我们正在使用Crypto ++库中的代码。我们需要加密和解密char*
char* cspl_crypto::encrypt_rijndael(byte key[], byte iv[], int keysize, char plainText[], int plainTextSize)
vector<byte> cipher;
std::vector<byte> plain(plainText, plainText + plainTextSize);
CBC_Mode<AES>::Encryption enc;
enc.SetKeyWithIV(key, keysize, iv, keysize);
// Make room for padding
ArraySink cs(&cipher[0], cipher.size());
ArraySource(plain.data(), plain.size(), true,
new StreamTransformationFilter(enc, new Redirector(cs)));
// Set cipher text length now that its known
char returnValue[cipher.size()];
copy(cipher.begin(), cipher.end(), returnValue);
return returnValue;
Decyption Block:
char* cspl_crypto::decrypt_rijndael(byte key[], byte iv[], int keysize, char cipher[], int size )
std::vector<byte> v(cipher, cipher + size);
vector<byte> recover;
CBC_Mode<AES>::Decryption dec;
dec.SetKeyWithIV(key, keysize, iv, keysize);
// Recovered text will be less than cipher text
ArraySink rs(&recover[0], recover.size());
ArraySource(v.data(), v.size(), true,
new StreamTransformationFilter(dec, new Redirector(rs)));
// Set recovered text length now that its known
char returnValue[recover.size()];
copy(recover.begin(), recover.end(), returnValue);
return returnValue;