我在Python 2.7中使用SCAPY Lib构建IGMP数据包。 并在我的代码中使用hexdump逻辑。但是在执行下面的代码时会出错。
length = 16
FILTER = ''.join([(len(repr(chr(x))) == 3) and chr(x) or '.' for x in range(256)])
lines = []
for c in xrange(0, len(ipPacket), length):
chars = ipPacket[c:c+length]
hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars])
printable = ''.join(["%s" % ((ord(x) <= 127 and FILTER[ord(x)]) or '.') for x in chars])
lines.append("%04x %-*s %s\n" % (c, length*3, hex, printable))
payload = ''.join(lines)
hex = ' '.join(["%02x" % ord(x) for x in chars])
TypeError: ord() expected string of length 1, but Ether found