我永远无法让循环和布局都能正常工作。 我的数据看起来像这样
2 1 -93.50882606 -93.51697017 -93.51086209
2 2 -93.51324833 -93.51714636 -93.51422284
2 3 -93.52672325 -93.53627468 -93.52911111
2 4 -93.51306982 -93.52395431 -93.51579094
2 5 -93.50908482 -93.51902598 -93.51157011
2 6 -93.50825891 -93.51587124 -93.51016199
2 7 -93.50822884 -93.51691667 -93.51040080
3 1 -93.50792762 -93.51624138 -93.51000606
3 2 -93.51196983 -93.51499451 -93.51272600
3 3 -93.50793572 -93.51664664 -93.51011345
3 4 -93.50768256 -93.51618396 -93.50980791
3 5 -93.50771675 -93.51656535 -93.50992890
4 1 -93.50762338 -93.51564665 -93.50962919
4 2 -93.53234566 -93.54136850 -93.53460137
答案 0 :(得分:1)
set terminal pngcairo enhanced
set output 'fig.png'
set xtics out nomirror
set ytics out nomirror
set ytics format '%.3f'
set xr [1:7]
set key bottom right
#find the number of unique (consecutive) values from the first column
N = system("gawk '{print $1}' input.dat | uniq | wc -l")
#adjust multiplot setup
set multiplot layout N, 1
do for [i=1:N] {
#find the corresponding group identifier
idx = system(sprintf("gawk '{print $1}' input.dat | uniq | head -n%d | tail -n1", i))
set title sprintf("group %s", idx)
plotCmd=sprintf("<gawk 'BEGIN{p=v=0;} {if(!p||$1!=v){v=$1;p+=1} if(p==%d){print p,$2,$3,$4,$5} if(p>%d){exit;}}' input.dat", i, i)
plot \
plotCmd u 2:3 w l lc rgb 'black' t 'column 3', \
'' u 2:4 w l lc rgb 'dark-red' t 'column 4', \
'' u 2:5 w l lc rgb 'royalblue' t 'column 5'