
时间:2017-11-22 16:42:31

标签: windows perl server client rpc

我想使用RPC协议创建一个服务器(在Windows机器上)。 我的服务器代码:

# Create a subclass of RPC::PlServer
use RPC::PlServer;

$MyServer::VERSION = '0.01';
@MyServer::ISA = qw(RPC::PlServer);

# Overwrite the Run() method to handle a single connection
sub Run {
    my $self = shift;
    my $socket = $self->{'socket'};

# Create an instance of the MyServer class
my $server = MyServer->new({'localport' => '8888'}, \@ARGV);

# Bind the server to its port to make it actually running
die "Fail : $!\n" unless $serveur;
print "Server is running on the port 8888 \n";


Cannot write to : No such file or directory at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Net/ line 575. at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Net/Daemon/ line 136. 


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