
时间:2017-11-22 10:24:54

标签: mysql sql sqlite

我获得了一个查询语句,该语句找到比较多列的第二低值,并将结果返回到名为' 2nd_lowest'的另一列中。该查询适用于MYSQL。我想在sqlite数据库中得到相同的结果,但sqlite不支持该查询。如何将mysql查询转换为sqlite查询...查询如下:

with num(x) as(
new as(
 select name, case x when 1 then score1  when 2 then score2  when 3 then score3
                     when 4 then score4  else score5 end val
   from test, num
  where val!=min(score1,score2,score3,score4,score5)
update test set "2nd_lowest"=
   (select min(val) from new where new.name=test.name)


update test set 2nd_lowest=(select min(val) from "
             + "( select case x when 1 then score1 when 2 then score2 when 3 then score3 when 4 then score4 else score5 end val from test T, "
             + "(select 1 as x union all values (2),(3),(4),(5))X where val!=min(score1,score2,score3,score4,score5)" +
               " and T.name=test.name ))

,异常错误是 -

java.sql.SQLException:near"values":syntax error


update test set 2nd_lowest=(select min(val) from "
                 + "( select case x when 1 then score1 when 2 then score2 when 3 then score3 when 4 then score4 else score5 end val from test T, "
                 + "(select 1 as x union all select (2),(3),(4),(5))X where val!=min(score1,score2,score3,score4,score5)" +
                   " and T.name=test.name ))<br/>


Java.sql.SQLException: SELECTs to the left and right of UNION ALL do not have the same number of result columns <br/>


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