HandsonTable - 保存重新排列的列和行顺序

时间:2017-11-24 20:10:21

标签: handsontable





FirstName | MI | Lastname | City
John      |    | Smith    | Los Angeles
Joe       | Q  | Public   | New Year    


City         |  FirstName | MI | Lastname 
Los Angeles  |  John      |    | Smith    
New Year     |  Joe       | Q  | Public   


City         |  FirstName        | MI     | Lastname |   
Smith        |  Los Angeles      | John   | Smith    |  
Public       |  New Year         |  Joe   | Q        | Public    


//Create HOT placeholder table
var placeholder = [
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""],
  ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]
var container = document.getElementById('hot_container');
var hot = new Handsontable(container, 
    startRows: 8,
    startCols: 8,
    minRows: 8,
    minCols: 8,
    rowHeaders: true,
    colHeaders: true,
    renderAllRows: true,
    filters: true,
    dropdownMenu: true,
    persistentState : true,
    manualColumnResize: true,
    manualRowResize: true,
    manualColumnMove: true,
    manualRowMove: true,
    colHeaders: ["First Name", "Mi", "Last Name", "City"]

//Replace placeholder with existing data if available

//Ajax call to retrieve table data from the database and load into HOT table
function loadContent(script)

        url: script,
        dataType: 'json',
        asynch: false,
        success: function(result)

            //Set up empty array to hold table cell values later
            var table_array = [];   

            //These are all of the cell values in string form
            arr = result.split('],');

            //Convert cell string to multidimensional array
            var i = 0;
            $.each(arr, function( key, value ) 
                //strip out brackets and quotes
                value = value.replace("[[", "");
                value = value.replace("[", "");
                value = value.replace("]]", "");
                value = value.replace("]", "");
                value = value.replace('"', "");

                //Cycle through each value and split at the comma to get subvalues
                //And then iterate through each subvalue and add to array
                table_array[i] = [];
                var v = value.split(",");
                $.each(v, function( key, value )
                    value = value.replace('"', '');
                    value = value.replace("'", '');
                    if(value == '"')
                        value = null;

                    table_array[i][key] = value;

                //Increment counter
                i = i+1;



//When save button is clicked, save table changes
    //URL for ajax call
    var script = [url goes here]
    //Get existing content
    var data = hot.getData();

    //Ajax call to save data to database
        type: 'POST',
        url: script,
        data: {table: JSON.stringify(data)},
        success: function(result){
            var response = result.response;



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