我写的代码应该写dump。它在简单的测试应用程序上创建有效的转储文件(我测试它们是否有效),但实际应用程序生成的转储不是由Visual Studio和WinDbg加载的(即使是通过调试构建)。
Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.17030.1002 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Dmitrii\temp\MidiDump.dmp]
Minidump does not have system info
Could not open dump file [C:\Users\Dmitrii\temp\MidiDump.dmp], HRESULT 0x80004005
"Unspecified error"
The debugging session could not be started: FAILURE HR=0x80004005: Failed to open dump file: C:\Users\Dmitrii\temp\MidiDump.dmp
Couldn't parse command line parameters: FAILURE HR=0x80004005: Failed to open dump file: C:\Users\Dmitrii\temp\MidiDump.dmp