
时间:2017-11-24 01:08:53

标签: reactjs scrollmagic



<script type="text/javascript" src="js/lib/greensock/TweenMax.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scrollmagic/uncompressed/ScrollMagic.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap.js"></script>


import ScrollMagic from "scrollmagic"



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



import ScrollMagic from 'scrollmagic';
import {TweenLite as Tween,TimelineMax as Timeline} from 'gsap';

ScrollMagic.Scene.addOption("tweenChanges", // name
  false, // default

  function (val) { // validation callback
    return !!val;

ScrollMagic.Scene.extend(function () {
    var Scene = this,

    var log = function () {
      if (Scene._log) { // not available, when main source minified
        Array.prototype.splice.call(arguments, 1, 0, "(animation.gsap)", "->");
        Scene._log.apply(this, arguments);

    // set listeners
    Scene.on("progress.plugin_gsap", function () {
    Scene.on("destroy.plugin_gsap", function (e) {

     * Update the tween progress to current position.
     * @private
    var updateTweenProgress = function () {
      if (_tween) {
        progress = Scene.progress(),
          state = Scene.state();
        if (_tween.repeat && _tween.repeat() === -1) {
          // infinite loop, so not in relation to progress
          if (state === 'DURING' && _tween.paused()) {
          } else if (state !== 'DURING' && !_tween.paused()) {
        } else if (progress != _tween.progress()) { // do we even need to update the progress?
          // no infinite loop - so should we just play or go to a specific point in time?
          if (Scene.duration() === 0) {
            // play the animation
            if (progress > 0) { // play from 0 to 1
            } else { // play from 1 to 0
          } else {
            // go to a specific point in time
            if (Scene.tweenChanges() && _tween.tweenTo) {
              // go smooth
              _tween.tweenTo(progress * _tween.duration());
            } else {
              // just hard set it

     * Add a tween to the scene.  
     * If you want to add multiple tweens, add them into a GSAP Timeline object and supply it instead (see example below).  
     * If the scene has a duration, the tween's duration will be projected to the scroll distance of the scene, meaning its progress will be synced to scrollbar movement.  
     * For a scene with a duration of `0`, the tween will be triggered when scrolling forward past the scene's trigger position and reversed, when scrolling back.  
     * To gain better understanding, check out the [Simple Tweening example](../examples/basic/simple_tweening.html).
     * Instead of supplying a tween this method can also be used as a shorthand for `TweenMax.to()` (see example below).
     * @memberof! animation.GSAP#
     * @example
     * // add a single tween directly
     * scene.setTween(TweenMax.to("obj"), 1, {x: 100});
     * // add a single tween via variable
     * var tween = TweenMax.to("obj"), 1, {x: 100};
     * scene.setTween(tween);
     * // add multiple tweens, wrapped in a timeline.
     * var timeline = new TimelineMax();
     * var tween1 = TweenMax.from("obj1", 1, {x: 100});
     * var tween2 = TweenMax.to("obj2", 1, {y: 100});
     * timeline
     *    .add(tween1)
     *    .add(tween2);
     * scene.addTween(timeline);
     * // short hand to add a TweenMax.to() tween
     * scene.setTween("obj3", 0.5, {y: 100});
     * // short hand to add a TweenMax.to() tween for 1 second
     * // this is useful, when the scene has a duration and the tween duration isn't important anyway
     * scene.setTween("obj3", {y: 100});
     * @param {(object|string)} TweenObject - A TweenMax, TweenLite, TimelineMax or TimelineLite object that should be animated in the scene. Can also be a Dom Element or Selector, when using direct tween definition (see examples).
     * @param {(number|object)} duration - A duration for the tween, or tween parameters. If an object containing parameters are supplied, a default duration of 1 will be used.
     * @param {object} params - The parameters for the tween
     * @returns {Scene} Parent object for chaining.
    Scene.setTween = function (TweenObject, duration, params) {
      var newTween;
      if (arguments.length > 1) {
        if (arguments.length < 3) {
          params = duration;
          duration = 1;
        TweenObject = Tween.to(TweenObject, duration, params);
      try {
        // wrap Tween into a Timeline Object if available to include delay and repeats in the duration and standardize methods.
        if (Timeline) {
          newTween = new Timeline({
            smoothChildTiming: true
        } else {
          newTween = TweenObject;
      } catch (e) {
        log(1, "ERROR calling method 'setTween()': Supplied argument is not a valid TweenObject");
        return Scene;
      if (_tween) { // kill old tween?
      _tween = newTween;

      // some properties need to be transferred it to the wrapper, otherwise they would get lost.
      if (TweenObject.repeat && TweenObject.repeat() === -1) { // TweenMax or TimelineMax Object?
      // Some tween validations and debugging helpers
      if (Scene.tweenChanges() && !_tween.tweenTo) {
        log(2, "WARNING: tweenChanges will only work if the TimelineMax object is available for ScrollMagic.");

      // check if there are position tweens defined for the trigger and warn about it :)
      if (_tween && Scene.controller() && Scene.triggerElement() && Scene.loglevel() >= 2) { // controller is needed to know scroll direction.
        triggerTweens = Tween.getTweensOf(Scene.triggerElement()),
          vertical = Scene.controller().info("vertical");
        triggerTweens.forEach(function (value, index) {
          tweenvars = value.vars.css || value.vars,
            condition = vertical ? (tweenvars.top !== undefined || tweenvars.bottom !== undefined) : (tweenvars.left !== undefined || tweenvars.right !== undefined);
          if (condition) {
            log(2, "WARNING: Tweening the position of the trigger element affects the scene timing and should be avoided!");
            return false;

      // warn about tween overwrites, when an element is tweened multiple times
      if (parseFloat(TweenLite.version) >= 1.14) { // onOverwrite only present since GSAP v1.14.0
        list = _tween.getChildren ? _tween.getChildren(true, true, false) : [_tween],
          // get all nested tween objects
          newCallback = function () {
            log(2, "WARNING: tween was overwritten by another. To learn how to avoid this issue see here: https://github.com/janpaepke/ScrollMagic/wiki/WARNING:-tween-was-overwritten-by-another");
        for (var i = 0, thisTween, oldCallback; i < list.length; i++) { /*jshint loopfunc: true */
          thisTween = list[i];
          if (oldCallback !== newCallback) { // if tweens is added more than once
            oldCallback = thisTween.vars.onOverwrite;
            thisTween.vars.onOverwrite = function () {
              if (oldCallback) {
                oldCallback.apply(this, arguments);
              newCallback.apply(this, arguments);
      log(3, "added tween");

      return Scene;

     * Remove the tween from the scene.  
     * This will terminate the control of the Scene over the tween.
     * Using the reset option you can decide if the tween should remain in the current state or be rewound to set the target elements back to the state they were in before the tween was added to the scene.
     * @memberof! animation.GSAP#
     * @example
     * // remove the tween from the scene without resetting it
     * scene.removeTween();
     * // remove the tween from the scene and reset it to initial position
     * scene.removeTween(true);
     * @param {boolean} [reset=false] - If `true` the tween will be reset to its initial values.
     * @returns {Scene} Parent object for chaining.
    Scene.removeTween = function (reset) {
      if (_tween) {
        if (reset) {
        _tween = undefined;
        log(3, "removed tween (reset: " + (reset ? "true" : "false") + ")");
      return Scene;


export default ScrollMagic; 


  • 我在顶部添加了自己的导入行,因此请确保您提前安装了rpm的scrollmagic和gsap
  • 我将ScrollMagic对象导出到最后
  • plugins/animation.gsap.js有一些其他代码可以将插件转换为我排除的工厂,因为它不适用于此处


import React, {Component} from "react";
import ScrollMagic from "./ScrollMagic"; // my own wrapper for scrollmagic that includes greensock

export default class Home extends Component {

        var controller = new ScrollMagic.Controller();
        var item = "#whateverstuffselector";
        var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({triggerElement:item})
                .setTween(item, 0.5, {backgroundColor: "red", scale: 3})


        return (<div id="whateverstuffselector">stuff</div>);

答案 1 :(得分:1)

此问题升级1个月后,我想我找到了不错的解决方案。 因此,此问题表明在React环境中我们无法获取animation.gsap文件。 此修复程序不需要对Webpack进行任何更改,但animation.gsap文件本身除外。

  1. 在“ node_module”目录树中找到这些文件(在您的PC上可能具有不同的位置),然后将其以这种方式导入到您正在使用的JS文件中(例如App.js)。 import "../../node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/animation.gsap"; import "../../node_modules/scrollmagic/scrollmagic/uncompressed/plugins/debug.addIndicators";

  2. 转到animation.gsap并将这两行代码添加到文件的开头。 import { TimelineMax, TweenMax, TweenLite} from "gsap/all"; import ScrollMagic from "scrollmagic";

  3. 转到debug.addIndicators并将此行代码添加到文件的开头(以防您需要指示器调试器,但我强烈建议不要跳过此步骤)。 import ScrollMagic from "scrollmagic";
  4. 在animation.gsap中找到第一个函数并删除所有“根”变量,并将其更改为我在下面提供的变量。 (您应该找到其中的8个)。


(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['ScrollMagic', 'TweenMax', 'TimelineMax'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // CommonJS
        // Loads whole gsap package onto global scope.
        factory(require('scrollmagic'), TweenMax, TimelineMax);
    } else {
        // Browser globals
        factory(root.ScrollMagic || (root.jQuery && root.jQuery.ScrollMagic), root.TweenMax || root.TweenLite, root.TimelineMax || root.TimelineLite);


(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['ScrollMagic', 'TweenMax', 'TimelineMax'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // CommonJS
        // Loads whole gsap package onto global scope.
        factory(require('scrollmagic'), TweenMax, TimelineMax);
    } else {
        // Browser globals
        factory(ScrollMagic || (jQuery && jQuery.ScrollMagic), TweenMax || TweenLite, TimelineMax || TimelineLite);
  1. 在debug.addIndicators中,还将删除所有“根”变量(您应该在其中找到4个),并将其更改为我在下面提供的变量。


(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['ScrollMagic'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
            // CommonJS
    } else {
            // no browser global export needed, just execute
        factory(root.ScrollMagic || (root.jQuery && root.jQuery.ScrollMagic));


(function (root, factory) {
    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define(['ScrollMagic'], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // CommonJS
    } else {
        // no browser global export needed, just execute
        factory(ScrollMagic || (jQuery && jQuery.ScrollMagic));

我希望此解决方案对您有用。 无论如何,您都可以向我寻求帮助。