
时间:2017-11-24 06:47:35

标签: assembly mips infinite-loop

我在MIPS中创建了这个程序,但是在逐行完成代码的过程中,我在QtSpim中继续得到一个无限循环。结果,它显示第一条消息,之后没有显示任何内容。源代码(MaxMin)中函数的目的是分别返回$ v1和$ v0中的最大值和最小值,给定长度为" N"的数组整数。任何关于改进代码的建议都会有很大的帮助,谢谢!

#Function MaxMin(&X, N, Min, Max)
# "X" is the address of the array passed to the function in $a0
# "N" is the length of the array passed to the function in $a1
# The function returns two values:
# 1: The minimum value of the array, returned in $v0.
# 2: The maximum value of the array, returned in $v1.
#In Pseudocode:
#   $v0 = 0;
#   $v1 = 0;
#   while(a1 > 0)
#   {
#       $a1 = $a1 - 1; #Decrement counter
#       $t0 = Mem(a0); #Obtain value from memory
#       $a0 = $a0 + 4; #Point to next address
#       if (value < $t0)
#       {
#           $v0 = value;
#       }
#       else if(value > $t0)
#       {
#           $v1 = value;
#       }
#   }
#   return

array:  .word       10, -5, 22, 57, 59, 63, 117, -100
msg1:   .asciiz "\n The lowest value in the array is: "
msg2:   .asciiz "\n The highest value in the array is: "

        .globl main
        li $v0, 4     #System call code for print string
        la $a0, msg1  #load address into msg1. into $a0

        la $a0, array #Initialize address parameter
        li $a1, 8     #Initialize length parameter
        jal MaxMin    #Calls function MaxMin 

        #------------MaxMin Function---------------#

        li $v0, 0  #Parameter for maxumum value
        li $v1, 0  #Parameter for minimum value
        li $t1, 0  #Holds old value of $t0 
        li $t2, 0  #Holds old value of $t0 
        beqz $a1, Return  #If $a1 <= 0 Exit Program
        addi $a1, $a1, -1 #Decrement counter 
        lw   $t0, 0($a0)  #Obtain value from the array
        addi $a0, $a0, 4 #Increment value of array pointer for next element
        bgt  $t0, $t1, maximum #if $t0 > $t1 goto maximum
        blt  $t0, $t2, minimum #if $t0 < $t2 goto minimum


        move $t1, $t0  #Move value of $t0 to $t1 
        move $v1, $t0  #Move value of $t1 to $v1 
        b repeatd      #Branch back to Loop 


        move $t2, $t0  #Move value of $t0 to $t2
        move $v0, $t2  #Move value of $t1 to $v0 
        b repeatd         #Branch back to Loop

        jr $ra       #Return values 

        #-------------MaxMin Function---------------#

        move $a0, $v0 #Min value returned from $v0 moved to $a0
        li   $v0, 1   #Calls system code to print integer

        li  $v0, 4    #Calls code to print string 
        la  $a0, msg2 #load address of msg2 to $a0

        li  $v0, 1    #System call code for printing integer
        move $a0, $v1 #Maximum value returned from $v1 moved to $a0

        li  $v0, 10   #Terminate program and return control to system 

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