in range (0,n):
        x[i] = rt[j][i][0]
        y[i] = rt[j][i][1]
    points = ax.scatter(x[:],y[:],c='r')
    return x,y

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=tmax, interval=50,blit=True)

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我意识到furas' answers为您的问题提供了解决方法,但这里有更多关于您的问题的解释。

首先,blitting。如果您想使用blitting,请使用update()函数needs to return a list of updated artists。您将返回两个numpy数组,但您应该return points,


动画的一般建议是在初始化阶段创建一个艺术家(无论是使用Line2D的{​​{1}}对象还是plot()的{​​{1}}) ,然后在更新功能中更新此艺术家的属性(颜色,位置等),而无需创建新的艺术家。



enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:0)

