
时间:2017-11-21 15:41:39

标签: haskell monads lazy-evaluation bubble-sort traversable

我正在尝试使用Tardis monad在任何可遍历的容器上实现冒泡排序。

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

module Main where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad.Tardis
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Tuple
import Debug.Trace

newtype Finished = Finished { isFinished :: Bool }

instance Monoid Finished where
  mempty = Finished False
  mappend (Finished a) (Finished b) = Finished (a || b)

-- | A single iteration of bubble sort over a list.
-- If the list is unmodified, return 'Finished' 'True', else 'False'
bubble :: Ord a => [a] -> (Finished, [a])
bubble (x:y:xs)
  | x <= y = bimap id                       (x:) (bubble (y:xs))
  | x  > y = bimap (const $ Finished False) (y:) (bubble (x:xs))
bubble as = (Finished True, as)

-- | A single iteration of bubble sort over a 'Traversable'.
-- If the list is unmodified, return 'Finished' 'True', else 'Finished' 'False'
bubbleTraversable :: (Traversable t, Ord a, NFData a, Show a) => t a -> (Finished, t a)
bubbleTraversable t = extract $ flip runTardis (initFuture, initPast) $ forM t $ \here -> do
  sendPast (Just here)
  (mp, finished) <- getPast
  -- For the first element use the first element,
  -- else the biggest of the preceding.
  let this = case mp of { Nothing -> here; Just a -> a }
  mf <- force <$> getFuture -- Tardis uses lazy pattern matching,
                            -- so force has no effect here, I guess.
  traceM "1"
  traceShowM mf -- Here the program enters an infinite loop.
  traceM "2"
  case mf of
    Nothing -> do
      -- If this is the last element, there is nothing to do.
      return this
    Just next -> do
      if this <= next
        -- Store the smaller element here
        -- and give the bigger into the future.
        then do
          sendFuture (Just next, finished)
          return this
        else do
          sendFuture (Just this, Finished False)
          return next
    extract :: (Traversable t) => (t a, (Maybe a, (Maybe a, Finished))) -> (Finished, t a)
    extract = swap . (snd . snd <$>)

    initPast = (Nothing, Finished True)
    initFuture = Nothing

-- | Sort a list using bubble sort.
sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
sort = snd . head . dropWhile (not . isFinished . fst) . iterate (bubble =<<) . (Finished False,)

-- | Sort a 'Traversable' using bubble sort.
sortTraversable :: (Traversable t, Ord a, NFData a, Show a) => t a -> t a
sortTraversable = snd . head . dropWhile (not . isFinished . fst) . iterate (bubbleTraversable =<<) . (Finished False,)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print $ sort ([1,4,2,5,2,5,7,3,2] :: [Int]) -- works like a charm
  print $ sortTraversable ([1,4,2,5,2,5,7,3,2] :: [Int]) -- breaks



问题可能是forM尝试在monadic链接发生之​​前连续评估元素(特别是因为列表的forMflip traverse)。有没有办法拯救这种实施?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

首先,风格方面,Finished = Data.Monoid.Any(但是Monoid只使用(bubble =<<)位,bubble . snd也可能Bool,所以我只是放弃了适用于head . dropWhile (not . isFinished . fst) = fromJust . find (isFinished . fst)),case x of { Nothing -> default; Just t = f t } = maybe default f xmaybe default id = fromMaybe defaultforce

其次,您假设Tardisforce中不执行任何操作是错误的。 Thunks不会“记住”它们是在惰性模式匹配中创建的。 case mf of ...本身什么都不做,但是当它产生的thunk被评估时,它会导致它被赋予的thunk被评估为NF,没有例外。在您的情况下,mf会将mf评估为普通表单(而不仅仅是WHNF),因为force中包含Tardis。不过,我不认为这会造成任何问题。

真正的问题是,你根据未来的价值“决定做什么”。这意味着您匹配未来的值,然后您正在使用该未来值来生成(>>=)计算,该计算将runTardis (do { x <- getFuture; x `seq` return () }) ((),()) = _|_'d输入到生成该值的那个计算中。这是禁忌。如果它更清楚:runTardis (do { x <- getFuture; return $ x `seq` () }) ((),()) = ((),((),()))Tardis。您可以使用未来值来创建纯值,但不能使用它来决定您将运行的case mf of { Nothing -> do ...; Just x -> do ... }。在您的代码中,这是您尝试traceShowM


这也意味着IO本身就会导致问题,因为traceShowM中的某些内容会对其进行深入评估(unsafePerformIO . (return () <$) . print约为mf)。需要在unsafePerformIO正在执行时对mf进行评估,但Tardis依赖于评估traceShowM之后的traceShowM操作,但print强制Tardis在允许显示下一个return ()操作(<<loop>>)之前完成。 {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} module Main where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Tardis import Data.Bifunctor import Data.Tuple import Data.List hiding (sort) import Data.Maybe -- | A single iteration of bubble sort over a list. -- If the list is unmodified, return 'True', else 'False' bubble :: Ord a => [a] -> (Bool, [a]) bubble (x:y:xs) | x <= y = bimap id (x:) (bubble (y:xs)) | x > y = bimap (const False) (y:) (bubble (x:xs)) bubble as = (True, as) -- | A single iteration of bubble sort over a 'Traversable'. -- If the list is unmodified, return 'True', else 'False' bubbleTraversable :: (Traversable t, Ord a) => t a -> (Bool, t a) bubbleTraversable t = extract $ flip runTardis init $ forM t $ \here -> do -- Give the current element to the past so it will have sent us biggest element -- so far seen. sendPast (Just here) (mp, finished) <- getPast let this = fromMaybe here mp -- Given this element in the present and that element from the future, -- swap them if needed. -- force is fine here mf <- getFuture let (this', that', finished') = fromMaybe (this, mf, finished) $ do that <- mf guard $ that < this return (that, Just this, False) -- Send the bigger element back to the future -- Can't use mf to decide whether or not you sendFuture, but you can use it -- to decide WHAT you sendFuture. sendFuture (that', finished') -- Replace the element at this location with the one that belongs here return this' where -- No need to be clever extract (a, (_, (_, b))) = (b, a) init = (Nothing, (Nothing, True)) -- | Sort a list using bubble sort. sort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] sort = snd . fromJust . find fst . iterate (bubble . snd) . (False,) -- | Sort a 'Traversable' using bubble sort. sortTraversable :: (Traversable t, Ord a) => t a -> t a sortTraversable = snd . fromJust . find fst . iterate (bubbleTraversable . snd) . (False,) main :: IO () main = do print $ sort ([1,4,2,5,2,5,7,3,2] :: [Int]) -- works like a charm print $ sortTraversable ([1,4,2,5,2,5,7,3,2] :: [Int]) -- works like a polymorphic charm -- Demonstration that force does work in Tardis checkForce = fst $ sortTraversable [(1, ""), (2, undefined)] !! 1 -- checkForce = 2 if there is no force -- checkForce = _|_ if there is a force



如果你仍想mf mf <- traceShowId <$> getFuture,你可以Tardis,但是你可能没有明确定义消息(不要指望时间有意义一个{{1}}!),虽然在这种情况下它似乎只是向后打印列表的尾部。