如何在动态类型中使用Swift JSONDecode?

时间:2017-11-24 11:18:40

标签: json swift decode encode

我的应用程序具有本地缓存​​,并从/向服务器发送/接收模型。所以我决定构建一个map [String:Codable.Type],基本上能够解码我在本地创建或从服务器接收的通用缓存上的任何内容。

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var modelNameToType = [String : Codable.Type]()
modelNameToType = ["ContactModel": ContactModel.Self, "AnythingModel" : AnythingModel.Self, ...] 


let contact = ContactModel(name: "John")
let data = try! encoder.encode(contact)
CRUD.shared.storekey(key: "ContactModel$10", contact)


let result = try! decoder.decode(modelNameToType["ContactModel"]!, from: data)



无法使用类型的参数列表(Codable.Type,   来自:数据)



let result = try! decoder.decode(ContactModel.self, from: data)


struct ContactModel: Codable {
    var name : String


    func buildAnswer(keys: [String]) -> Data {

        var result = [String:Codable]()
        for key in keys {
            let data = CRUD.shared.restoreKey(key: key)
            let item = try decoder.decode(modelNameToType[key]!, from: data)
            result[key] = item
        return try encoder.encode(result)


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

Codable API围绕具体类型的编码和解码而构建。但是,你想要的往返不应该知道任何具体的类型;它只是将异构JSON值连接成一个JSON对象。


import Foundation

// I would consider lifting your String keys into their own type btw.
func buildAnswer(keys: [String]) throws -> Data {

  var result = [String: Any](minimumCapacity: keys.count)

  for key in keys {
    let data = CRUD.shared.restoreKey(key: key)
    result[key] = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data)
  return try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: result)

话虽如此, 仍然可以使用JSONDecoder / JSONEncoder进行此操作 - 但是它需要相当多的类型擦除样板。

例如,我们需要一个符合Encodable的包装类型,Encodable doesn't conform to itself

import Foundation

struct AnyCodable : Encodable {

  private let _encode: (Encoder) throws -> Void

  let base: Codable
  let codableType: AnyCodableType

  init<Base : Codable>(_ base: Base) {
    self.base = base
    self._encode = {
      var container = $0.singleValueContainer()
      try container.encode(base)
    self.codableType = AnyCodableType(type(of: base))

  func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
    try _encode(encoder)


struct AnyCodableType {

  private let _decodeJSON: (JSONDecoder, Data) throws -> AnyCodable
  // repeat for other decoders...
  // (unfortunately I don't believe there's an easy way to make this generic)

  let base: Codable.Type

  init<Base : Codable>(_ base: Base.Type) {
    self.base = base
    self._decodeJSON = { decoder, data in
      AnyCodable(try decoder.decode(base, from: data))

  func decode(from decoder: JSONDecoder, data: Data) throws -> AnyCodable {
    return try _decodeJSON(decoder, data)


func decode<T : Decodable>(_ type: T.Type, from data: Data) throws -> T

T是协议类型时,type:参数采用.Protocol元类型,而不是.Type元类型(有关详细信息,请参阅this Q&A


enum ModelName : String {

  case contactModel = "ContactModel"
  case anythingModel = "AnythingModel"

  var modelType: AnyCodableType {
    switch self {
    case .contactModel:
      return AnyCodableType(ContactModel.self)
    case .anythingModel:
      return AnyCodableType(AnythingModel.self)


func buildAnswer(keys: [ModelName]) throws -> Data {

  let decoder = JSONDecoder()
  let encoder = JSONEncoder()

  var result = [String: AnyCodable](minimumCapacity: keys.count)

  for key in keys {
    let rawValue = key.rawValue
    let data = CRUD.shared.restoreKey(key: rawValue)
    result[rawValue] = try key.modelType.decode(from: decoder, data: data)
  return try encoder.encode(result)

这可能更好地设计 Codable而不是它(可能是一个结构来表示您发送到服务器的JSON对象,并使用关键路径与之交互缓存层),但不了解更多关于CRUD.shared以及如何使用它;很难说。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



let result = try! decoder.decode(modelNameToType["ContactModel"]!, from: data)


Cannot invoke 'decode' with an argument list of type (Codable.Type, from: Data)



func testing<T:Decodable>(_ t:T, _ data:Data) {
    let result = try! JSONDecoder().decode(type(of:t), from: data)
    // ...


答案 2 :(得分:0)


import Foundation

struct ContactModel: Codable {
    let name: String

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
let decoder = JSONDecoder()

var map = [String: Codable]()

map["contact"] = ContactModel(name: "John")
let data = try! encoder.encode(map["contact"] as! ContactModel)

let result = try! decoder.decode(ContactModel.self, from: data)



ContactModel(name: "John")

答案 3 :(得分:0)


struct MyDataType1: Decodable {
    let user_id: String

struct MyDataType2: Decodable {
    let user_id: Int

do {
    let myDataStruct = try JSONDecoder().decode(MyDataType1.self, from: jsonData)

} catch let error {
    // look at error here to verify it is a type mismatch
    // then try decoding again with type MyDataType2

答案 4 :(得分:0)

这是一个类似于@Hamish 的 AnyCodable 解决方案的解决方案,它需要较少的工作,但仅适用于类。

typealias DynamicCodable = AnyObject & Codable

extension Decodable {
    static func decode<K: CodingKey>(from container: KeyedDecodingContainer<K>, forKey key: K) throws -> Self {
        try container.decode(Self.self, forKey: key)
extension Encodable {
    func encode<K: CodingKey>(to container: inout KeyedEncodingContainer<K>, forKey key: K) throws {
        try container.encode(self, forKey: key)

struct AnyDynamicCodable: Codable {
    let value: DynamicCodable
    init(_ value: DynamicCodable) {
        self.value = value
    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case type
        case value
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let typeName = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
        guard let type = NSClassFromString(typeName) as? DynamicCodable.Type else {
            throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(DynamicCodable.Type.self, .init(codingPath: decoder.codingPath + [CodingKeys.type], debugDescription: "NSClassFromString returned nil or did not conform to DynamicCodable.", underlyingError: nil))
        self.value = try type.decode(from: container, forKey: .value)
    func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let typeName: String = NSStringFromClass(type(of: self.value))
        try container.encode(typeName, forKey: .type)
        try self.value.encode(to: &container, forKey: .value)


首先,如果一个值是一个对象,那么它的类型可以用 String 转换成一个 NSStringFromClass,然后用 NSClassFromString 恢复。老实说,我不确定这有多安全,但在我所做的有限测试中,这种方法似乎对我有用。我已经在一个单独的问题 here 中询问过这个问题。 这让我们可以对对象的类型进行编码和解码。


let value = try container.decode(type, forKey .value)

但这是不可能的。原因是 KeyedDecodingContainer.decode 是一个泛型函数,其类型参数必须在编译时已知。这导致我们

extension Decodable {
    static func decode<K: CodingKey>(from container: KeyedDecodingContainer<K>, forKey key: K) throws -> Self {
        try container.decode(Self.self, forKey: key)


let value = try type.decode(from: container, forKey: .value)


这是一种非常通用的技术。如果您需要将动态(运行时)类型插入到泛型函数中,请将其包装在泛型函数的类型约束上的扩展中。不幸的是,您将无法使用包装采用 Any 的方法,因为您无法扩展 Any。在这种情况下,KeyedDecodingContainer.decode 的类型参数是 Decodable,因此我们将此方法包装在 Decodable 的扩展中。我们对 EncodableKeyedEncodingContainer.encode 重复相同的过程以获得编码功能。

现在,[String: AnyDynamicCodable] 符合 Codable


final class DynamicCodableWrapper<T: Codable>: Codable {
    let value: T
    init(_ value: T) {
        self.value = value

您甚至可能希望将其构建到您的 AnyDynamicCodable 类型中以生成某种 AnyCodable 类型。