我希望从三个不同的建筑物表格中获取特定客户的详细帐户报表,并在一份报告中显示。 我使用存储过程
customers table
id_customer name
1 tom
2 sam
orders table
no customer_id amount date
1 2 150 1-1-2018
2 1 45 1-1-2018
3 2 25 3-1-2018
receipt table
no id_customer amount date
1 1 75 1-1-2018
2 2 100 2-1-2018
Operation type reference_no description Debit Credit Balance date
order 1 ..... 150 0 150 1-1-2018
receipt 2 cash 0 100 50 2-1-2018
order 3 ..... 25 0 75 3-1-2018
当customer_id = 2时
答案 0 :(得分:2)
运行查询,使用sum of previous records
更新每一行并添加当前行的debit - credit
create view result as
select type = 'order',
debit = amount,
credit = 0,
[date] = order_date,
from orders
union all
select type ='receipt',
debit = 0,
credit = amount,
[date] = receipt_date,
[description] ='cash'
from receipts
declare @id_customer int = 2
;with initial as(
select *
from result
where id_customer= @id_customer
),report as(
select r.id,[balance]=isnull((select sum(b.debit-b.credit)
from initial b
where b.[date]<r.[date]) + r.debit - r.credit ,r.debit-r.credit)
from initial r
select [Operation type] = type,
reference_no = r.id,
[Debit] = debit,
[Credit] = credit,
[Balance] = b.balance
from result r
inner join report b on b.id = r.id
where r.id_customer = @id_customer
order by r.[date]
Operation type reference_no description Debit Credit Balance date
order 1 .... 150 0 150 2018-01-01
receipt 2 cash 0 100 50 2018-01-02
order 3 .... 25 0 75 2018-01-03
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Create table #customers (id_customer int,name varchar(10))
Insert into #customers values (1,'tom'),(2,'sam')
Create table #orders(no# int,customer_id int,amount int,dtupdt date)
Insert into #orders values(1,2,150,'1-1-2018'),(2,1,45,'1-1-2018'),(3,2,25,'3-1-2018')
Create table #receipt (no# int,id_customer int,amount int,dtupdt date)
Insert into #receipt values (1,1,75,'1-1-2018'),(2,2,100,'2-1-2018')
Select customer_id,row_number()over(order by dtupdt) as RefNo ,ordertype,
Case when ordertype='Receipt' then 'Cash' else '' end as Description,
sum((case when credit=0 then debit when debit=0 then -credit else 0 end))over (order by dtupdt) as balance,
from (
select *, case when ordertype='Orders' then tbl.amount else 0 end as debit,
case when ordertype='Receipt' then tbl.amount else 0 end as Credit from #customers cst
inner join
select 'Orders' as ordertype,* from #orders where customer_id=2
select 'Receipt',* from #receipt
where id_customer=2
on cst.id_customer=tbl.customer_id
order by dtupdt
答案 2 :(得分:0)
declare @customers table(id_customer int, name varchar(10))
insert into @customers values (1,'tom'),(2,'sam')
declare @orders table([no] int, customer_id int, amount int, [date] date)
insert into @orders values (1,2,150,'1-1-2018'),(2,1,45,'1-1-2018'),(3,2,25,'3-1-2018')
declare @receipt table([no] int, id_customer int, amount int, [date] date)
insert into @receipt values (1,1,75,'1-1-2018'),(2,2,100,'2-1-2018')
select ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select null)) as ReferenceNo, OperationType, [Description], Debit, Credit,
SUM(Debit) over (order by [date] rows between unbounded preceding and current row)-SUM(Credit) over (order by [date] rows between unbounded preceding and current row) as Balance,
from (
select O.OperationType,
case when O.OperationType = 'receipt' then 'Cash' else '...' end [Description],
case when O.OperationType = 'receipt' then 0 else O.amount end [Debit],
case when O.OperationType = 'order' then 0 else O.amount end [Credit],
from @customers as C join (
select *, 'order' as OperationType from @orders
union all
select *, 'receipt' from @receipt) as O
on C.id_customer = O.customer_id
where O.customer_id = 2
) as a