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sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ cat >> Hello.hs
module Main where
import Greeting
main = putStrLn greeting
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ cat >> Greeting.hs
module Greeting where
greeting = "Hello, World!"
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ ghc Hello.hs
[1 of 2] Compiling Greeting ( Greeting.hs, Greeting.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Hello.hs, Hello.o )
Linking Hello ...
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ ./Hello
Hello, World!
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ runhaskell Hello.hs
Hello, World!
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ mkdir hello
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ mv Hello.hs hello
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ mv Greeting.hs hello
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp$ cd hello/
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp/hello$ cabal init
Package name? hello
This package name is already used by another package on hackage. Do you want to choose a different name? [default: y] n
Package version? [default:]
Please choose a license:
1) GPL-2
2) GPL-3
3) LGPL-2.1
4) LGPL-3
5) AGPL-3
6) BSD2
* 7) BSD3
8) MIT
9) ISC
10) MPL-2.0
11) Apache-2.0
12) PublicDomain
13) AllRightsReserved
14) Other (specify)
Your choice? [default: BSD3] 12
Author name? [default: Justus Sagemüller]
Maintainer email? [default: sagemueller@geo.uni-koeln.de]
Project homepage URL?
Project synopsis? hello
Project category:
* 1) (none)
2) Codec
3) Concurrency
4) Control
5) Data
6) Database
7) Development
8) Distribution
9) Game
10) Graphics
11) Language
12) Math
13) Network
14) Sound
15) System
16) Testing
17) Text
18) Web
19) Other (specify)
Your choice? [default: (none)] 17
What does the package build:
1) Library
2) Executable
Your choice? 2
What is the main module of the executable:
* 1) Main.hs (does not yet exist, but will be created)
2) Main.lhs (does not yet exist, but will be created)
3) Other (specify)
Your choice? [default: Main.hs (does not yet exist, but will be created)] 3
Please specify? Hello.hs
Source directory:
* 1) (none)
2) src
3) Other (specify)
Your choice? [default: (none)]
What base language is the package written in:
* 1) Haskell2010
2) Haskell98
3) Other (specify)
Your choice? [default: Haskell2010]
Add informative comments to each field in the cabal file (y/n)? [default: n]
Guessing dependencies...
Generating Setup.hs...
Generating ChangeLog.md...
Generating hello.cabal...
You may want to edit the .cabal file and add a Description field.
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp/hello$ cat hello.cabal
-- Initial hello.cabal generated by cabal init. For further documentation,
-- see http://haskell.org/cabal/users-guide/
name: hello
synopsis: hello
-- description:
license: PublicDomain
author: Justus Sagemüller
maintainer: sagemueller@geo.uni-koeln.de
category: Text
build-type: Simple
extra-source-files: ChangeLog.md
cabal-version: >=1.10
executable hello
main-is: Hello.hs
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
build-depends: base >=4.10 && <4.11
-- hs-source-dirs:
default-language: Haskell2010
executable hello
main-is: Hello.hs
other-modules: Greeting
-- other-extensions:
sagemuej@sagemuej-X302LA:/tmp/hello$ cabal build
Resolving dependencies...
Configuring hello-
Preprocessing executable 'hello' for hello-
Building executable 'hello' for hello-
[1 of 2] Compiling Greeting ( Greeting.hs, dist/build/hello/hello-tmp/Greeting.o )
[2 of 2] Compiling Main ( Hello.hs, dist/build/hello/hello-tmp/Main.o )
Linking dist/build/hello/hello ...
或者,只需运行脚本cabal run
或cabal install