答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
如果您正在安装PHP脚本/设置一些设置/ etc,那么是。 vBulletin和phpBB有一些很棒的'安装程序' - 他们创建一个配置文件而不需要弄脏。
但是,如果你在谈论Windows / Linux / OS X /等。可执行安装程序,我认为你不能。
答案 2 :(得分:0)
答案 3 :(得分:0)
在根文件夹(htdocs)中创建两个新文件夹(包括并安装)。 在include文件夹中创建新文件 connect.php 和 DB_Info.php 在代码编辑器中打开 connect.php ,并在 connect.php 中编写@mysql_connection代码始终使用 connect.php 文件包含/要求连接数据库文件|
<?php // Always Include/Require This File For Connect Database
require_once "DB_Info.php"; // this is connect.php file
) or die(
"<h2>Database Error, Contact With Admin </h2>"
) or die(
"<h2>Database Error, Contact With Admin</h2>"
require_once DB_Info.php 保持空白|你可以在connect.php中看到 $ HOST_name,$ DB_username,$ DB_password var没有值我们在DB_Info.php(require file)|中提供表单中的值现在将 index.php , Installing.php , installed.php 三个文件创建到安装文件夹 1st index.php创建表单 - &gt;
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' />
<?php // create form
$HOST_name = "<input class='input' type='text' name='dbhost' placeholder='Enter Host Name' />";
$DB_username = "<input class='input' type='text' name='dbuser' placeholder='Enter DB User Name' />";
$DB_password = "<input class='input' type='password' name='dbpass' placeholder='***********' />";
$DB_name = "<input class='input' type='text' name='dbname' placeholder='Enter DB Name' />";
echo "<div class='box' >
<form class='ins' method='post' action='installing.php' >
<p>Enter Host Name:<p>
<p>Enter DB User Name:<p>
<p>Enter DB PassWord:<p>
<p>Enter DB Name:<p>
<input class='submit' type='submit'name='install' value='NEXT' />
表单操作 Installing.php 现在我们使用文件处理函数 fwrite()将三个var值写入 DB_Info.php (连接.php $ HOST_name,$ DB_username,$ DB_password ) installing.php-&GT;
<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' />
'.'$HOST_name = '."'".$_POST['dbhost']."'".';
'.'$DB_name = '."'".$_POST['dbname']."'".';
'.'$DB_username = '."'".$_POST['dbuser']."'".';
'.'$DB_password = '."'".$_POST['dbpass']."'".';
$write=fopen('..\include/DB_Info.php' , 'w');
echo"<h2 align=center >All Fields are required! Please Re-enter</h2>";
echo "<div class='box'>
<form class='ins' action='installed.php' method='post'>
<h2 align=center color=red>Database Info Succecfully Entered<h2>
<input class='submit' type='submit' value='NEXT' name='next'/>
}else{ echo "<h2 align=center >Error<h2>"; }}
最后一步 installed.php ,用于将表创建到phpmyadmin - &gt;
/* enter your
sql code for
teble creating */
echo"<h2 align=center >Finished</h2>";
echo"<h2 align=center >Error</h2>";
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